/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ variable "bucket_name" { description = "GCS bucket name to store the Vertex AI artifacts." type = string default = null } variable "dataset_name" { description = "BigQuery Dataset to store the training data." type = string default = null } variable "groups" { description = "Name of the groups (name@domain.org) to apply opinionated IAM permissions." type = object({ gcp-ml-ds = optional(string) gcp-ml-eng = optional(string) gcp-ml-viewer = optional(string) }) default = {} nullable = false } variable "identity_pool_claims" { description = "Claims to be used by Workload Identity Federation (i.e.: attribute.repository/ORGANIZATION/REPO). If a not null value is provided, then google_iam_workload_identity_pool resource will be created." type = string default = null } variable "labels" { description = "Labels to be assigned at project level." type = map(string) default = {} } variable "location" { description = "Location used for multi-regional resources." type = string default = "eu" } variable "network_config" { description = "Shared VPC network configurations to use. If null networks will be created in projects with preconfigured values." type = object({ host_project = string network_self_link = string subnet_self_link = string }) default = null } variable "notebooks" { description = "Vertex AI workbenches to be deployed. Service Account runtime/instances deployed." type = map(object({ type = string machine_type = optional(string, "n1-standard-4") internal_ip_only = optional(bool, true) idle_shutdown = optional(bool, false) owner = optional(string) })) validation { condition = alltrue([ for k, v in var.notebooks : contains(["USER_MANAGED", "MANAGED"], v.type)]) error_message = "All `type` must be one of `USER_MANAGED` or `MANAGED`." } validation { condition = alltrue([ for k, v in var.notebooks : (v.type == "MANAGED" && try(v.owner != null, false) || v.type == "USER_MANAGED")]) error_message = "`owner` must be set for `MANAGED` instances." } } variable "prefix" { description = "Prefix used for the project id." type = string default = null } variable "project_config" { description = "Provide 'billing_account_id' value if project creation is needed, uses existing 'project_id' if null. Parent is in 'folders/nnn' or 'organizations/nnn' format." type = object({ billing_account_id = optional(string) parent = optional(string) project_id = string }) validation { condition = var.project_config.project_id != null error_message = "Project id must be set." } nullable = false } variable "region" { description = "Region used for regional resources." type = string default = "europe-west4" } variable "repo_name" { description = "Cloud Source Repository name. null to avoid to create it." type = string default = null } variable "service_encryption_keys" { description = "Cloud KMS to use to encrypt different services. Key location should match service region." type = object({ aiplatform = optional(string) bq = optional(string) notebooks = optional(string) secretmanager = optional(string) storage = optional(string) }) default = {} nullable = false }