minutes (thanks peter for saving notes)

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Miller 2017-06-26 10:06:00 -05:00
parent 1b745bb407
commit b95500b383
4 changed files with 116 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Initial Board Meeting
Feb 3, 2017
2:05-3:02 pm EST
In attendance: Andrew, Peter, Matt, Naval, Rainey
2. Incorporation
- Board agreed to approve bylaws.
- Try to be a charitable nonprofit?
Board a strategy to go for 501c3 and revert to 501c6 if that fails.
- Officers
Secretary: Peter
President / Treasurer: Andrew
- Andrew plans to schedule a weekly office-hours hangout.
Peter plans to attend frequently; digest in email if board-important issues discussed
- Reminder to Please send conflict of interest forms
3. Funding report, plans for how to handle it:
- Board agreed to a broad strategy of folding funds primarily in Zcash (were less relevant if Zcash value crashes)
Some in dollars for bare minimum of near/medium term expenses.
- Operational: possibly a multi-sig scheme where 5 of directors should hold key shards, policy to be determined. 3 of 5 to sign?
- We begin with donation pledges of portions of the Founder's Reward, the largest of which comes from Least Authority
- Board agreed to prefer a 1-time permanent transfer of rights rather than month-to-month
4. Priorities, ideas.
- Community development, diversity
- Communication platforms to hear stakeholders and actively encourage their participation. e.g. Miners, mining pools
- Development funds, bug bounties, fellowships
5. Future of governance process.
Start with no governance framework, but develop one. Goal is to eventually over to the “community”, via the “governance process”, in 9 months.
By polling current users. We should also represent people who are not part of the community yet.

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Zcash Foundation Board Meeting
April 5, 2017
Started 9:12-9:55 PM (Athens time)
In attendance: Peter, Andrew, Naval
1. Need a new 5th Board Member
- Board discussed potential candidates but did not reach a decision
2. Application for non profit status and activities statement
- Peter wrote an initial draft of activities statement
- We discussed a conversation with our lawyers at Bryan Cave on managing Conflict of Interest involving our involvement in Zcash, and what this means for our viability as a 501(c)(3).
2. Budget update
- Andrew received the first dibursement of pledged donations from Zcash Co, consisting of a portion of the Founders Reward that has already sold and earmarked for the foundation (estimated ~$90k).
- We discussed the need for a management team, such as an Executive Director or half-time administrative staff.
3. Test transaction awards.
- Andrew proposed making a “test transaction” awards, a one-time only, community award, to (partially) subsidize volunteers who have invested a lot in zcash infrastructure. In particular, I would like to propose that we make the following three, one-time only “Test Transaction” awards, worth $2,000 each, to mineZcash, lustro, and radix42.
- The board approved the test transaction award proposal

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
The board unanimously approved (over email) to invite Yan Zhu as fifth board member

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Zcash Foundation Board Meeting
June 9, 2017
Started 11:00 AM EDT
In attendance: Andrew, Peter, Yan, Naval, Matt
1. We welcome Yan as fifth board member
- General discussion welcoming Yan and reviewing scope of organization
- Financial Privacy broadly vs Zcash network specifically
- Each member shared what they are excited about regarding the plans for what the foundation should do
- Andrew: grants to good samaritans in the community
- Peter: working groups (like W3C) to create more organic development of the tech that outlasts the Zcash company
- Matt: Encouraging research on new uses for the protocol beyond cash, privacy and zk proofs in other realms and applications
- Yan: agrees with Matt, very excited about all the ways the tech can be used
- Naval: make sure foundation is run as sensible enterprise (with good cash management).
- Yan asks what the impetus for the foundations creation was
- Andrew: much of it to be a recipient of the funds that are to be pledged from the mining reward for open development/non-profit
- Andrew discusses our status as bootstrap board and the ultimate movement, potentially toward a permanent board.
2. Discuss pending 1023 application, yet again
- We reviewed a further revision of our activities and purpose statement
- We reviewed a discussion with our lawyer on whether Zcash Co is a "parent company," and concluded "No", as we do not have a leadership role or controlling interest within the Zcash company.
- The board approved to file our non-profit application
3. Budget
- The board approved to reserve 300 ZEC (approximately $80,000) for the grant program
- We reviewed a job description written by Peter and Andrew for a Senior Project Manager and/or a Communications Manager. The board approved publishing the job description
- The board approved to reserve a budget for a 2-year salary for project manager, $83,200
- The board approved for treasurer (Andrew) to determine a way to exchange ZEC into dollars for this purpose, having money in $ safe to pay employee(s)
4. Working groups
- The board approved a draft of policies for a "Working Groups" model for coordinating volunteers.
- The board approved to authorize the President (Andrew) to approve a working group without needing a board decision.