# Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################### # Terraform top-level resources # ############################################################################### # Terraform project module "tf-project" { source = "../../modules/project" name = "terraform" parent = var.root_node prefix = var.prefix billing_account = var.billing_account_id iam_additive_bindings = { for name in var.iam_terraform_owners : (name) => ["roles/owner"] } services = var.project_services } # per-environment service accounts module "tf-service-accounts" { source = "../../modules/iam-service-account" project_id = module.tf-project.project_id for_each = var.environments name = each.value prefix = var.prefix iam_billing_roles = { (var.billing_account_id) = ( var.iam_billing_config.grant ? local.sa_billing_account_role : [] ) } # folder roles are set in the folders module using authoritative bindings iam_organization_roles = { (local.organization_id) = concat( var.iam_billing_config.grant ? local.sa_billing_org_role : [], var.iam_xpn_config.grant ? local.sa_xpn_org_roles : [] ) } generate_key = var.service_account_keys } # bootstrap Terraform state GCS bucket module "tf-gcs-bootstrap" { source = "../../modules/gcs" project_id = module.tf-project.project_id name = "tf-bootstrap" prefix = "${var.prefix}-tf" location = var.gcs_location } # per-environment Terraform state GCS buckets module "tf-gcs-environments" { source = "../../modules/gcs" project_id = module.tf-project.project_id for_each = var.environments name = each.value prefix = "${var.prefix}-tf" location = var.gcs_location iam_members = { "roles/storage.objectAdmin" = [module.tf-service-accounts[each.value].iam_email] } } ############################################################################### # Top-level folders # ############################################################################### module "environment-folders" { source = "../../modules/folder" for_each = var.environments parent = var.root_node name = each.value iam_members = { for role in local.folder_roles : (role) => [module.tf-service-accounts[each.value].iam_email] } } ############################################################################### # Audit log exports # ############################################################################### # audit logs project module "audit-project" { source = "../../modules/project" name = "audit" parent = var.root_node prefix = var.prefix billing_account = var.billing_account_id iam_members = { "roles/bigquery.dataEditor" = [module.audit-log-sinks.writer_identities[0]] "roles/viewer" = var.iam_audit_viewers } services = concat(var.project_services, [ "bigquery.googleapis.com", ]) } # audit logs dataset and sink module "audit-dataset" { source = "../../modules/bigquery-dataset" project_id = module.audit-project.project_id id = "audit_export" friendly_name = "Audit logs export." # disable delete on destroy for actual use options = { default_table_expiration_ms = null default_partition_expiration_ms = null delete_contents_on_destroy = true } } module "audit-log-sinks" { source = "../../modules/logging-sinks" parent = var.root_node destinations = { audit-logs = "bigquery.googleapis.com/${module.audit-dataset.id}" } sinks = { audit-logs = var.audit_filter } } ############################################################################### # Shared resources (GCR, GCS, KMS, etc.) # ############################################################################### # shared resources project # see the README file for additional options on managing shared services module "sharedsvc-project" { source = "../../modules/project" name = "sharedsvc" parent = var.root_node prefix = var.prefix billing_account = var.billing_account_id iam_additive_bindings = { for name in var.iam_shared_owners : (name) => ["roles/owner"] } services = var.project_services } # Add further modules here for resources that are common to all environments # like GCS buckets (used to hold shared assets), Container Registry, KMS, etc.