
202 lines
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* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
locals {
iam_additive_pairs = flatten([
for role, members in var.iam_additive : [
for member in members : { role = role, member = member }
iam_additive_member_pairs = flatten([
for member, roles in var.iam_additive_members : [
for role in roles : { role = role, member = member }
iam_additive = {
for pair in concat(local.iam_additive_pairs, local.iam_additive_member_pairs) :
"${pair.role}-${pair.member}" => pair
extended_rules = flatten([
for policy, rules in var.firewall_policies : [
for rule_name, rule in rules :
merge(rule, { policy = policy, name = rule_name })
rules_map = {
for rule in local.extended_rules :
"${rule.policy}-${}" => rule
resource "google_organization_iam_custom_role" "roles" {
for_each = var.custom_roles
org_id = var.org_id
role_id = each.key
title = "Custom role ${each.key}"
description = "Terraform-managed"
permissions = each.value
resource "google_organization_iam_binding" "authoritative" {
for_each = var.iam
org_id = var.org_id
2020-10-29 15:29:20 -07:00
role = each.key
members = each.value
resource "google_organization_iam_member" "additive" {
for_each = (
length(var.iam_additive) + length(var.iam_additive_members) > 0
? local.iam_additive
: {}
org_id = var.org_id
role = each.value.role
member = each.value.member
resource "google_organization_iam_audit_config" "config" {
for_each = var.iam_audit_config
org_id = var.org_id
service = each.key
dynamic audit_log_config {
for_each = each.value
iterator = config
content {
log_type = config.key
exempted_members = config.value
resource "google_organization_policy" "boolean" {
for_each = var.policy_boolean
org_id = var.org_id
constraint = each.key
dynamic boolean_policy {
for_each = each.value == null ? [] : [each.value]
iterator = policy
content {
enforced = policy.value
dynamic restore_policy {
for_each = each.value == null ? [""] : []
content {
default = true
resource "google_organization_policy" "list" {
for_each = var.policy_list
org_id = var.org_id
constraint = each.key
dynamic list_policy {
for_each = each.value.status == null ? [] : [each.value]
iterator = policy
content {
inherit_from_parent = policy.value.inherit_from_parent
suggested_value = policy.value.suggested_value
dynamic allow {
for_each = policy.value.status ? [""] : []
content {
values = (
try(length(policy.value.values) > 0, false)
? policy.value.values
: null
all = (
try(length(policy.value.values) > 0, false)
? null
: true
dynamic deny {
for_each = policy.value.status ? [] : [""]
content {
values = (
try(length(policy.value.values) > 0, false)
? policy.value.values
: null
all = (
try(length(policy.value.values) > 0, false)
? null
: true
dynamic restore_policy {
for_each = each.value.status == null ? [true] : []
content {
default = true
resource "google_compute_organization_security_policy" "policy" {
provider = google-beta
for_each = var.firewall_policies
display_name = each.key
parent = "organizations/${var.org_id}"
resource "google_compute_organization_security_policy_rule" "rule" {
provider = google-beta
for_each = local.rules_map
policy_id = google_compute_organization_security_policy.policy[each.value.policy].id
action = each.value.action
direction = each.value.direction
priority = each.value.priority
target_resources = each.value.target_resources
target_service_accounts = each.value.target_service_accounts
enable_logging = each.value.logging
# preview = each.value.preview
match {
description = each.value.description
config {
src_ip_ranges = each.value.direction == "INGRESS" ? each.value.ranges : null
dest_ip_ranges = each.value.direction == "EGRESS" ? each.value.ranges : null
dynamic "layer4_config" {
for_each = each.value.ports
iterator = port
content {
ip_protocol = port.key
ports = port.value
resource "google_compute_organization_security_policy_association" "attachment" {
provider = google-beta
for_each = var.firewall_policy_attachments
name = "organizations/${var.org_id}-${each.key}"
attachment_id = "organizations/${var.org_id}"
policy_id = each.value