# OpenShift Cluster Bootstrap This example is a companion setup to the Python script in the parent folder, and is used to bootstrap OpenShift clusters on GCP. Refer to the documentation in the parent folder for usage instructions. ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | [cluster_name](variables.tf#L23) | Name used for the cluster and DNS zone. | string | ✓ | | | [domain](variables.tf#L39) | Domain name used to derive the DNS zone. | string | ✓ | | | [fs_paths](variables.tf#L44) | Filesystem paths for commands and data, supports home path expansion. | object({…}) | ✓ | | | [host_project](variables.tf#L55) | Shared VPC project and network configuration. | object({…}) | ✓ | | | [service_project](variables.tf#L125) | Service project configuration. | object({…}) | ✓ | | | [allowed_ranges](variables.tf#L17) | Ranges that can SSH to the boostrap VM and API endpoint. | list(any) | | [""] | | [disk_encryption_key](variables.tf#L28) | Optional CMEK for disk encryption. | object({…}) | | null | | [install_config_params](variables.tf#L68) | OpenShift cluster configuration. | object({…}) | | {…} | | [post_bootstrap_config](variables.tf#L103) | Name of the service account for the machine operator. Removes bootstrap resources when set. | object({…}) | | null | | [region](variables.tf#L111) | Region where resources will be created. | string | | "europe-west1" | | [rhcos_gcp_image](variables.tf#L117) | RHCOS image used. | string | | "projects/rhcos-cloud/global/images/rhcos-47-83-202102090044-0-gcp-x86-64" | | [tags](variables.tf#L132) | Additional tags for instances. | list(string) | | ["ssh"] | | [zones](variables.tf#L138) | Zones used for instances. | list(string) | | ["b", "c", "d"] | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | [backend-health](outputs.tf#L17) | Command to monitor API internal backend health. | | | [bootstrap-ssh](outputs.tf#L27) | Command to SSH to the bootstrap instance. | | | [masters-ssh](outputs.tf#L37) | Command to SSH to the master instances. | |