/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ resource "google_folder" "test-net-dash" { display_name = "test-net-dash" parent = "organizations/${var.organization_id}" } ##### Creating host projects, VPCs, service projects ##### module "project-hub" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/project?ref=v14.0.0" name = "test-host-hub" parent = google_folder.test-net-dash.name prefix = var.prefix billing_account = var.billing_account services = var.project_vm_services shared_vpc_host_config = { enabled = true service_projects = [] # defined later } } module "vpc-hub" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/net-vpc?ref=v14.0.0" project_id = module.project-hub.project_id name = "vpc-hub" subnets = [ { ip_cidr_range = "" name = "subnet-hub-1" region = var.region secondary_ip_range = {} } ] } module "project-svc-hub" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/project?ref=v14.0.0" parent = google_folder.test-net-dash.name billing_account = var.billing_account prefix = var.prefix name = "test-svc-hub" services = var.project_vm_services shared_vpc_service_config = { attach = true host_project = module.project-hub.project_id } } module "project-prod" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/project?ref=v14.0.0" name = "test-host-prod" parent = google_folder.test-net-dash.name prefix = var.prefix billing_account = var.billing_account services = var.project_vm_services shared_vpc_host_config = { enabled = true service_projects = [] # defined later } } module "vpc-prod" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/net-vpc?ref=v14.0.0" project_id = module.project-prod.project_id name = "vpc-prod" subnets = [ { ip_cidr_range = "" name = "subnet-prod-1" region = var.region secondary_ip_range = {} } ] } module "project-svc-prod" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/project?ref=v14.0.0" parent = google_folder.test-net-dash.name billing_account = var.billing_account prefix = var.prefix name = "test-svc-prod" services = var.project_vm_services shared_vpc_service_config = { attach = true host_project = module.project-prod.project_id } } module "project-dev" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/project?ref=v14.0.0" name = "test-host-dev" parent = google_folder.test-net-dash.name prefix = var.prefix billing_account = var.billing_account services = var.project_vm_services shared_vpc_host_config = { enabled = true service_projects = [] # defined later } } module "vpc-dev" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/net-vpc?ref=v14.0.0" project_id = module.project-dev.project_id name = "vpc-dev" subnets = [ { ip_cidr_range = "" name = "subnet-dev-1" region = var.region secondary_ip_range = {} } ] } module "project-svc-dev" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/project?ref=v14.0.0" parent = google_folder.test-net-dash.name billing_account = var.billing_account prefix = var.prefix name = "test-svc-dev" services = var.project_vm_services shared_vpc_service_config = { attach = true host_project = module.project-dev.project_id } } ##### Creating VPC peerings ##### module "hub-to-prod-peering" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/net-vpc?ref=v14.0.0-peering" local_network = module.vpc-hub.self_link peer_network = module.vpc-prod.self_link } module "prod-to-hub-peering" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/net-vpc?ref=v14.0.0-peering" local_network = module.vpc-prod.self_link peer_network = module.vpc-hub.self_link depends_on = [module.hub-to-prod-peering] } module "hub-to-dev-peering" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/net-vpc?ref=v14.0.0-peering" local_network = module.vpc-hub.self_link peer_network = module.vpc-dev.self_link } module "dev-to-hub-peering" { source = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-fabric//modules/net-vpc?ref=v14.0.0-peering" local_network = module.vpc-dev.self_link peer_network = module.vpc-hub.self_link depends_on = [module.hub-to-dev-peering] } ##### Creating VMs ##### resource "google_compute_instance" "test-vm-prod1" { project = module.project-svc-prod.project_id name = "test-vm-prod1" machine_type = "f1-micro" zone = var.zone tags = ["${var.region}"] boot_disk { initialize_params { image = "debian-cloud/debian-9" } } network_interface { subnetwork = module.vpc-prod.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/subnet-prod-1"] subnetwork_project = module.project-prod.project_id } allow_stopping_for_update = true } resource "google_compute_instance" "test-vm-prod2" { project = module.project-prod.project_id name = "test-vm-prod2" machine_type = "f1-micro" zone = var.zone tags = ["${var.region}"] boot_disk { initialize_params { image = "debian-cloud/debian-9" } } network_interface { subnetwork = module.vpc-prod.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/subnet-prod-1"] subnetwork_project = module.project-prod.project_id } allow_stopping_for_update = true } resource "google_compute_instance" "test-vm-dev1" { count = 10 project = module.project-svc-dev.project_id name = "test-vm-dev${count.index}" machine_type = "f1-micro" zone = var.zone tags = ["${var.region}"] boot_disk { initialize_params { image = "debian-cloud/debian-9" } } network_interface { subnetwork = module.vpc-dev.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/subnet-dev-1"] subnetwork_project = module.project-dev.project_id } allow_stopping_for_update = true } resource "google_compute_instance" "test-vm-hub1" { project = module.project-svc-hub.project_id name = "test-vm-hub1" machine_type = "f1-micro" zone = var.zone tags = ["${var.region}"] boot_disk { initialize_params { image = "debian-cloud/debian-9" } } network_interface { subnetwork = module.vpc-hub.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/subnet-hub-1"] subnetwork_project = module.project-hub.project_id } allow_stopping_for_update = true } # Forwarding Rules resource "google_compute_forwarding_rule" "forwarding-rule-dev" { name = "forwarding-rule-dev" project = module.project-svc-dev.project_id network = module.vpc-dev.self_link subnetwork = module.vpc-dev.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/subnet-dev-1"] region = var.region backend_service = google_compute_region_backend_service.test-backend.id ip_protocol = "TCP" load_balancing_scheme = "INTERNAL" all_ports = true allow_global_access = true } # backend service resource "google_compute_region_backend_service" "test-backend" { name = "test-backend" region = var.region project = module.project-svc-dev.project_id protocol = "TCP" load_balancing_scheme = "INTERNAL" }