Suggestions from ZIP review: notation, typographical edits, and update Daira-Emma's name.

Co-authored-by: Daira-Emma Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Vivek Arte 2023-10-18 22:05:01 +05:30 committed by Daira-Emma Hopwood
parent 7aff601838
commit eed714f30e
4 changed files with 22 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Use ``make`` to check that you are using correct
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See `here <protocol/README.rst>`__ for the project dependencies.

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@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ These terms are formally defined in ZIP 227 [#zip-0227]_.
The Asset Identifier (via means of the Asset Digest and Asset Base) will be used to enforce that the balance of an Action Description [#protocol-actions]_ is preserved across Assets (see the Orchard Binding Signature [#protocol-binding]_), and by extension the balance of an Orchard transaction. That is, the sum of all the :math:`\mathsf{value^{net}}` from each Action Description, computed as :math:`\mathsf{value^{old}-value^{new}}`, must be balanced **only with respect to the same Asset Identifier**. This is especially important since we will allow different Action Descriptions to transfer notes of different Asset Identifiers, where the overall balance is checked without revealing which (or how many distinct) Assets are being transferred.
As was initially proposed by Jack Grigg and Daira Hopwood [#initial-zsa-issue]_ [#generalized-value-commitments]_, we propose to make this happen by changing the value base point, :math:`\mathcal{V}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}`, in the Homomorphic Pedersen Commitment that derives the value commitment, :math:`\mathsf{cv^{net}}`, of the *net value* in an Orchard Action.
As was initially proposed by Jack Grigg and Daira-Emma Hopwood [#initial-zsa-issue]_ [#generalized-value-commitments]_, we propose to make this happen by changing the value base point, :math:`\mathcal{V}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}`, in the Homomorphic Pedersen Commitment that derives the value commitment, :math:`\mathsf{cv^{net}}`, of the *net value* in an Orchard Action.
Because in a single transaction all value commitments are balanced, there must be as many different value base points as there are Asset Identifiers for a given shielded protocol used in a transaction. We propose to make the Asset Base an auxiliary input to the proof for each Action statement [#protocol-actionstatement]_, represented already as a point on the Pallas curve. The circuit then should check that the same Asset Base is used in the old note commitment and the new note commitment [#protocol-concretesinsemillacommit]_, **and** as the base point in the value commitment [#protocol-concretevaluecommit]_. This ensures (1) that the input and output notes are of the same Asset Base, and (2) that only Actions with the same Asset Base will balance out in the Orchard binding signature.
In order to ensure the security of the transfers, and as we will explain below, we are redefining input dummy notes [#protocol-dummynotes]_ for Custom Assets, as we need to enforce that the :math:`\mathsf{AssetBase}` of the output note of that Split Action is the output of a valid :math:`\mathsf{ZSAValueBase}` computation defined in ZIP 227 [#zip-0227]_.
We include the ability to pause the ZSA functionality, via a :math:`\mathsf{enableZSA}` boolean flag. When this flag is set to false, it is not possible to perform transactions involving Custom Assets (the circuit will fail).
We include the ability to pause the ZSA functionality, via a :math:`\mathsf{enableZSA}` boolean flag. When this flag is set to false, it is not possible to perform transactions involving Custom Assets (the Action statement as modified for ZSAs will not be satisfied).
Finally, in this ZIP we also describe the *burn* mechanism, which is a direct extension of the transfer mechanism. The burn process uses a similar mechanism to what is used in Orchard to unshield ZEC, by using the :math:`\mathsf{valueBalance}` of the Asset in question. Burning Assets is useful for many purposes, including bridging of Wrapped Assets and removing supply of Assets.
@ -85,26 +85,26 @@ Note Structure & Commitment
Let :math:`\mathsf{Note^{OrchardZSA}}` be the type of a ZSA note, i.e.
:math:`\mathsf{Note^{OrchardZSA}} := \mathsf{Note^{Orchard}} \times \mathbb{P}*`.
:math:`\mathsf{Note^{OrchardZSA}} := \mathsf{Note^{Orchard}} \times \mathbb{P}^*`.
