/* Copyright 2022 Google LLC Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. This tool updates in-place versions.tf files to change module_name parameter on an automated basis. In retains all existing comments and structures. */ package main import ( "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "text/template" "github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2" "github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2/hclwrite" "github.com/zclconf/go-cty/cty" ) type Provider struct { Source string Version string } func main() { var path string var pattern string var moduleName string var terraformVersion string var providerVersions string var updateProviderVersions bool = false var updateTerraformVersion bool = false var updateModuleName bool = false flag.StringVar(&path, "path", "./", "Path to search for file pattern (default ./") flag.StringVar(&pattern, "pattern", "versions.tf", "Pattern to search (default versions.tf)") flag.StringVar(&moduleName, "module-name", "", "module_name attribute for provider_meta (can be templated with {{ .Module }})") flag.StringVar(&providerVersions, "provider-versions", "", "set provider versions (usage: hashicorp/google>= 4.0.0,hashicorp/googlegoogle-beta== 4.0.0)") flag.StringVar(&terraformVersion, "terraform-version", "", "Update terraform required_version") flag.Parse() if !strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") { path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/", path) } if moduleName != "" { updateModuleName = true log.Printf("Updating module_name to: %s", moduleName) } if terraformVersion != "" { updateTerraformVersion = true log.Printf("Updating Terraform version to: %s", terraformVersion) } providerVersionsMap := map[string]Provider{} if providerVersions != "" { for _, v := range strings.Split(providerVersions, ",") { re := regexp.MustCompile("([a-zA-Z_/-]+)(.+)") split := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(v, -1) for _, splitN := range split { providerKey := filepath.Base(splitN[1]) providerVersionsMap[providerKey] = Provider{Source: splitN[1], Version: splitN[2]} log.Printf("Updating provider %s to: %s %s", providerKey, providerVersionsMap[providerKey].Source, providerVersionsMap[providerKey].Version) } } updateProviderVersions = true } log.Printf("Looking for files (%s) in: %s", pattern, path) var foundFiles []string err := filepath.Walk(path, func(file string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { if isMatch, _ := filepath.Match(pattern, filepath.Base(file)); isMatch { foundFiles = append(foundFiles, file) } return nil }) log.Printf("Found %d files.", len(foundFiles)) for _, foundFile := range foundFiles { fileBytes, fErr := ioutil.ReadFile(foundFile) if fErr != nil { panic(fErr) } fileBasename := filepath.Base(foundFile) hclFile, diag := hclwrite.ParseConfig(fileBytes, fileBasename, hcl.Pos{}) if diag == nil { hclBody := hclFile.Body() for _, block := range hclBody.Blocks() { if block.Type() == "terraform" { if updateTerraformVersion { for k, _ := range block.Body().Attributes() { if k == "required_version" { block.Body().SetAttributeValue("required_version", cty.StringVal(terraformVersion)) } } } hasProviderMetaForGoogle := false hasProviderMetaForGoogleBeta := false // Expand template tmpl, tErr := template.New("modulename").Parse(moduleName) if tErr != nil { panic(tErr) } expandedBuffer := new(bytes.Buffer) tErr = tmpl.Execute(expandedBuffer, map[string]string{ "Module": filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(foundFile)), }) if tErr != nil { panic(tErr) } expandedModuleName := expandedBuffer.String() for _, tfBlock := range block.Body().Blocks() { if tfBlock.Type() == "required_providers" && updateProviderVersions { for k, _ := range tfBlock.Body().Attributes() { if provider, ok := providerVersionsMap[k]; ok { tfBlock.Body().SetAttributeValue(k, cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{ "source": cty.StringVal(provider.Source), "version": cty.StringVal(provider.Version), })) } } } if tfBlock.Type() == "provider_meta" && updateModuleName { labels := tfBlock.Labels() if len(labels) > 0 { if labels[0] == "google" { hasProviderMetaForGoogle = true tfBlock.Body().SetAttributeValue("module_name", cty.StringVal(expandedModuleName)) } if labels[0] == "google-beta" { hasProviderMetaForGoogleBeta = true tfBlock.Body().SetAttributeValue("module_name", cty.StringVal(expandedModuleName)) } } } } if updateModuleName { if !hasProviderMetaForGoogle { providerMetaGoogleBlock := hclwrite.NewBlock("provider_meta", []string{"google"}) providerMetaGoogleBlock.Body().SetAttributeValue("module_name", cty.StringVal(expandedModuleName)) block.Body().AppendBlock(providerMetaGoogleBlock) } if !hasProviderMetaForGoogleBeta { providerMetaGoogleBlock := hclwrite.NewBlock("provider_meta", []string{"google-beta"}) providerMetaGoogleBlock.Body().SetAttributeValue("module_name", cty.StringVal(expandedModuleName)) block.Body().AppendBlock(providerMetaGoogleBlock) } } } } log.Printf("Updating: %s", foundFile) info, sErr := os.Stat(foundFile) if sErr != nil { panic(sErr) } tempFilePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s.tmp", foundFile) wErr := os.WriteFile(tempFilePath, hclFile.Bytes(), info.Mode()) if wErr != nil { panic(wErr) } os.Rename(tempFilePath, foundFile) } else { panic(diag) } } if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Printf("All done.") }