#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. 'Parse and output IAM bindings from Terraform state file.' import collections import json import itertools import re import sys import click FIELDS = ( 'authoritative', 'resource_type', 'resource_id', 'role', 'member_type', 'member_id', 'conditions' ) ORG_IDS = {} RESOURCE_SORT = {'organization': 0, 'folder': 1, 'project': 2} RESOURCE_TYPE_RE = re.compile(r'^google_([^_]+)_iam_([^_]+)$') Binding = collections.namedtuple('Binding', ' '.join(FIELDS)) def _org_id(resource_id): if resource_id not in ORG_IDS: ORG_IDS[resource_id] = f'[org_id #{len(ORG_IDS)}]' return ORG_IDS[resource_id] def get_bindings(resources, prefix=None, folders=None): 'Parse resources and return bindings.' org_ids = {} for r in resources: m = RESOURCE_TYPE_RE.match(r['type']) if not m: continue resource_type = m.group(1) authoritative = m.group(2) == 'binding' for i in r.get('instances'): attrs = i['attributes'] conditions = ' '.join(c['title'] for c in attrs.get('condition', [])) if resource_type == 'organization': resource_id = _org_id(attrs['org_id']) else: resource_id = attrs[resource_type] if prefix and resource_id.startswith(prefix): resource_id = resource_id[len(prefix) + 1:] role = attrs['role'] if role.startswith('organizations/'): org_id = role.split('/')[1] role = role.replace(org_id, _org_id(org_id)) members = attrs['members'] if authoritative else [attrs['member']] if resource_type == 'folder' and folders: resource_id = folders.get(resource_id, resource_id) for member in members: member_type, _, member_id = member.partition(':') if member_type == 'user': continue member_id = member_id.rpartition('@')[0] if prefix and member_id.startswith(prefix): member_id = member_id[len(prefix) + 1:] yield Binding(authoritative, resource_type, resource_id, role, member_type, member_id, conditions) def get_folders(resources): 'Parse resources and return folder id, name tuples.' for r in resources: if r['type'] != 'google_folder': continue for i in r['instances']: yield i['attributes']['id'], i['attributes']['display_name'] def output_csv(bindings): 'Output bindings in CSV format.' print(','.join(FIELDS)) for b in bindings: print(','.join(str(getattr(b, f)) for f in FIELDS)) def output_principals(bindings): 'Output bindings in Markdown format by principals.' resource_grouper = itertools.groupby( bindings, key=lambda b: (b.resource_type, b.resource_id)) print('# IAM bindings reference') print('\nLegend: + additive, conditional.') for resource, resource_groups in resource_grouper: print(f'\n## {resource[0].title()} {resource[1].lower()}\n') principal_grouper = itertools.groupby( resource_groups, key=lambda b: (b.member_type, b.member_id)) print('| members | roles |') print('|---|---|') for principal, principal_groups in principal_grouper: roles = [] for b in principal_groups: additive = '+' if not b.authoritative else '' conditions = '' if b.conditions else '' if b.role.startswith('organizations/'): roles.append(f'{b.role} {additive}{conditions}') else: url = ( 'https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-roles#' f'{b.role.replace("roles/", "")}' ) roles.append(f'[{b.role}]({url}) {additive}{conditions}') print(( f'|{principal[1]}
{principal[0]}|' f'{"
".join(roles)}|' )) @click.command() @click.argument('state-file', type=click.File('r'), default=sys.stdin) @click.option('--format', type=click.Choice(['csv', 'principals', 'raw']), default='raw') @click.option('--prefix', default=None) def main(state_file, format, prefix=None): 'Output IAM bindings parsed from Terraform state file or standard input.' with state_file: data = json.load(state_file) resources = data.get('resources', []) folders = dict(get_folders(resources)) bindings = get_bindings(resources, prefix=prefix, folders=folders) bindings = sorted(bindings, key=lambda b: ( RESOURCE_SORT.get(b.resource_type, 99), b.resource_id, b.member_type, b.member_id)) if format == 'raw': for b in bindings: print(b) else: func = globals().get(f'output_{format}') if not func: raise SystemExit('Unknown format.') func(bindings) if __name__ == '__main__': main()