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# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from import monitoring_v3
from googleapiclient import discovery
from google.api import metric_pb2 as ga_metric
import time
import os
import google.api_core
import re
import random
import yaml
monitored_projects_list = os.environ.get("monitored_projects_list").split(",") # list of projects from which function will get quotas information
monitoring_project_id = os.environ.get("monitoring_project_id") # project where the metrics and dahsboards will be created
monitoring_project_link = f"projects/{monitoring_project_id}"
service ='compute', 'v1')
limit_vpc_peer = os.environ.get("LIMIT_VPC_PEER").split(",")
limit_l4 = os.environ.get("LIMIT_L4").split(",")
limit_l7 = os.environ.get("LIMIT_L7").split(",")
limit_instances = os.environ.get("LIMIT_INSTANCES").split(",")
limit_instances_ppg = os.environ.get("LIMIT_INSTANCES_PPG").split(",")
limit_subnets = os.environ.get("LIMIT_SUBNETS").split(",")
limit_l4_ppg = os.environ.get("LIMIT_L4_PPG").split(",")
limit_l7_ppg = os.environ.get("LIMIT_L7_PPG").split(",")
def main(event, context):
Cloud Function Entry point, called by the scheduler.
event: Not used for now (Pubsub trigger)
context: Not used for now (Pubsub trigger)
'Function executed successfully'
metrics_dict = create_metrics()
# Per Network metrics
# Existing GCP Monitoring metrics for L4 Forwarding Rules per Network
l4_forwarding_rules_usage = ""
l4_forwarding_rules_limit = ""
get_pgg_data(metrics_dict["metrics_per_peering_group"]["l4_forwarding_rules_per_peering_group"], l4_forwarding_rules_usage, l4_forwarding_rules_limit, limit_l4_ppg)
# Existing GCP Monitoring metrics for L7 Forwarding Rules per Network
l7_forwarding_rules_usage = ""
l7_forwarding_rules_limit = ""
get_pgg_data(metrics_dict["metrics_per_peering_group"]["l7_forwarding_rules_per_peering_group"], l7_forwarding_rules_usage, l7_forwarding_rules_limit, limit_l7_ppg)
# Existing GCP Monitoring metrics for Subnet Ranges per Network
subnet_ranges_usage = ""
subnet_ranges_limit = ""
get_pgg_data(metrics_dict["metrics_per_peering_group"]["subnet_ranges_per_peering_group"], subnet_ranges_usage, subnet_ranges_limit, limit_subnets)
# Existing GCP Monitoring metrics for GCE per Network
gce_instances_usage = ""
gce_instances_limit = ""
get_pgg_data(metrics_dict["metrics_per_peering_group"]["instance_per_peering_group"], gce_instances_usage, gce_instances_limit, limit_instances_ppg)
return 'Function executed successfully'
def create_client():
Creates the monitoring API client, that will be used to create, read and update custom metrics.
client (monitoring_v3.MetricServiceClient): Monitoring API client
interval (monitoring_v3.TimeInterval): Interval for the metric data points (24 hours)
client = monitoring_v3.MetricServiceClient()
now = time.time()
seconds = int(now)
nanos = int((now - seconds) * 10 ** 9)
interval = monitoring_v3.TimeInterval(
"end_time": {"seconds": seconds, "nanos": nanos},
"start_time": {"seconds": (seconds - 86400), "nanos": nanos},
return (client, interval)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Error occurred creating the client: {}".format(e))
def create_metrics():
with open("metrics.yaml", 'r') as stream:
metrics_dict = yaml.safe_load(stream)
for metric_list in metrics_dict.values():
for metric in metric_list.values():
for sub_metric in metric.values():
create_metric(sub_metric["name"], sub_metric["description"])
return metrics_dict
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
def create_metric(metric_name, description):
Creates a Cloud Monitoring metric based on the parameter given if the metric is not already existing
metric_name (string): Name of the metric to be created
description (string): Description of the metric to be created
client = monitoring_v3.MetricServiceClient()
metric_link = f"{metric_name}"
types = []
for desc in client.list_metric_descriptors(name=monitoring_project_link):
if metric_link not in types: # If the metric doesn't exist yet, then we create it
descriptor = ga_metric.MetricDescriptor()
descriptor.type = f"{metric_name}"
descriptor.metric_kind = ga_metric.MetricDescriptor.MetricKind.GAUGE
descriptor.value_type = ga_metric.MetricDescriptor.ValueType.DOUBLE
descriptor.description = description
descriptor = client.create_metric_descriptor(name=monitoring_project_link, metric_descriptor=descriptor)
print("Created {}.".format(
def get_gce_instances_data(metrics_dict):
Gets the data for GCE instances per VPC Network and writes it to the metric defined in instance_metric.
