/** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ locals { prefix = var.prefix == null || var.prefix == "" ? "" : "${var.prefix}-" _file_data_quality_spec = var.data_quality_spec_file == null ? null : { sampling_percent = try(local._file_data_quality_spec_raw.samplingPercent, local._file_data_quality_spec_raw.sampling_percent, null) row_filter = try(local._file_data_quality_spec_raw.rowFilter, local._file_data_quality_spec_raw.row_filter, null) rules = local._parsed_rules } data_quality_spec = ( var.data_quality_spec != null || var.data_quality_spec_file != null ? merge(var.data_quality_spec, local._file_data_quality_spec) : null ) } resource "google_dataplex_datascan" "datascan" { project = var.project_id location = var.region data_scan_id = "${local.prefix}${var.name}" display_name = "${local.prefix}${var.name}" description = var.description == null ? "Terraform Managed." : "Terraform Managed. ${var.description}" labels = var.labels data { resource = var.data.resource entity = var.data.entity } execution_spec { field = var.incremental_field trigger { dynamic "on_demand" { for_each = var.execution_schedule == null ? [""] : [] content { } } dynamic "schedule" { for_each = var.execution_schedule != null ? [""] : [] content { cron = var.execution_schedule } } } } dynamic "data_profile_spec" { for_each = var.data_profile_spec != null ? [""] : [] content { sampling_percent = try(var.data_profile_spec.sampling_percent, null) row_filter = try(var.data_profile_spec.row_filter, null) } } dynamic "data_quality_spec" { for_each = local.data_quality_spec != null ? [""] : [] content { sampling_percent = try(local.data_quality_spec.sampling_percent, null) row_filter = try(local.data_quality_spec.row_filter, null) dynamic "rules" { for_each = local.data_quality_spec.rules content { column = try(rules.value.column, null) ignore_null = try(rules.value.ignore_null, null) dimension = rules.value.dimension threshold = try(rules.value.threshold, null) dynamic "non_null_expectation" { for_each = try(rules.value.non_null_expectation, null) != null ? [""] : [] content { } } dynamic "range_expectation" { for_each = try(rules.value.range_expectation, null) != null ? [""] : [] content { min_value = try(rules.value.range_expectation.min_value, null) max_value = try(rules.value.range_expectation.max_value, null) strict_min_enabled = try(rules.value.range_expectation.strict_min_enabled, null) strict_max_enabled = try(rules.value.range_expectation.strict_max_enabled, null) } } dynamic "set_expectation" { for_each = try(rules.value.set_expectation, null) != null ? [""] : [] content { values = rules.value.set_expectation.values } } dynamic "uniqueness_expectation" { for_each = try(rules.value.uniqueness_expectation, null) != null ? [""] : [] content { } } dynamic "regex_expectation" { for_each = try(rules.value.regex_expectation, null) != null ? [""] : [] content { regex = rules.value.regex_expectation.regex } } dynamic "statistic_range_expectation" { for_each = try(rules.value.statistic_range_expectation, null) != null ? [""] : [] content { min_value = try(rules.value.statistic_range_expectation.min_value, null) max_value = try(rules.value.statistic_range_expectation.max_value, null) strict_min_enabled = try(rules.value.statistic_range_expectation.strict_min_enabled, null) strict_max_enabled = try(rules.value.statistic_range_expectation.strict_max_enabled, null) statistic = rules.value.statistic_range_expectation.statistic } } dynamic "row_condition_expectation" { for_each = try(rules.value.row_condition_expectation, null) != null ? [""] : [] content { sql_expression = rules.value.row_condition_expectation.sql_expression } } dynamic "table_condition_expectation" { for_each = try(rules.value.table_condition_expectation, null) != null ? [""] : [] content { sql_expression = rules.value.table_condition_expectation.sql_expression } } } } } } lifecycle { precondition { condition = length([for spec in [var.data_profile_spec, var.data_quality_spec, var.data_quality_spec_file] : spec if spec != null]) == 1 error_message = "DataScan can only contain one of 'data_profile_spec', 'data_quality_spec', 'data_quality_spec_file'." } precondition { condition = alltrue([ for rule in try(local.data_quality_spec.rules, []) : contains(["COMPLETENESS", "ACCURACY", "CONSISTENCY", "VALIDITY", "UNIQUENESS", "INTEGRITY"], rule.dimension)]) error_message = "Datascan 'dimension' field in 'data_quality_spec' must be one of ['COMPLETENESS', 'ACCURACY', 'CONSISTENCY', 'VALIDITY', 'UNIQUENESS', 'INTEGRITY']." } precondition { condition = alltrue([ for rule in try(local.data_quality_spec.rules, []) : length([ for k, v in rule : v if contains([ "non_null_expectation", "range_expectation", "regex_expectation", "set_expectation", "uniqueness_expectation", "statistic_range_expectation", "row_condition_expectation", "table_condition_expectation" ], k) && v != null ]) == 1]) error_message = "Datascan rule must contain a key that is one of ['non_null_expectation', 'range_expectation', 'regex_expectation', 'set_expectation', 'uniqueness_expectation', 'statistic_range_expectation', 'row_condition_expectation', 'table_condition_expectation]." } } }