# Copyright 2023 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. name = "datascan" prefix = "test" project_id = "test-project" region = "us-central1" labels = { billing_id = "a" } iam = { "roles/dataplex.dataScanViewer" = [ "user:user@example.com" ], "roles/dataplex.dataScanEditor" = [ "user:user@example.com", ] } group_iam = { "user-group@example.com" = [ "roles/dataplex.dataScanEditor" ] } execution_schedule = "TZ=America/New_York 1 1 * * *" data = { resource = "//bigquery.googleapis.com/projects/bigquery-public-data/datasets/austin_bikeshare/tables/bikeshare_stations" } description = "Custom description." incremental_field = "modified_date" data_quality_spec = { sampling_percent = 100 row_filter = "station_id > 1000" rules = [ { dimension = "VALIDITY" non_null_expectation = {} column = "address" threshold = 0.99 }, { column = "council_district" dimension = "VALIDITY" ignore_null = true threshold = 0.9 range_expectation = { min_value = 1 max_value = 10 strict_min_enabled = true strict_max_enabled = false } }, { column = "council_district" dimension = "VALIDITY" threshold = 0.8 range_expectation = { min_value = 3 } }, { column = "power_type" dimension = "VALIDITY" ignore_null = false regex_expectation = { regex = ".*solar.*" } }, { column = "property_type" dimension = "VALIDITY" ignore_null = false set_expectation = { values = ["sidewalk", "parkland"] } }, { column = "address" dimension = "UNIQUENESS" uniqueness_expectation = {} }, { column = "number_of_docks" dimension = "VALIDITY" statistic_range_expectation = { statistic = "MEAN" min_value = 5 max_value = 15 strict_min_enabled = true strict_max_enabled = true } }, { column = "footprint_length" dimension = "VALIDITY" row_condition_expectation = { sql_expression = "footprint_length > 0 AND footprint_length <= 10" } }, { dimension = "VALIDITY" table_condition_expectation = { sql_expression = "COUNT(*) > 0" } } ] }