# Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. def test_defaults(plan_runner): "Test variable defaults." _, resources = plan_runner() assert len(resources) == 1 print(resources[0]['type']) mig = resources[0] assert mig['type'] == 'google_compute_instance_group_manager' assert mig['values']['target_size'] == 2 assert mig['values']['zone'] _, resources = plan_runner(regional='true') assert len(resources) == 1 mig = resources[0] assert mig['type'] == 'google_compute_region_instance_group_manager' assert mig['values']['target_size'] == 2 assert mig['values']['region'] def test_health_check(plan_runner): "Test health check resource." health_check_config = '{type="tcp", check={port=80}, config=null, logging=false}' _, resources = plan_runner(health_check_config=health_check_config) assert len(resources) == 2 assert any(r['type'] == 'google_compute_health_check' for r in resources) def test_autoscaler(plan_runner): "Test autoscaler resource." autoscaler_config = ( '{' 'max_replicas=3, min_replicas=1, cooldown_period=60,' 'cpu_utilization_target=65, load_balancing_utilization_target=null,' 'metric=null' '}' ) _, resources = plan_runner(autoscaler_config=autoscaler_config) assert len(resources) == 2 autoscaler = resources[0] assert autoscaler['type'] == 'google_compute_autoscaler' assert autoscaler['values']['autoscaling_policy'] == [{ 'cooldown_period': 60, 'cpu_utilization': [{'predictive_method': 'NONE', 'target': 65}], 'load_balancing_utilization': [], 'max_replicas': 3, 'metric': [], 'min_replicas': 1, 'mode': 'ON', 'scale_in_control': [], 'scaling_schedules': [], }] _, resources = plan_runner(autoscaler_config=autoscaler_config, regional='true') assert len(resources) == 2 autoscaler = resources[0] assert autoscaler['type'] == 'google_compute_region_autoscaler' def test_stateful_mig(plan_runner): "Test stateful instances - mig." stateful_config = ( '{' 'per_instance_config = {},' 'mig_config = {' 'stateful_disks = {' 'persistent-disk-1 = {delete_rule="NEVER"}' '}' '}' '}' ) _, resources = plan_runner(stateful_config=stateful_config) assert len(resources) == 1 statefuldisk = resources[0] assert statefuldisk['type'] == 'google_compute_instance_group_manager' assert statefuldisk['values']['stateful_disk'] == [{ 'device_name': 'persistent-disk-1', 'delete_rule': 'NEVER', }] def test_stateful_instance(plan_runner): "Test stateful instances - instance." stateful_config = ( '{' 'per_instance_config = {' 'instance-1 = {' 'stateful_disks = {' 'persistent-disk-1 = {' 'source = "test-disk",' 'mode = "READ_ONLY",' 'delete_rule= "NEVER",' '},' '},' 'metadata = {' 'foo = "bar"' '},' 'update_config = {' 'minimal_action = "NONE",' 'most_disruptive_allowed_action = "REPLACE",' 'remove_instance_state_on_destroy = false,' '},' '},' '},' 'mig_config = {' 'stateful_disks = {' 'persistent-disk-1 = {delete_rule="NEVER"}' '}' '}' '}' ) _, resources = plan_runner(stateful_config=stateful_config) assert len(resources) == 2 instanceconfig = resources[0] assert instanceconfig['type'] == 'google_compute_instance_group_manager' instanceconfig = resources[1] assert instanceconfig['type'] == 'google_compute_per_instance_config' assert instanceconfig['values']['preserved_state'] == [{ 'disk': [{ 'device_name': 'persistent-disk-1', 'delete_rule': 'NEVER', 'source': 'test-disk', 'mode': 'READ_ONLY', }], 'metadata': { 'foo': 'bar' } }] assert instanceconfig['values']['minimal_action'] == 'NONE' assert instanceconfig['values']['most_disruptive_allowed_action'] == 'REPLACE' assert instanceconfig['values']['remove_instance_state_on_destroy'] == False