metrics_dict (dictionary of dictionary of string: string): metrics names and descriptions
# Existing GCP Monitoring metrics for GCE instances
metric_instances_usage = ""
metric_instances_limit = ""
for project in monitored_projects_list:
network_dict = get_networks(project)
current_quota_usage = get_quota_current_usage(f"projects/{project}", metric_instances_usage)
current_quota_limit = get_quota_current_limit(f"projects/{project}", metric_instances_limit)
current_quota_usage_view = customize_quota_view(current_quota_usage)
current_quota_limit_view = customize_quota_view(current_quota_limit)
for net in network_dict:
set_usage_limits(net, current_quota_usage_view, current_quota_limit_view, limit_instances)
write_data_to_metric(project, net['usage'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["instance_per_network"]["usage"]["name"], net['network name'])
write_data_to_metric(project, net['limit'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["instance_per_network"]["limit"]["name"], net['network name'])
write_data_to_metric(project, net['usage']/ net['limit'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["instance_per_network"]["utilization"]["name"], net['network name'])
print(f"Wrote number of instances to metric for projects/{project}")
def get_vpc_peering_data(metrics_dict):
Gets the data for VPC peerings (active or not) and writes it to the metric defined (vpc_peering_active_metric and vpc_peering_metric).
metrics_dict (dictionary of dictionary of string: string): metrics names and descriptions
for project in monitored_projects_list:
active_vpc_peerings, vpc_peerings = gather_vpc_peerings_data(project, limit_vpc_peer)
for peering in active_vpc_peerings:
write_data_to_metric(project, peering['active_peerings'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["vpc_peering_active_per_network"]["usage"]["name"], peering['network_name'])
write_data_to_metric(project, peering['network_limit'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["vpc_peering_active_per_network"]["limit"]["name"], peering['network_name'])
write_data_to_metric(project, peering['active_peerings'] / peering['network_limit'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["vpc_peering_active_per_network"]["utilization"]["name"], peering['network_name'])
print("Wrote number of active VPC peerings to custom metric for project:", project)
for peering in vpc_peerings:
write_data_to_metric(project, peering['peerings'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["vpc_peering_per_network"]["usage"]["name"], peering['network_name'])
write_data_to_metric(project, peering['network_limit'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["vpc_peering_per_network"]["limit"]["name"], peering['network_name'])
write_data_to_metric(project, peering['peerings'] / peering['network_limit'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["vpc_peering_per_network"]["utilization"]["name"], peering['network_name'])
print("Wrote number of VPC peerings to custom metric for project:", project)
def gather_vpc_peerings_data(project_id, limit_list):
Gets the data for all VPC peerings (active or not) in project_id and writes it to the metric defined in vpc_peering_active_metric and vpc_peering_metric.
project_id (string): We will take all VPCs in that project_id and look for all peerings to these VPCs.
limit_list (list of string): Used to get the limit per VPC or the default limit.
active_peerings_dict (dictionary of string: string): Contains project_id, network_name, network_limit for each active VPC peering.
peerings_dict (dictionary of string: string): Contains project_id, network_name, network_limit for each VPC peering.
active_peerings_dict = []
peerings_dict = []
request = service.networks().list(project=project_id)
response = request.execute()
if 'items' in response:
for network in response['items']:
if 'peerings' in network:
STATE = network['peerings'][0]['state']
active_peerings_count = len(network['peerings'])
active_peerings_count = 0
peerings_count = len(network['peerings'])
peerings_count = 0
active_peerings_count = 0
active_d = {'project_id': project_id,'network_name':network['name'],'active_peerings':active_peerings_count,'network_limit': get_limit(network['name'], limit_list)}
d = {'project_id': project_id,'network_name':network['name'],'peerings':peerings_count,'network_limit': get_limit(network['name'], limit_list)}
return active_peerings_dict, peerings_dict
def get_limit(network_name, limit_list):
Checks if this network has a specific limit for a metric, if so, returns that limit, if not, returns the default limit.
network_name (string): Name of the VPC network.
limit_list (list of string): Used to get the limit per VPC or the default limit.
limit (int): Limit for that VPC and that metric.
