use resources instead of changes in router test

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Ludovico Magnocavallo 2019-11-05 06:20:29 +01:00
parent 6c87d1e52e
commit be772c61fa
1 changed files with 17 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -16,26 +16,23 @@
def test_hub_custom_routers(plan):
"Custom routers should match input variables."
hub_custom_router_tpl = ('google_compute_router.hub-to-spoke-%s-custom[0]')
for i in range(1, 3):
name = hub_custom_router_tpl % i
custom_router = plan.resource_changes[name]
adv_ranges = custom_router['change']['after']['bgp'][0]['advertised_ip_ranges']
spoke_subnets = plan.variables['spoke_%s_subnets' % (3 - i)]
assert custom_router['change']['after']['bgp'][0]['advertise_mode'] == 'CUSTOM'
assert custom_router['change']['after']['bgp'][0]['advertised_groups'] == ['ALL_SUBNETS']
assert custom_router['change']['after']['bgp'][0]['asn'] == plan.variables['hub_bgp_asn']
assert [range['range'] for range in adv_ranges] == [subnet['subnet_ip']
for subnet in spoke_subnets]
"Hub to spoke routers should match input variables."
for i in (1, 2):
router = plan.resources['google_compute_router.hub-to-spoke-%s-custom[0]' % i]
bgp = router['values']['bgp'][0]
assert bgp['advertise_mode'] == 'CUSTOM'
assert bgp['advertised_groups'] == ['ALL_SUBNETS']
assert bgp['asn'] == plan.variables['hub_bgp_asn']
subnet_ranges = [s['subnet_ip']
for s in plan.variables['spoke_%s_subnets' % (3 - i)]]
assert [r['range'] for r in bgp['advertised_ip_ranges']] == subnet_ranges
def test_spoke_routers(plan):
"Spoke routers should match input variables."
spoke_router_tpl = ('google_compute_router.spoke-%s')
spoke_bgp_asn_tpl = ('spoke_%s_bgp_asn')
for i in range(1, 3):
spoke_router = plan.resource_changes[spoke_router_tpl % i]
spoke_bgp_asn = plan.variables[spoke_bgp_asn_tpl % i]
assert spoke_router['change']['after']['bgp'][0]['advertise_mode'] == 'DEFAULT'
assert spoke_router['change']['after']['bgp'][0]['advertised_groups'] == None
assert spoke_router['change']['after']['bgp'][0]['asn'] == spoke_bgp_asn
for i in (1, 2):
router = plan.resources['google_compute_router.spoke-%s' % i]
bgp = router['values']['bgp'][0]
assert bgp['advertise_mode'] == 'DEFAULT'
assert bgp['advertised_groups'] == None
assert bgp['asn'] == plan.variables['spoke_%s_bgp_asn' % i]