zApps Working Group ========================== - *Coordinator:* Josh Cincinnati (interim coordinator) - *Forums:* This working group will initially begin as a scheduled Hangout among participants, but will eventually include a chat room on and IRL meetings/presentations as well. - *Statement of Purpose:* Pursuant to [issue 28]( and [issue 35](, there are many projects—blockchain related and beyond—that are potentially integrating zeroknowledge proofs and processes. To paraphrase [@nathan-at-least](, this is a newly emerging technical field without well-established techniques, and it stands to reason that a working group could help standardize efforts, hasten development, and improve security across implementations. - *Mailing List:* [zapps-wg]( Next Steps: - Assemble list of potential participants and directly reach out. The current outreach list includes: - Filecoin - Ethereum - Chronicled - QED-it - Tezos - Quorum - Zcash Company - Libsnark - Schedule Hangout, including a small presentation by the Zcash Company to describe their latest work and to collect feedback from other participants - Initiate other channels for discussion ( and highlight opportunities for mutual development. - IRL presentation by working group at a large venue (Devcon/meetup?) Long Term Goal: In addition to fostering cooperation between many supporters and researchers behind zeroknowledge systems, the group would publish reports on their findings...and eventually offer services to other developers/researchers who want to build their own zeroknowledge applications (hence the *zApp* moniker).