An Orchard ZSA note differs from an Orchard note [#protocol-notes]_ by additionally including the Asset Base, :math:`\mathsf{AssetBase}`. So a ZSA note is a tuple :math:`(\mathsf{g_d, pk_d, v, \rho, \psi, \mathsf{AssetBase}})`,
- :math:`\mathsf{AssetBase} : \mathbb{P}*` is the unique element of the Pallas group [#protocol-pallasandvesta]_ that identifies each Asset in the Orchard protocol, defined as the Asset Base in ZIP 227 [#zip-0227]_, a valid non-bottom group element that is not the identity. The byte representation of the Asset Base is defined as :math:`\mathsf{asset\_base} : \mathbb{B}^{[\ell_{\mathbb{P}}]} := \mathsf{repr}_{\mathbb{P}}(\mathsf{AssetBase})`.
- :math:`\mathsf{AssetBase} : \mathbb{P}^*` is the unique element of the Pallas group [#protocol-pallasandvesta]_ that identifies each Asset in the Orchard protocol, defined as the Asset Base in ZIP 227 [#zip-0227]_, a valid group element that is not the identity and is not :math:`\bot`. The byte representation of the Asset Base is defined as :math:`\mathsf{asset\_base} : \mathbb{B}^{[\ell_{\mathbb{P}}]} := \mathsf{repr}_{\mathbb{P}}(\mathsf{AssetBase})`.
Note that the above assumes a canonical encoding, which is true for the Pallas group, but may not hold for future shielded protocols.
We define the note commitment scheme :math:`\mathsf{NoteCommit^{OrchardZSA}_{rcm}}` as follows:
.. math:: \mathsf{NoteCommit}^{\mathsf{OrchardZSA}} : \mathsf{NoteCommit}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}.\mathsf{Trapdoor} \times \mathbb{B}^{[\ell_{\mathbb{P}}]} \times \mathbb{B}^{[\ell_{\mathbb{P}}]} \times \{0 .. 2^{\ell_{\mathsf{value}}} - 1\} \times \mathbb{F}_{q_{\mathbb{P}}} \times \mathbb{F}_{q_{\mathbb{P}}} \times \mathbb{P}* \to \mathsf{NoteCommit}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}.\mathsf{Output}
.. math:: \mathsf{NoteCommit}^{\mathsf{OrchardZSA}} : \mathsf{NoteCommit}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}.\mathsf{Trapdoor} \times \mathbb{B}^{[\ell_{\mathbb{P}}]} \times \mathbb{B}^{[\ell_{\mathbb{P}}]} \times \{0 .. 2^{\ell_{\mathsf{value}}} - 1\} \times \mathbb{F}_{q_{\mathbb{P}}} \times \mathbb{F}_{q_{\mathbb{P}}} \times \mathbb{P}^* \to \mathsf{NoteCommit}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}.\mathsf{Output}
where :math:`\mathbb{P}, \ell_{\mathbb{P}}, q_{\mathbb{P}}` are as defined for the Pallas curve [#protocol-pallasandvesta]_, and :math:`\mathsf{NoteCommit}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}.\mathsf{Trapdoor}, \mathsf{Orchard}.\mathsf{Output}` are as defined in the Zcash protocol specification [#protocol-abstractcommit]_.
where :math:`\mathbb{P}, \ell_{\mathbb{P}}, q_{\mathbb{P}}` are as defined for the Pallas curve [#protocol-pallasandvesta]_, and where :math:`\mathsf{NoteCommit}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}.\mathsf{Trapdoor}` and :math:`\mathsf{Orchard}.\mathsf{Output}` are as defined in the Zcash protocol specification [#protocol-abstractcommit]_.
