fix variables

This commit is contained in:
Lorenzo Caggioni 2021-06-28 10:57:11 +02:00
parent 889c456458
commit b1d8c06422
6 changed files with 8 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ Once done testing, you can clean up resources by running `terraform destroy`.
| *prefix* | Prefix used to generate project id and name. | <code title="">string</code> | | <code title="">null</code> |
| *project_names* | Override this variable if you need non-standard names. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10;datamart &#61; string&#10;dwh &#61; string&#10;landing &#61; string&#10;services &#61; string&#10;transformation &#61; string&#10;&#125;&#41;">object({...})</code> | | <code title="&#123;&#10;datamart &#61; &#34;datamart&#34;&#10;dwh &#61; &#34;datawh&#34;&#10;landing &#61; &#34;landing&#34;&#10;services &#61; &#34;services&#34;&#10;transformation &#61; &#34;transformation&#34;&#10;&#125;">...</code> |
| *service_account_names* | Override this variable if you need non-standard names. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10;main &#61; string&#10;&#125;&#41;">object({...})</code> | | <code title="&#123;&#10;main &#61; &#34;data-platform-main&#34;&#10;&#125;">...</code> |
| *service_encryption_key_ids* | Cloud KMS encryption key in {LOCATION => [KEY_URL]} format. Keys belong to existing project. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10;regional &#61; string&#10;multiregional &#61; string&#10;global &#61; string&#10;&#125;&#41;">object({...})</code> | | <code title="&#123;&#10;regional &#61; null&#10;multiregional &#61; null&#10;global &#61; null&#10;&#125;">...</code> |
## Outputs
@ -50,4 +51,5 @@ Once done testing, you can clean up resources by running `terraform destroy`.
| project_ids | Project ids for created projects. | |
| service_account | Main service account. | |
| service_encryption_key_ids | Cloud KMS encryption keys in {LOCATION => [KEY_URL]} format. | |
<!-- END TFDOC -->

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ module "project-datamart" {
iam = {

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@ -26,12 +26,8 @@ output "project_ids" {
output "service_encryption_key_ids" {
description = "Project ids for created projects."
value = {
regional = var.service_encryption_key_ids.regional
multiregional = var.service_encryption_key_ids.multiregional
global =
description = "Cloud KMS encryption keys in {LOCATION => [KEY_URL]} format."
value = var.service_encryption_key_ids
output "service_account" {

View File

@ -56,14 +56,8 @@ variable "service_account_names" {
variable "create_encryption_keys" {
description = "Cloud KMS encryption key will be created in the Service Project."
type = bool
default = false
variable "service_encryption_key_ids" {
description = "Cloud KMS encryption key in {SERVICE => [KEY_URL]} format. Keys belong to existing project."
description = "Cloud KMS encryption key in {LOCATION => [KEY_URL]} format. Keys belong to existing project."
type = object({
regional = string
multiregional = string

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@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Once done testing, you can clean up resources by running `terraform destroy`.
| *landing_pubsub* | List of landing pubsub topics and subscriptions to create | <code title="map&#40;map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10;iam &#61; map&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;&#10;labels &#61; map&#40;string&#41;&#10;options &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10;ack_deadline_seconds &#61; number&#10;message_retention_duration &#61; number&#10;retain_acked_messages &#61; bool&#10;expiration_policy_ttl &#61; number&#10;&#125;&#41;&#10;&#125;&#41;&#41;&#41;">map(map(object({...})))</code> | | <code title="&#123;&#10;landing-1 &#61; &#123;&#10;sub1 &#61; &#123;&#10;iam &#61; &#123;&#10;&#125;&#10;labels &#61; &#123;&#125;&#10;options &#61; null&#10;&#125;&#10;sub2 &#61; &#123;&#10;iam &#61; &#123;&#125;&#10;labels &#61; &#123;&#125;,&#10;options &#61; null&#10;&#125;,&#10;&#125;&#10;&#125;">...</code> |
| *landing_service_account* | landing service accounts list. | <code title="">string</code> | | <code title="">sa-landing</code> |
| *service_account_names* | Project service accounts list. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10;datamart &#61; string&#10;dwh &#61; string&#10;landing &#61; string&#10;services &#61; string&#10;transformation &#61; string&#10;&#125;&#41;">object({...})</code> | | <code title="&#123;&#10;datamart &#61; &#34;sa-datamart&#34;&#10;dwh &#61; &#34;sa-datawh&#34;&#10;landing &#61; &#34;sa-landing&#34;&#10;services &#61; &#34;sa-services&#34;&#10;transformation &#61; &#34;sa-transformation&#34;&#10;&#125;">...</code> |
| *service_encryption_key_ids* | Cloud KMS encryption key in {LOCATION => [KEY_URL]} format. Keys belong to existing project. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10;regional &#61; string&#10;multiregional &#61; string&#10;global &#61; string&#10;&#125;&#41;">object({...})</code> | | <code title="&#123;&#10;regional &#61; null&#10;multiregional &#61; null&#10;global &#61; null&#10;&#125;">...</code> |
| *transformation_buckets* | List of transformation buckets to create | <code title="map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10;location &#61; string&#10;name &#61; string&#10;&#125;&#41;&#41;">map(object({...}))</code> | | <code title="&#123;&#10;temp &#61; &#123;&#10;location &#61; &#34;EU&#34;&#10;name &#61; &#34;temp&#34;&#10;&#125;,&#10;templates &#61; &#123;&#10;location &#61; &#34;EU&#34;&#10;name &#61; &#34;templates&#34;&#10;&#125;,&#10;&#125;">...</code> |
| *transformation_subnets* | List of subnets to create in the transformation Project. | <code title="list&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10;ip_cidr_range &#61; string&#10;name &#61; string&#10;region &#61; string&#10;secondary_ip_range &#61; map&#40;string&#41;&#10;&#125;&#41;&#41;">list(object({...}))</code> | | <code title="&#91;&#10;&#123;&#10;ip_cidr_range &#61; &#34;;20&#34;&#10;name &#61; &#34;transformation-subnet&#34;&#10;region &#61; &#34;europe-west3&#34;&#10;secondary_ip_range &#61; &#123;&#125;&#10;&#125;,&#10;&#93;">...</code> |
| *transformation_vpc_name* | Name of the VPC created in the transformation Project. | <code title="">string</code> | | <code title="">transformation-vpc</code> |

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@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ variable "transformation_vpc_name" {
variable "service_encryption_key_ids" {
description = "Cloud KMS encryption key in {SERVICE => [KEY_URL]} format."
description = "Cloud KMS encryption key in {LOCATION => [KEY_URL]} format. Keys belong to existing project."
type = object({
regional = string
multiregional = string