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# GKE Multitenant Module
2022-08-08 04:54:06 -07:00
TODO: add brief explanation and refer back to dev folder?
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## Files
| name | description | modules |
| [](./ | None | <code>gke-cluster</code> |
| [](./ | None | <code>gke-hub</code> |
| [](./ | None | <code>gke-nodepool</code> |
| [](./ | Module-level locals and resources. | <code>bigquery-dataset</code> · <code>project</code> |
| [](./ | Output variables. | |
| [](./ | Module variables. | |
## Variables
| name | description | type | required | default | producer |
| [billing_account_id]( | Billing account id. | <code>string</code> | ✓ | | |
2022-08-02 10:12:52 -07:00
| [clusters]( | | <code title="map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; cluster_autoscaling &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; cpu_min &#61; number&#10; cpu_max &#61; number&#10; memory_min &#61; number&#10; memory_max &#61; number&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; description &#61; string&#10; dns_domain &#61; string&#10; labels &#61; map&#40;string&#41;&#10; location &#61; string&#10; net &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; master_range &#61; string&#10; pods &#61; string&#10; services &#61; string&#10; subnet &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; overrides &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; cloudrun_config &#61; bool&#10; database_encryption_key &#61; string&#10; master_authorized_ranges &#61; map&#40;string&#41;&#10; max_pods_per_node &#61; number&#10; pod_security_policy &#61; bool&#10; release_channel &#61; string&#10; vertical_pod_autoscaling &#61; bool&#10; gcp_filestore_csi_driver_config &#61; bool&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10;&#125;&#41;&#41;">map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;&#41;</code> | ✓ | | |
| [folder_id]( | Folder used for the GKE project in folders/nnnnnnnnnnn format. | <code>string</code> | ✓ | | |
2022-08-06 02:00:46 -07:00
| [nodepools]( | | <code title="map&#40;map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; node_count &#61; number&#10; node_type &#61; string&#10; initial_node_count &#61; number&#10; overrides &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; image_type &#61; string&#10; max_pods_per_node &#61; number&#10; node_locations &#61; list&#40;string&#41;&#10; node_tags &#61; list&#40;string&#41;&#10; node_taints &#61; list&#40;string&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; spot &#61; bool&#10;&#125;&#41;&#41;&#41;">map&#40;map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;&#41;&#41;</code> | ✓ | | |
| [prefix]( | Prefix used for resources that need unique names. | <code>string</code> | ✓ | | |
| [vpc_config]( | Shared VPC project and VPC details. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10; host_project_id &#61; string&#10; vpc_self_link &#61; string&#10;&#125;&#41;">object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;</code> | ✓ | | |
| [authenticator_security_group]( | Optional group used for Groups for GKE. | <code>string</code> | | <code>null</code> | |
2022-08-02 10:12:52 -07:00
| [cluster_defaults]( | Default values for optional cluster configurations. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10; cloudrun_config &#61; bool&#10; database_encryption_key &#61; string&#10; master_authorized_ranges &#61; map&#40;string&#41;&#10; max_pods_per_node &#61; number&#10; pod_security_policy &#61; bool&#10; release_channel &#61; string&#10; vertical_pod_autoscaling &#61; bool&#10; gcp_filestore_csi_driver_config &#61; bool&#10;&#125;&#41;">object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;</code> | | <code title="&#123;&#10; cloudrun_config &#61; false&#10; database_encryption_key &#61; null&#10; master_authorized_ranges &#61; &#123;&#10; rfc1918_1 &#61; &#34;;8&#34;&#10; rfc1918_2 &#61; &#34;;12&#34;&#10; rfc1918_3 &#61; &#34;;16&#34;&#10; &#125;&#10; max_pods_per_node &#61; 110&#10; pod_security_policy &#61; false&#10; release_channel &#61; &#34;STABLE&#34;&#10; vertical_pod_autoscaling &#61; false&#10; gcp_filestore_csi_driver_config &#61; false&#10;&#125;">&#123;&#8230;&#125;</code> | |
| [dns_domain]( | Domain name used for clusters, prefixed by each cluster name. Leave null to disable Cloud DNS for GKE. | <code>string</code> | | <code>null</code> | |
| [fleet_configmanagement_clusters]( | Config management features enabled on specific sets of member clusters, in config name => [cluster name] format. | <code>map&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> | |
| [fleet_configmanagement_templates]( | Sets of config management configurations that can be applied to member clusters, in config name => {options} format. | <code title="map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; binauthz &#61; bool&#10; config_sync &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; git &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; gcp_service_account_email &#61; string&#10; https_proxy &#61; string&#10; policy_dir &#61; string&#10; secret_type &#61; string&#10; sync_branch &#61; string&#10; sync_repo &#61; string&#10; sync_rev &#61; string&#10; sync_wait_secs &#61; number&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; prevent_drift &#61; string&#10; source_format &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; hierarchy_controller &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; enable_hierarchical_resource_quota &#61; bool&#10; enable_pod_tree_labels &#61; bool&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; policy_controller &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; audit_interval_seconds &#61; number&#10; exemptable_namespaces &#61; list&#40;string&#41;&#10; log_denies_enabled &#61; bool&#10; referential_rules_enabled &#61; bool&#10; template_library_installed &#61; bool&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; version &#61; string&#10;&#125;&#41;&#41;">map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> | |
| [fleet_features]( | Enable and configue fleet features. Set to null to disable GKE Hub if fleet workload identity is not used. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10; appdevexperience &#61; bool&#10; configmanagement &#61; bool&#10; identityservice &#61; bool&#10; multiclusteringress &#61; string&#10; multiclusterservicediscovery &#61; bool&#10; servicemesh &#61; bool&#10;&#125;&#41;">object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;</code> | | <code>null</code> | |
| [fleet_workload_identity]( | Use Fleet Workload Identity for clusters. Enables GKE Hub if set to true. | <code>bool</code> | | <code>true</code> | |
| [group_iam]( | Project-level IAM bindings for groups. Use group emails as keys, list of roles as values. | <code>map&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> | |
| [iam]( | Project-level authoritative IAM bindings for users and service accounts in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. | <code>map&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> | |
| [labels]( | Project-level labels. | <code>map&#40;string&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> | |
| [nodepool_defaults]( | | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10; image_type &#61; string&#10; max_pods_per_node &#61; number&#10; node_locations &#61; list&#40;string&#41;&#10; node_tags &#61; list&#40;string&#41;&#10; node_taints &#61; list&#40;string&#41;&#10;&#125;&#41;">object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;</code> | | <code title="&#123;&#10; image_type &#61; &#34;COS_CONTAINERD&#34;&#10; max_pods_per_node &#61; 110&#10; node_locations &#61; null&#10; node_tags &#61; null&#10; node_taints &#61; &#91;&#93;&#10;&#125;">&#123;&#8230;&#125;</code> | |
2022-08-06 02:00:46 -07:00
| [project_services]( | Additional project services to enable. | <code>list&#40;string&#41;</code> | | <code>&#91;&#93;</code> | |
## Outputs
| name | description | sensitive | consumers |
| [cluster_ids]( | Cluster ids. | | |
| [clusters]( | Cluster resources. | | |
| [project_id]( | GKE project id. | | |
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