#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2023 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. '''Recursively check freshness of tfdoc's generated tables in README files. This tool recursively checks that the embedded variables and outputs tables in README files, match what is generated at runtime by tfdoc based on current sources. As such, it accepts pretty much the same options as tfdoc does. Its main use is in CI pipelines triggered by pull requests. ''' import difflib import enum import pathlib import click import tfdoc BASEDIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] class State(enum.IntEnum): SKIP = enum.auto() OK = enum.auto() FAIL_STALE_README = enum.auto() FAIL_STALE_TOC = enum.auto() FAIL_UNSORTED_VARS = enum.auto() FAIL_UNSORTED_OUTPUTS = enum.auto() FAIL_VARIABLE_PERIOD = enum.auto() FAIL_OUTPUT_PERIOD = enum.auto() FAIL_VARIABLE_DESCRIPTION = enum.auto() FAIL_OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION = enum.auto() @property def failed(self): return self.value > State.OK @property def label(self): return { State.SKIP: ' ', State.OK: '✓ ', State.FAIL_STALE_README: '✗R', State.FAIL_STALE_TOC: '✗T', State.FAIL_UNSORTED_VARS: 'SV', State.FAIL_UNSORTED_OUTPUTS: 'SO', State.FAIL_VARIABLE_PERIOD: '.V', State.FAIL_OUTPUT_PERIOD: '.O', State.FAIL_VARIABLE_DESCRIPTION: 'DV', State.FAIL_OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION: 'DO', }[self.value] def _check_dir(dir_name, exclude_files=None, files=False, show_extra=False): 'Invoke tfdoc on folder, using the relevant options.' dir_path = BASEDIR / dir_name for readme_path in sorted(dir_path.glob('**/README.md')): if '.terraform' in str(readme_path): continue diff = None readme = readme_path.read_text() mod_name = str(readme_path.relative_to(dir_path).parent) current_doc = tfdoc.get_doc(readme) current_toc = tfdoc.get_toc(readme) if current_doc or current_toc: new_doc = tfdoc.create_doc(readme_path.parent, files, show_extra, exclude_files, readme) new_toc = tfdoc.create_toc(readme) newvars = new_doc.variables newouts = new_doc.outputs variables = [v.name for v in newvars if v.file.endswith('variables.tf')] outputs = [o.name for o in newouts if o.file.endswith('outputs.tf')] state = State.OK d = difflib.Differ() if current_doc and new_doc.content != current_doc['doc']: state = State.FAIL_STALE_README header = f'----- {mod_name} diff -----\n' ndiff = d.compare(current_doc['doc'].splitlines(keepends=True), new_doc.content.splitlines(keepends=True)) diff = ''.join([header] + list(ndiff)) diff += f"\n\ncurrent\n''{current_doc['doc'].splitlines(keepends=True)}''" diff += f"\n\nnew\n''{new_doc.content.splitlines(keepends=True)}''" elif current_toc and new_toc != current_toc['toc']: state = State.FAIL_STALE_TOC header = f'----- {mod_name} diff -----\n' ndiff = d.compare(current_toc['toc'].splitlines(keepends=True), new_toc.splitlines(keepends=True)) diff = ''.join([header] + list(ndiff)) elif empty := [v.name for v in newvars if not v.description]: state = state.FAIL_VARIABLE_DESCRIPTION diff = "\n".join([ f'----- {mod_name} variables missing description -----', ', '.join(empty), ]) elif empty := [o.name for o in newouts if not o.description]: state = state.FAIL_VARIABLE_DESCRIPTION diff = "\n".join([ f'----- {mod_name} outputs missing description -----', ', '.join(empty), ]) elif variables != sorted(variables): state = state.FAIL_UNSORTED_VARS diff = "\n".join([ f'----- {mod_name} variables -----', f'variables should be in this order: ', ', '.join(sorted(variables)), ]) elif outputs != sorted(outputs): state = state.FAIL_UNSORTED_OUTPUTS diff = "\n".join([ f'----- {mod_name} outputs -----', f'outputs should be in this order: ', ', '.join(sorted(outputs)), ]) elif nc := [v.name for v in newvars if not v.description.endswith('.')]: state = state.FAIL_VARIABLE_PERIOD diff = "\n".join([ f'----- {mod_name} variable descriptions missing ending period -----', ', '.join(nc), ]) elif nc := [o.name for o in newouts if not o.description.endswith('.')]: state = state.FAIL_OUTPUT_PERIOD diff = "\n".join([ f'----- {mod_name} output descriptions missing ending period -----', ', '.join(nc), ]) yield mod_name, state, diff @click.command() @click.argument('dirs', type=str, nargs=-1) @click.option('--exclude-file', '-x', multiple=True) @click.option('--files/--no-files', default=False) @click.option('--show-diffs/--no-show-diffs', default=False) @click.option('--show-extra/--no-show-extra', default=False) def main(dirs, exclude_file=None, files=False, show_diffs=False, show_extra=False): 'Cycle through modules and ensure READMEs are up-to-date.' print(f'files: {files}, extra: {show_extra}, diffs: {show_diffs}\n') errors = [] for dir_name in dirs: print(f'----- {dir_name} -----') result = _check_dir(dir_name, exclude_file, files, show_extra) for mod_name, state, diff in result: if state.failed: errors.append((mod_name, diff)) print(f'[{state.label}] {mod_name}') if errors: if show_diffs: print('Errored diffs:') print('\n'.join([e[1] for e in errors])) else: print('Errored modules:') print('\n'.join([e[0] for e in errors])) raise SystemExit('Errors found.') if __name__ == '__main__': main()