/** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ locals { _factory_data = { for f in fileset("${local._factory_path}", "**/*.yaml") : trimsuffix(f, ".yaml") => yamldecode(file("${local._factory_path}/${f}")) } _factory_path = var.factory_config.budgets_data_path factory_budgets = { for k, v in local._factory_data : k => merge(v, { amount = merge( { currency_code = null nanos = null units = null use_last_period = null }, try(v.amount, {}) ) display_name = try(v.display_name, null) filter = try(v.filter, null) == null ? null : { credit_types_treatment = ( try(v.filter.credit_types_treatment, null) == null ? null : merge( { exclude_all = null, include_specified = null }, v.filter.credit_types_treatment ) ) label = try(v.filter.label, null) projects = try(v.filter.projects, null) resource_ancestors = try(v.filter.resource_ancestors, null) services = try(v.filter.services, null) subaccounts = try(v.filter.subaccounts, null) } threshold_rules = [ for vv in try(v.threshold_rules, []) : merge({ percent = null forecasted_spend = null }, vv) ] update_rules = { for kk, vv in try(v.update_rules, {}) : kk => merge({ disable_default_iam_recipients = null monitoring_notification_channels = null pubsub_topic = null }, vv) } }) } } # check data coming from the factory as it bypasses variable validation rules check "factory_budgets" { assert { condition = alltrue([ for k, v in local.factory_budgets : v.amount != null && ( try(v.amount.use_last_period, null) == true || try(v.amount.units, null) != null ) ]) error_message = "Factory budgets need either amount units or last period set." } assert { condition = alltrue([ for k, v in local.factory_budgets : v.threshold_rules == null || try(v.threshold_rules.percent, null) != null ]) error_message = "Threshold rules need percent set." } assert { condition = alltrue(flatten([ for k, v in local.factory_budgets : [ for kk, vv in v.update_rules : [ vv.monitoring_notification_channels != null || vv.pubsub_topic != null ] ] ])) error_message = "Notification rules need either a pubsub topic or monitoring channels defined." } }