This note commitment scheme is instantiated using the Sinsemilla Commitment [#protocol-concretesinsemillacommit]_ as follows:
.. math:: \begin{align}
\mathsf{NoteCommit^{OrchardZSA}_{rcm}(g_{d}*, pk_{d}*, v, \rho, \psi, \mathsf{AssetBase})}
\mathsf{NoteCommit^{Orchard}_{rcm}(g_{d}*, pk_{d}*, v, \rho, \psi)}, &\text{if } \mathsf{AssetBase} = \mathcal{V}^{\mathsf{Orchard}} \\
\mathsf{NoteCommit^{Orchard}_{rcm}(g_{d}\star, pk_{d}\star, v, \rho, \psi)}, &\text{if } \mathsf{AssetBase} = \mathcal{V}^{\mathsf{Orchard}} \\
\mathsf{cm}_{\mathsf{ZSA}} &\text{otherwise}
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ where:
.. math:: \begin{align}
\mathsf{cm}_{\mathsf{ZSA}} :=&\ \mathsf{SinsemillaHashToPoint}( \texttt{""}, \\
&\ \ \ \mathsf{g_{d}*}\; \| \; \mathsf{pk_{d}*}\; \| \; \mathsf{I2LEBSP_{64}(v)}\; \| \; \mathsf{I2LEBSP}_{\ell^{\mathsf{Orchard}}_{\mathsf{base}}}(\rho)\; \| \; \mathsf{I2LEBSP}_{\ell^{\mathsf{Orchard}}_{\mathsf{base}}}(\psi)\; \| \; \mathsf{asset\_base}) \\
&\ \ \ \mathsf{g_{d}*} \,||\, \mathsf{pk_{d}*} \,||\, \mathsf{I2LEBSP_{64}(v)} \,||\, \mathsf{I2LEBSP}_{\ell^{\mathsf{Orchard}}_{\mathsf{base}}}(\rho) \,||\, \mathsf{I2LEBSP}_{\ell^{\mathsf{Orchard}}_{\mathsf{base}}}(\psi) \,||\, \mathsf{asset\_base}) \\
&\ + [\mathsf{rcm}] \mathsf{GroupHash}^{\mathbb{P}}(\texttt{""},\texttt{""})
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ Burn Mechanism
The burn mechanism is a transparent extension to the transfer protocol that enables a specific amount of any Asset Identifier to be "destroyed". The burn mechanism does NOT send Assets to a non-spendable address, it simply reduces the total number of units of a given Custom Asset in circulation at the consensus level. It is enforced at the consensus level, by using an extension of the value balance mechanism used for ZEC Assets.
Burning makes it globally provable that a given amount of an Asset has been destroyed.
The sender includes a :math:`\mathsf{v_{AssetId}}` variable for every Asset Identifier that is being burnt, which represents the amount of that Asset being burnt. As described in the `Orchard-ZSA Transaction Structure`_, this is separate from the regular :math:`\mathsf{valueBalance^Orchard}` that is the default transparent value for the ZEC Asset, and represents either the transaction fee, or the amount of ZEC changing pools (eg: to Sapling or Transparent).
The sender includes a :math:`\mathsf{v_{AssetId}}` variable for every Asset Identifier that is being burnt, which represents the amount of that Asset being burnt. As described in the `Orchard-ZSA Transaction Structure`_, this is separate from the regular :math:`\mathsf{valueBalance^Orchard}` that is the default transparent value for the ZEC Asset, and represents either the transaction fee, or the amount of ZEC changing pools (e.g. to Sapling or Transparent).
For every Custom Asset that is burnt, we add to the :math:`\mathsf{assetBurn}` vector the tuple :math:`(\mathsf{AssetBase}_{\mathsf{AssetId}},\mathsf{v_{AssetId}})` such that the validator of the transaction can compute the value commitment with the corresponding value base point of that Asset. This ensures that the values are all balanced out with respect to the Asset Identifiers in the transfer.
For every Custom Asset that is burnt, we add to the :math:`\mathsf{assetBurn}` set the tuple :math:`(\mathsf{AssetBase}_{\mathsf{AssetId}},\mathsf{v_{AssetId}})` such that the validator of the transaction can compute the value commitment with the corresponding value base point of that Asset. This ensures that the values are all balanced out with respect to the Asset Identifiers in the transfer.
.. math:: \mathsf{assetBurn} = \{ (\mathsf{AssetBase}_{\mathsf{AssetId}},\mathsf{v_{AssetId}})\ |\ \forall\ \mathsf{AssetBase}_{\mathsf{AssetId}}\ \textit{s.t.}\ \mathsf{v_{AssetId}} \neq 0 \}
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Wallets and other clients have to choose from the following to ensure the Asset
2. The Split Input note could be a different unspent note containing the same Asset Base (note that the note will not actually be spent).
3. The Split Input note could be an already spent note containing the same Asset Base (note that by zeroing the value in the circuit, we prevent double spending).
For Split Notes, the nullifier is generated as follows
For Split Notes, the nullifier is generated as follows:
.. math:: \mathsf{nf_{old}} = \mathsf{Extract}_{\mathbb{P}} ([(\mathsf{PRF^{nfOrchard}_{nk}} (\rho^{\mathsf{old}}) + \psi') \bmod q_{\mathbb{P}}] \mathcal{K}^\mathsf{Orchard} + \mathsf{cm^{old}} + \mathcal{L}^\mathsf{Orchard})

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ We define the following additional terms:
This ZIP (ZIP 227) proposes the Zcash Shielded Assets (ZSA) protocol, in conjunction with ZIP 226 [#zip-0226]_. This protocol is an extension of the Orchard protocol that enables the creation, transfer and burn of Custom Assets on the Zcash chain. The creation of such Assets is defined in this ZIP (ZIP 227), while the transfer and burn of such Assets is defined in ZIP 226 [#zip-0226]_. This ZIP must only be implemented in conjuction with ZIP 226 [#zip-0226]_. The proposed issuance mechanism is only valid for the Orchard-ZSA transfer protocol, because it produces notes that can only be transferred under ZSA.