if network_name in limit_list:
return int(limit_list[limit_list.index(network_name) + 1])
if 'default_value' in limit_list:
return int(limit_list[limit_list.index('default_value') + 1])
return 0
def get_l4_forwarding_rules_data(metrics_dict):
Gets the data for L4 Internal Forwarding Rules per VPC Network and writes it to the metric defined in forwarding_rules_metric.
metrics_dict (dictionary of dictionary of string: string): metrics names and descriptions
# Existing GCP Monitoring metrics for L4 Forwarding Rules
l4_forwarding_rules_usage = ""
l4_forwarding_rules_limit = ""
for project in monitored_projects_list:
network_dict = get_networks(project)
current_quota_usage = get_quota_current_usage(f"projects/{project}", l4_forwarding_rules_usage)
current_quota_limit = get_quota_current_limit(f"projects/{project}", l4_forwarding_rules_limit)
current_quota_usage_view = customize_quota_view(current_quota_usage)
current_quota_limit_view = customize_quota_view(current_quota_limit)
for net in network_dict:
set_usage_limits(net, current_quota_usage_view, current_quota_limit_view, limit_l4)
write_data_to_metric(project, net['usage'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["l4_forwarding_rules_per_network"]["usage"]["name"], net['network name'])
write_data_to_metric(project, net['limit'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["l4_forwarding_rules_per_network"]["limit"]["name"], net['network name'])
write_data_to_metric(project, net['usage']/ net['limit'], metrics_dict["metrics_per_network"]["l4_forwarding_rules_per_network"]["utilization"]["name"], net['network name'])
print(f"Wrote number of L4 forwarding rules to metric for projects/{project}")
def get_pgg_data(metric_dict, usage_metric, limit_metric, limit_ppg):
This function gets the usage, limit and utilization per VPC peering group for a specific metric for all projects to be monitored.
metric_dict (dictionary of string: string): A dictionary with the metric names and description, that will be used later on to create the metrics in create_metric(metric_name, description)
usage_metric (string): Name of the existing GCP metric for usage per VPC network.
limit_metric (string): Name of the existing GCP metric for limit per VPC network.
limit_ppg (list of string): List containing the limit per peering group (either VPC specific or default limit).
for project in monitored_projects_list:
network_dict_list = gather_peering_data(project)
# Network dict list is a list of dictionary (one for each network)
# For each network, this dictionary contains:
# project_id, network_name, network_id, usage, limit, peerings (list of peered networks)
# peerings is a list of dictionary (one for each peered network) and contains:
# project_id, network_name, network_id
# For each network in this GCP project
for network_dict in network_dict_list:
current_quota_usage = get_quota_current_usage(f"projects/{project}", usage_metric)
current_quota_limit = get_quota_current_limit(f"projects/{project}", limit_metric)
current_quota_usage_view = customize_quota_view(current_quota_usage)
current_quota_limit_view = customize_quota_view(current_quota_limit)
usage, limit = get_usage_limit(network_dict, current_quota_usage_view, current_quota_limit_view, limit_ppg)
# Here we add usage and limit to the network dictionary
network_dict["usage"] = usage
network_dict["limit"] = limit
# For every peered network, get usage and limits
for peered_network in network_dict['peerings']:
peering_project_usage = customize_quota_view(get_quota_current_usage(f"projects/{peered_network['project_id']}", usage_metric))
peering_project_limit = customize_quota_view(get_quota_current_limit(f"projects/{peered_network['project_id']}", limit_metric))
usage, limit = get_usage_limit(peered_network, peering_project_usage, peering_project_limit, limit_ppg)
# Here we add usage and limit to the peered network dictionary
peered_network["usage"] = usage
peered_network["limit"] = limit
count_effective_limit(project, network_dict, metric_dict["usage"]["name"], metric_dict["limit"]["name"], metric_dict["utilization"]["name"], limit_ppg)
print(f"Wrote {metric_dict['usage']['name']} to metric for peering group {network_dict['network_name']} in {project}")
def count_effective_limit(project_id, network_dict, usage_metric_name, limit_metric_name, utilization_metric_name, limit_ppg):
Calculates the effective limits (using algorithm in the link below) for peering groups and writes data (usage, limit, utilization) to the custom metrics.
project_id (string): Project ID for the project to be analyzed.
network_dict (dictionary of string: string): Contains all required information about the network to get the usage, limit and utilization.
usage_metric_name (string): Name of the custom metric to be populated for usage per VPC peering group.
limit_metric_name (string): Name of the custom metric to be populated for limit per VPC peering group.
