/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ variable "backend_services_config" { description = "The backends services configuration." type = map(object({ backends = list(object({ group = string # IG FQDN address options = object({ balancing_mode = string # Can be UTILIZATION, RATE capacity_scaler = number # Valid range is [0.0,1.0] max_connections = number max_connections_per_instance = number max_connections_per_endpoint = number max_rate = number max_rate_per_instance = number max_rate_per_endpoint = number max_utilization = number }) })) # Optional health check ids for backend service groups. # Will lookup for ids in health_chacks_config first, # then will use the id as is. If no ids are defined # at all (null, []) health_checks_config_defaults is used health_checks = list(string) log_config = object({ enable = bool sample_rate = number # must be in [0, 1] }) options = object({ affinity_cookie_ttl_sec = number custom_request_headers = list(string) custom_response_headers = list(string) connection_draining_timeout_sec = number locality_lb_policy = string port_name = string protocol = string session_affinity = string timeout_sec = number circuits_breakers = object({ max_requests_per_connection = number # Set to 1 to disable keep-alive max_connections = number # Defaults to 1024 max_pending_requests = number # Defaults to 1024 max_requests = number # Defaults to 1024 max_retries = number # Defaults to 3 }) consistent_hash = object({ http_header_name = string minimum_ring_size = string http_cookie = object({ name = string path = string ttl = object({ seconds = number nanos = number }) }) }) iap = object({ oauth2_client_id = string oauth2_client_secret = string oauth2_client_secret_sha256 = string }) }) })) default = {} } variable "forwarding_rule_config" { description = "Forwarding rule configurations." type = object({ ip_version = string labels = map(string) network_tier = string port_range = string }) default = { allow_global_access = true ip_version = "IPV4" labels = {} network_tier = "PREMIUM" # If not specified, 443 if var.https = true; 80 otherwise port_range = null } } variable "health_checks_config" { description = "Custom health checks configuration." type = map(object({ type = string # http https tcp ssl http2 check = map(any) # actual health check block attributes options = map(number) # interval, thresholds, timeout logging = bool })) default = {} } variable "health_checks_config_defaults" { description = "Auto-created health check default configuration." type = object({ check = map(any) # actual health check block attributes logging = bool options = map(number) # interval, thresholds, timeout type = string # http https tcp ssl http2 }) default = { type = "http" logging = false options = {} check = { port_specification = "USE_SERVING_PORT" } } } variable "https" { description = "Whether to enable HTTPS." type = bool default = false } variable "ssl_certificates_config" { description = "The SSL certificate configuration." type = map(object({ domains = list(string) tls_private_key = string tls_self_signed_cert = string })) default = {} } variable "static_ip_config" { description = "Static IP address configuration." type = object({ reserve = bool options = object({ address = string subnetwork = string # The subnet id }) }) default = { reserve = false options = null } } variable "target_proxy_https_config" { description = "The HTTPS target proxy configuration." type = object({ ssl_certificates = list(string) }) default = null } variable "url_map_config" { description = "The url-map configuration." type = object({ default_service = string default_url_redirect = map(any) host_rules = list(any) path_matchers = list(any) tests = list(map(string)) }) default = null }