This ZIP (ZIP 227) proposes the Zcash Shielded Assets (ZSA) protocol, in conjunction with ZIP 226 [#zip-0226]_. This protocol is an extension of the Orchard protocol that enables the creation, transfer and burn of Custom Assets on the Zcash chain. The creation of such Assets is defined in this ZIP (ZIP 227), while the transfer and burn of such Assets is defined in ZIP 226 [#zip-0226]_. This ZIP must only be implemented in conjunction with ZIP 226 [#zip-0226]_. The proposed issuance mechanism is only valid for the Orchard-ZSA transfer protocol, because it produces notes that can only be transferred under ZSA.
@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ Specification: Issuance Keys and Issuance Authorization Signature Scheme
The Orchard-ZSA Protocol adds the following keys to the key components [#protocol-addressesandkeys]_:
1. The issuance master key, denoted as :math:`\mathsf{imk}`, is the key that is used to authorize the issuance of a specific Asset Identifier, and is only used by the issuer.
1. The issuance master key, denoted as :math:`\mathsf{imk}`, is the key used to authorize the issuance of Asset Identifiers by a given issuer, and is only used by that issuer.
2. The issuance validating key, denoted as :math:`\mathsf{ik}`, is the key that is used to validate the issuance transaction. This key is used to validate the issuance of a specific Asset Identifier, and is used by all blockchain users (specifically the Asset owners and consensus validators) to associate the Asset in question with the issuer.
2. The issuance validating key, denoted as :math:`\mathsf{ik}`, is the key that is used to validate issuance transactions. This key is used to validate the issuance of Asset Identifiers by a given issuer, and is used by all blockchain users (specifically the owners of notes for that Asset, and consensus validators) to associate the Asset in question with the issuer.
The relations between these keys are shown in the following diagram:
@ -100,8 +100,11 @@ The relations between these keys are shown in the following diagram:
Issuance Authorization Signature Scheme
We instantiate the issuance authorization signature scheme :math:`\mathsf{IssueAuthSig}` as a Schnorr signature over the :math:`\mathtt{secp256k1}` curve, as described in BIP-340 [#bip-0340]_.
We define the constants as per the :math:`\mathtt{secp256k1}` standard parameters, as described in BIP 340.
We instantiate the issuance authorization signature scheme :math:`\mathsf{IssueAuthSig}` as a BIP-340 Schnorr signature over the secp256k1 curve. The signing and validation algorithms, signature encoding, and public key encoding MUST follow BIP 340 [#bip-0340]_.
Batch verification MAY be used. Precomputation MAY be used if and only if it produces equivalent results; for example, for a given verification key :math:`pk`, :math:`\mathit{lift\_x}(\mathit{int}(pk))` MAY be precomputed.
We define the constants as per the secp256k1 standard parameters, as described in BIP 340.
The associated types of the :math:`\mathsf{IssueAuthSig}` signature scheme are as follows:
@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ The associated types of the :math:`\mathsf{IssueAuthSig}` signature scheme are a
where :math:`\mathbb{B}^{\mathbb{Y}^{[k]}}` denotes the set of sequences of :math:`k` bytes, and :math:`\mathbb{B}^{\mathbb{Y}^{[\mathbb{N}]}}` denotes the type of byte sequences of arbitrary length, as defined in the Zcash protocol specification [#protocol-notation]_.
The signing key generation algorithm and the validating key derivation algorithm are defined in the `Issuance Key Derivation`_ section, while the signing and validation algorithms are defined in the `Issuance Authorization Signing and Validation`_ section.
The issuance authorizing key generation algorithm and the issuance validating key derivation algorithm are defined in the `Issuance Key Derivation`_ section, while the corresponding signing and validation algorithms are defined in the `Issuance Authorization Signing and Validation`_ section.
Issuance Key Derivation

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
ZIP: 230
Title: Version 6 Transaction Format
Owners: Daira Emma Hopwood <>
Owners: Daira-Emma Hopwood <>
Jack Grigg <>
Sean Bowe <>
Kris Nuttycombe <>