Zcash Foundation Board Meeting ============================== February 2, 2018, Started 16:30 (GMT) Board Members In Attendance: Peter, Andrew, Yan, Matt Foundation Employees In Attendance: Josh, Antonie Minutes ------- 1. Zcon0 - Antonie presented Zcon0 budget - General agreement on "no lambo party" policy - Total proposed cost of Zcon0: $357,500 - Proposed cost OK from Andrew, Yan, and Matt 2. Grants, 2017Q4 and what's next - Josh to set up general mailing list, encourage grantees to share their results there - Been a month a half since 2017Q4 grants awarded, general impression was positive - Zcash4Windows issues...failure of process from unreviewed code (port) - Proposal from Matt: the Foundation can solve the security auditing problem - Should we launch our own dev team? - Hire outside security auditing? - Yan notes that 90% of the work is in actually fixing the issues, not finding them - Maybe hire a team to provide technical oversight for work done by others/contractors? - Some of the $250k for this years' grants budgeted could also be used to hire people for oversight - Next grant programs (2018Q2, 2018Q4) - Add more reporting requirements (rather than just six months after the project is done) - Approve now for the sake of making an announcement - $125k in favor from Andrew, Yan, will reduce grant amounts to $125k 3. Governance, public support - Andrew is taking non-profit law very very seriously :) - We have a long runway on proving public support test, decided to table topic for now 4. 2018 Vision and Roadmap - Josh presented his [vision and roadmap doc for 2018](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/ZcashFoundation/blob/master/2018-VISION.md) - Eager to have opportunity to play a role in enabling community governance over a cryptocurrency - Yan: thoughts on drawing line between Company and Foundation? - Josh: wants Foundation to take on more responsibility but without being construed as active collaboration, has to be case-by-case - With Zcon0 there will be lots of collaboration, but long term there should be bright lines between the work we do and the work the Company does. - Weekly Foundation <> Company sync is by necessity, for now - Josh: Ideally 2-3 years to become more fully independent---especially with regard to protocol development **Josh and Antonie Recuse Themselves, Only Board Members** 1. Vote to approve Josh's document/plan to be Executive Director. Passes four in favor, one absent. 2. Andrew brings up question of how new board members are added to community. - Possibility of having a group of voters designated 100+ from community to then chose more board members. - Decision to add two more board members through vote some time in future, will be discussed on GitHub transparently: four present board members agree. 3. Frequency of board meetings discussed, everyone happy with current tempo. Adjourned at 17:31 GMT.