utilization_metric_name (string): Name of the custom metric to be populated for utilization per VPC peering group.
limit_ppg (list of string): List containing the limit per peering group (either VPC specific or default limit).
if network_dict['peerings'] == []:
# Get usage: Sums usage for current network + all peered networks
peering_group_usage = network_dict['usage']
for peered_network in network_dict['peerings']:
peering_group_usage += peered_network['usage']
# Calculates effective limit: Step 1: max(per network limit, per network_peering_group limit)
limit_step1 = max(network_dict['limit'], get_limit(network_dict['network_name'], limit_ppg))
# Calculates effective limit: Step 2: List of max(per network limit, per network_peering_group limit) for each peered network
limit_step2 = []
for peered_network in network_dict['peerings']:
limit_step2.append(max(peered_network['limit'], get_limit(peered_network['network_name'], limit_ppg)))
# Calculates effective limit: Step 3: Find minimum from the list created by Step 2
limit_step3 = min(limit_step2)
# Calculates effective limit: Step 4: Find maximum from step 1 and step 3
effective_limit = max(limit_step1, limit_step3)
utilization = peering_group_usage / effective_limit
write_data_to_metric(project_id, peering_group_usage, usage_metric_name, network_dict['network_name'])
write_data_to_metric(project_id, effective_limit, limit_metric_name, network_dict['network_name'])
write_data_to_metric(project_id, utilization, utilization_metric_name, network_dict['network_name'])
def get_networks(project_id):
Returns a dictionary of all networks in a project.
project_id (string): Project ID for the project containing the networks.
network_dict (dictionary of string: string): Contains the project_id, network_name(s) and network_id(s)
request = service.networks().list(project=project_id)
response = request.execute()
network_dict = []
if 'items' in response:
for network in response['items']:
NETWORK = network['name']
ID = network['id']
d = {'project_id':project_id,'network name':NETWORK,'network id':ID}
return network_dict
def gather_peering_data(project_id):
Returns a dictionary of all peerings for all networks in a project.
project_id (string): Project ID for the project containing the networks.
network_list (dictionary of string: string): Contains the project_id, network_name(s) and network_id(s) of peered networks.
request = service.networks().list(project=project_id)
response = request.execute()
network_list = []
if 'items' in response:
for network in response['items']:
net = {'project_id':project_id,'network_name':network['name'],'network_id':network['id'], 'peerings':[]}
if 'peerings' in network:
STATE = network['peerings'][0]['state']
for peered_network in network['peerings']: # "projects/{project_name}/global/networks/{network_name}"
start = peered_network['network'].find("projects/") + len('projects/')
end = peered_network['network'].find("/global")
peered_project = peered_network['network'][start:end]
peered_network_name = peered_network['network'].split("networks/")[1]
peered_net = {'project_id': peered_project, 'network_name':peered_network_name, 'network_id': get_network_id(peered_project, peered_network_name)}
return network_list
def get_network_id(project_id, network_name):
Returns the network_id for a specific project / network name.
project_id (string): Project ID for the project containing the networks.
network_name (string): Name of the network
network_id (int): Network ID.
request = service.networks().list(project=project_id)
response = request.execute()
network_id = 0
if 'items' in response:
for network in response['items']:
if network['name'] == network_name:
network_id = network['id']
if network_id == 0:
print(f"Error: network_id not found for {network_name} in {project_id}")
return network_id
def get_quota_current_usage(project_link, metric_name):
Retrieves quota usage for a specific metric.
project_link (string): Project link.
metric_name (string): Name of the metric.
results_list (list of string): Current usage.
2022-03-17 09:04:31 -07:00
client, interval = create_client()
results = client.list_time_series(request={
"name": project_link,
"filter": f'metric.type = "{metric_name}"',
"interval": interval,
"view": monitoring_v3.ListTimeSeriesRequest.TimeSeriesView.FULL
results_list = list(results)
return (results_list)
def get_quota_current_limit(project_link, metric_name):
Retrieves limit for a specific metric.
project_link (string): Project link.
metric_name (string): Name of the metric.
results_list (list of string): Current limit.
