/** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ variable "backup_configs" { description = "Configuration for Backup for GKE." type = object({ enable_backup_agent = optional(bool, false) backup_plans = optional(map(object({ encryption_key = optional(string) include_secrets = optional(bool, true) include_volume_data = optional(bool, true) namespaces = optional(list(string)) region = string schedule = string retention_policy_days = optional(string) retention_policy_lock = optional(bool, false) retention_policy_delete_lock_days = optional(string) })), {}) }) default = {} nullable = false } variable "deletion_protection" { description = "Whether or not to allow Terraform to destroy the cluster. Unless this field is set to false in Terraform state, a terraform destroy or terraform apply that would delete the cluster will fail." type = bool default = true nullable = false } variable "description" { description = "Cluster description." type = string default = null } variable "enable_addons" { description = "Addons enabled in the cluster (true means enabled)." type = object({ cloudrun = optional(bool, false) config_connector = optional(bool, false) istio = optional(object({ enable_tls = bool })) kalm = optional(bool, false) }) default = {} nullable = false } variable "enable_features" { description = "Enable cluster-level features. Certain features allow configuration." type = object({ beta_apis = optional(list(string)) binary_authorization = optional(bool, false) cost_management = optional(bool, false) dns = optional(object({ provider = optional(string) scope = optional(string) domain = optional(string) })) database_encryption = optional(object({ state = string key_name = string })) gateway_api = optional(bool, false) groups_for_rbac = optional(string) l4_ilb_subsetting = optional(bool, false) mesh_certificates = optional(bool) pod_security_policy = optional(bool, false) allow_net_admin = optional(bool, false) resource_usage_export = optional(object({ dataset = string enable_network_egress_metering = optional(bool) enable_resource_consumption_metering = optional(bool) })) service_external_ips = optional(bool, true) tpu = optional(bool, false) upgrade_notifications = optional(object({ topic_id = optional(string) })) vertical_pod_autoscaling = optional(bool, false) }) default = {} } variable "issue_client_certificate" { description = "Enable issuing client certificate." type = bool default = false } variable "labels" { description = "Cluster resource labels." type = map(string) default = null } variable "location" { description = "Autopilot clusters are always regional." type = string } variable "logging_config" { description = "Logging configuration." type = object({ enable_api_server_logs = optional(bool, false) enable_scheduler_logs = optional(bool, false) enable_controller_manager_logs = optional(bool, false) }) default = {} nullable = false } variable "maintenance_config" { description = "Maintenance window configuration." type = object({ daily_window_start_time = optional(string) recurring_window = optional(object({ start_time = string end_time = string recurrence = string })) maintenance_exclusions = optional(list(object({ name = string start_time = string end_time = string scope = optional(string) }))) }) default = { daily_window_start_time = "03:00" recurring_window = null maintenance_exclusion = [] } } variable "min_master_version" { description = "Minimum version of the master, defaults to the version of the most recent official release." type = string default = null } variable "monitoring_config" { description = "Monitoring configuration. System metrics collection cannot be disabled. Control plane metrics are optional. Kube state metrics are optional. Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus is enabled by default." type = object({ # Control plane metrics enable_api_server_metrics = optional(bool, false) enable_controller_manager_metrics = optional(bool, false) enable_scheduler_metrics = optional(bool, false) # Kube state metrics. Requires managed Prometheus. Requires provider version >= v4.82.0 enable_daemonset_metrics = optional(bool, false) enable_deployment_metrics = optional(bool, false) enable_hpa_metrics = optional(bool, false) enable_pod_metrics = optional(bool, false) enable_statefulset_metrics = optional(bool, false) enable_storage_metrics = optional(bool, false) # Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus. Autopilot clusters version >= 1.25 must have this on. enable_managed_prometheus = optional(bool, true) }) default = {} nullable = false validation { condition = anytrue([ var.monitoring_config.enable_daemonset_metrics, var.monitoring_config.enable_deployment_metrics, var.monitoring_config.enable_hpa_metrics, var.monitoring_config.enable_pod_metrics, var.monitoring_config.enable_statefulset_metrics, var.monitoring_config.enable_storage_metrics, ]) ? var.monitoring_config.enable_managed_prometheus : true error_message = "Kube state metrics collection requires Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus to be enabled." } } variable "name" { description = "Cluster name." type = string } variable "node_config" { description = "Configuration for nodes and nodepools." type = object({ boot_disk_kms_key = optional(string) service_account = optional(string) tags = optional(list(string)) }) default = {} } variable "node_locations" { description = "Zones in which the cluster's nodes are located." type = list(string) default = [] nullable = false } variable "private_cluster_config" { description = "Private cluster configuration." type = object({ enable_private_endpoint = optional(bool) master_global_access = optional(bool) peering_config = optional(object({ export_routes = optional(bool) import_routes = optional(bool) project_id = optional(string) })) }) default = null } variable "project_id" { description = "Cluster project ID." type = string } variable "release_channel" { description = "Release channel for GKE upgrades. Clusters created in the Autopilot mode must use a release channel. Choose between \"RAPID\", \"REGULAR\", and \"STABLE\"." type = string default = "REGULAR" nullable = false validation { condition = contains(["RAPID", "REGULAR", "STABLE"], var.release_channel) error_message = "Must be one of: RAPID, REGULAR, STABLE." } } variable "vpc_config" { description = "VPC-level configuration." type = object({ network = string subnetwork = string master_ipv4_cidr_block = optional(string) secondary_range_blocks = optional(object({ pods = string services = string })) secondary_range_names = optional(object({ pods = optional(string, "pods") services = optional(string, "services") })) master_authorized_ranges = optional(map(string)) stack_type = optional(string) }) nullable = false }