# Network filtering with Squid This blueprint shows how to deploy a filtering HTTP proxy to restrict Internet access. Here we show one way to do this using a VPC with two subnets: - The `apps` subnet hosts the VMs that will have their Internet access tightly controlled by a non-caching filtering forward proxy. - The `proxy` subnet hosts a Cloud NAT instance and a [Squid](http://www.squid-cache.org/) server. The VPC is a Shared VPC and all the service projects will be located under a folder enforcing the `compute.vmExternalIpAccess` [organization policy](https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/docs/organization-policy/org-policy-constraints). This prevents the service projects from having external IPs, thus forcing all outbound Internet connections through the proxy. To allow Internet connectivity to the proxy subnet, a Cloud NAT instance is configured to allow usage from [that subnet only](https://cloud.google.com/nat/docs/set-up-manage-network-address-translation#specify_subnet_ranges_for_nat). All other subnets are not allowed to use the Cloud NAT instance. To simplify the usage of the proxy, a Cloud DNS private zone is created and the IP address of the proxy is exposed with the FQDN `proxy.internal`. You can optionally deploy the Squid server as [Managed Instance Group](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instance-groups) by setting the `mig` option to `true`. This option defaults to `false` which results in a standalone VM. ![High-level diagram](squid.png "High-level diagram") ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | [billing_account](variables.tf#L26) | Billing account id used as default for new projects. | string | ✓ | | | [prefix](variables.tf#L52) | Prefix used for resource names. | string | ✓ | | | [root_node](variables.tf#L67) | Root node for the new hierarchy, either 'organizations/org_id' or 'folders/folder_id'. | string | ✓ | | | [allowed_domains](variables.tf#L17) | List of domains allowed by the squid proxy. | list(string) | | […] | | [cidrs](variables.tf#L31) | CIDR ranges for subnets. | map(string) | | {…} | | [mig](variables.tf#L40) | Enables the creation of an autoscaling managed instance group of squid instances. | bool | | false | | [nat_logging](variables.tf#L46) | Enables Cloud NAT logging if not null, value is one of 'ERRORS_ONLY', 'TRANSLATIONS_ONLY', 'ALL'. | string | | "ERRORS_ONLY" | | [region](variables.tf#L61) | Default region for resources. | string | | "europe-west1" | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | [squid-address](outputs.tf#L17) | IP address of the Squid proxy. | | ## Test ```hcl module "test1" { source = "./fabric/blueprints/networking/filtering-proxy" billing_account = "123456-123456-123456" mig = true prefix = "fabric" root_node = "folders/123456789" } # tftest modules=14 resources=36 ``` ```hcl module "test2" { source = "./fabric/blueprints/networking/filtering-proxy" billing_account = "123456-123456-123456" mig = false prefix = "fabric" root_node = "folders/123456789" } # tftest modules=12 resources=30 ```