2022-03-17 09:04:31 -07:00
client, interval = create_client()
results = client.list_time_series(request={
"name": project_link,
"filter": f'metric.type = "{metric_name}"',
"interval": interval,
"view": monitoring_v3.ListTimeSeriesRequest.TimeSeriesView.FULL
results_list = list(results)
return results_list
def customize_quota_view(quota_results):
Customize the quota output for an easier parsable output.
quota_results (string): Input from get_quota_current_usage or get_quota_current_limit. Contains the Current usage or limit for all networks in that project.
quotaViewList (list of dictionaries of string: string): Current quota usage or limit.
quotaViewList = []
for result in quota_results:
quotaViewJson = {}
for val in result.points:
quotaViewJson.update({'value': val.value.int64_value})
return quotaViewList
def set_usage_limits(network_dict, quota_usage, quota_limit, limit_list):
Updates the network dictionary with quota usage and limit values.
network_dict (dictionary of string: string): Contains network information.
quota_usage (list of dictionaries of string: string): Current quota usage.
quota_limit (list of dictionaries of string: string): Current quota limit.
limit_list (list of string): List containing the limit per VPC (either VPC specific or default limit).
if quota_usage:
for net in quota_usage:
if net['network_id'] == network_dict['network id']: # if network ids in GCP quotas and in dictionary (using API) are the same
network_dict['usage'] = net['value'] # set network usage in dictionary
network_dict['usage'] = 0 # if network does not appear in GCP quotas
network_dict['usage'] = 0 # if quotas does not appear in GCP quotas
if quota_limit:
for net in quota_limit:
if net['network_id'] == network_dict['network id']: # if network ids in GCP quotas and in dictionary (using API) are the same
network_dict['limit'] = net['value'] # set network limit in dictionary
if network_dict['network name'] in limit_list: # if network limit is in the environmental variables
network_dict['limit'] = int(limit_list[limit_list.index(network_dict['network name']) + 1])
network_dict['limit'] = int(limit_list[limit_list.index('default_value') + 1]) # set default value
else: # if quotas does not appear in GCP quotas
if network_dict['network name'] in limit_list:
network_dict['limit'] = int(limit_list[limit_list.index(network_dict['network name']) + 1]) # ["default", 100, "networkname", 200]
network_dict['limit'] = int(limit_list[limit_list.index('default_value') + 1])
def get_usage_limit(network, quota_usage, quota_limit, limit_list):
Returns usage and limit for a specific network and metric.
network_dict (dictionary of string: string): Contains network information.
quota_usage (list of dictionaries of string: string): Current quota usage for all networks in that project.
quota_limit (list of dictionaries of string: string): Current quota limit for all networks in that project.
limit_list (list of string): List containing the limit per VPC (either VPC specific or default limit).
usage (int): Current usage for that network.
limit (int): Current usage for that network.
usage = 0
limit = 0
if quota_usage:
for net in quota_usage:
if net['network_id'] == network['network_id']: # if network ids in GCP quotas and in dictionary (using API) are the same
usage = net['value'] # set network usage in dictionary
if quota_limit:
for net in quota_limit:
if net['network_id'] == network['network_id']: # if network ids in GCP quotas and in dictionary (using API) are the same
limit = net['value'] # set network limit in dictionary
if network['network_name'] in limit_list: # if network limit is in the environmental variables
limit = int(limit_list[limit_list.index(network['network_name']) + 1])
limit = int(limit_list[limit_list.index('default_value') + 1]) # set default value
else: # if quotas does not appear in GCP quotas
if network['network_name'] in limit_list:
limit = int(limit_list[limit_list.index(network['network_name']) + 1]) # ["default", 100, "networkname", 200]
limit = int(limit_list[limit_list.index('default_value') + 1])
return usage, limit
def write_data_to_metric(monitored_project_id, value, metric_name, network_name):
Writes data to Cloud Monitoring custom metrics.
monitored_project_id: ID of the project where the resource lives (will be added as a label)
value (int): Value for the data point of the metric.
metric_name (string): Name of the metric
network_name (string): Name of the network (will be added as a label)
usage (int): Current usage for that network.
limit (int): Current usage for that network.
2022-03-17 09:04:31 -07:00
client = monitoring_v3.MetricServiceClient()
series = monitoring_v3.TimeSeries()
series.metric.type = f"{metric_name}"
series.resource.type = "global"
series.metric.labels["network_name"] = network_name
series.metric.labels["project"] = monitored_project_id
now = time.time()
seconds = int(now)
nanos = int((now - seconds) * 10 ** 9)
interval = monitoring_v3.TimeInterval({"end_time": {"seconds": seconds, "nanos": nanos}})
point = monitoring_v3.Point({"interval": interval, "value": {"double_value": value}})
series.points = [point]
client.create_time_series(name=monitoring_project_link, time_series=[series])