# Internal Proxy Network Load Balancer Module This module allows managing Internal HTTP/HTTPS Load Balancers (L7 ILBs). It's designed to expose the full configuration of the underlying resources, and to facilitate common usage patterns by providing sensible defaults, and optionally managing prerequisite resources like health checks, instance groups, etc. Due to the complexity of the underlying resources, changes to the configuration that involve recreation of resources are best applied in stages, starting by disabling the configuration in the urlmap that references the resources that need recreation, then doing the same for the backend service, etc. ## Examples - [Examples](#examples) - [Minimal Example](#minimal-example) - [Health Checks](#health-checks) - [Instance Groups](#instance-groups) - [Network Endpoint Groups (NEGs)](#network-endpoint-groups-negs) - [Zonal NEG creation](#zonal-neg-creation) - [Hybrid NEG creation](#hybrid-neg-creation) - [Private Service Connect NEG creation](#private-service-connect-neg-creation) - [Files](#files) - [Variables](#variables) - [Outputs](#outputs) ### Minimal Example An Regional internal proxy Network Load Balancer with a backend service pointing to an existing GCE instance group: ```hcl module "tcp-proxy" { source = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-proxy-int" name = "ilb-test" project_id = var.project_id region = "europe-west1" backend_service_config = { backends = [{ group = "projects/myprj/zones/europe-west1-a/instanceGroups/my-ig" }] } vpc_config = { network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link } } # tftest modules=1 resources=4 ``` ### Health Checks You can leverage externally defined health checks for backend services, or have the module create them for you. By default a simple TCP health check on port 80 is created, and used in backend services. Health check configuration is controlled via the `health_check_config` variable, which behaves in a similar way to other LB modules in this repository. ```hcl module "int-tcp-proxy" { source = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-proxy-int" name = "int-tcp-proxy" project_id = var.project_id region = "europe-west1" backend_service_config = { backends = [{ group = "projects/myprj/zones/europe-west1-a/instanceGroups/my-ig" }] } health_check_config = { tcp = { port = 80 } } vpc_config = { network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link } } # tftest modules=1 resources=4 ``` To leverage an existing health check without having the module create them, simply pass its self link: ```hcl module "int-tcp-proxy" { source = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-proxy-int" name = "int-tcp-proxy" project_id = var.project_id region = "europe-west1" backend_service_config = { backends = [{ group = "projects/myprj/zones/europe-west1-a/instanceGroups/my-ig" }] } health_check = "projects/myprj/global/healthChecks/custom" vpc_config = { network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link } } # tftest modules=1 resources=4 ``` ### Instance Groups The module can optionally create unmanaged instance groups, which can then be referred in backends via their key: ```hcl module "int-tcp-proxy" { source = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-proxy-int" name = "int-tcp-proxy" project_id = var.project_id region = "europe-west1" backend_service_config = { port_name = "http" backends = [ { group = "default" } ] } group_configs = { default = { zone = "europe-west1-b" instances = [ "projects/myprj/zones/europe-west1-b/instances/vm-a" ] named_ports = { http = 80 } } } vpc_config = { network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link } } # tftest modules=1 resources=5 ``` ### Network Endpoint Groups (NEGs) Network Endpoint Groups (NEGs) can be used as backends, by passing their id as the backend group: ```hcl module "int-tcp-proxy" { source = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-proxy-int" name = "int-tcp-proxy" project_id = var.project_id region = "europe-west1" backend_service_config = { backends = [{ group = "projects/myprj/zones/europe-west1-a/networkEndpointGroups/my-neg" }] } vpc_config = { network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link } } # tftest modules=1 resources=4 ``` Similarly to instance groups, NEGs can also be managed by this module which supports GCE, hybrid and Private Service Connect NEGs: #### Zonal NEG creation ```hcl resource "google_compute_address" "test" { name = "neg-test" subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link address_type = "INTERNAL" address = "" region = "europe-west1" } module "int-tcp-proxy" { source = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-proxy-int" name = "int-tcp-proxy" project_id = var.project_id region = "europe-west1" backend_service_config = { backends = [{ group = "my-neg" balancing_mode = "CONNECTION" max_connections = { per_endpoint = 10 } }] } neg_configs = { my-neg = { gce = { zone = "europe-west1-b" endpoints = { e-0 = { instance = "test-1" ip_address = google_compute_address.test.address # ip_address = "" port = 80 } } } } } vpc_config = { network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link } } # tftest modules=1 resources=7 ``` #### Hybrid NEG creation ```hcl module "int-tcp-proxy" { source = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-proxy-int" name = "int-tcp-proxy" project_id = var.project_id region = "europe-west1" backend_service_config = { backends = [{ group = "my-neg" balancing_mode = "CONNECTION" max_connections = { per_endpoint = 10 } }] } neg_configs = { my-neg = { hybrid = { zone = "europe-west1-b" endpoints = { e-0 = { ip_address = "" port = 80 } } } } } vpc_config = { network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link } } # tftest modules=1 resources=6 ``` #### Private Service Connect NEG creation ```hcl module "int-tcp-proxy" { source = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-proxy-int" name = "int-tcp-proxy" project_id = var.project_id region = "europe-west1" backend_service_config = { backends = [{ group = "my-neg" balancing_mode = "CONNECTION" max_connections = { per_endpoint = 10 } }] } neg_configs = { my-neg = { psc = { region = "europe-west1" target_service = "europe-west1-cloudkms.googleapis.com" } } } vpc_config = { network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link } } # tftest modules=1 resources=5 ``` ## Files | name | description | resources | |---|---|---| | [backend-service.tf](./backend-service.tf) | Backend service resources. | google_compute_region_backend_service | | [groups.tf](./groups.tf) | None | google_compute_instance_group | | [health-check.tf](./health-check.tf) | Health check resource. | google_compute_region_health_check | | [main.tf](./main.tf) | Module-level locals and resources. | google_compute_forwarding_rule · google_compute_network_endpoint · google_compute_network_endpoint_group · google_compute_region_network_endpoint_group · google_compute_region_target_tcp_proxy | | [outputs.tf](./outputs.tf) | Module outputs. | | | [variables.tf](./variables.tf) | Module variables. | | | [versions.tf](./versions.tf) | Version pins. | | ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | [name](variables.tf#L198) | Load balancer name. | string | ✓ | | | [project_id](variables.tf#L256) | Project id. | string | ✓ | | | [region](variables.tf#L261) | The region where to allocate the ILB resources. | string | ✓ | | | [vpc_config](variables.tf#L266) | VPC-level configuration. | object({…}) | ✓ | | | [address](variables.tf#L17) | Optional IP address used for the forwarding rule. | string | | null | | [backend_service_config](variables.tf#L23) | Backend service level configuration. | object({…}) | | {} | | [description](variables.tf#L75) | Optional description used for resources. | string | | "Terraform managed." | | [global_access](variables.tf#L82) | Allow client access from all regions. | bool | | null | | [group_configs](variables.tf#L88) | Optional unmanaged groups to create. Can be referenced in backends via key or outputs. | map(object({…})) | | {} | | [health_check](variables.tf#L100) | Name of existing health check to use, disables auto-created health check. | string | | null | | [health_check_config](variables.tf#L106) | Optional auto-created health check configurations, use the output self-link to set it in the auto healing policy. Refer to examples for usage. | object({…}) | | {…} | | [labels](variables.tf#L192) | Labels set on resources. | map(string) | | {} | | [neg_configs](variables.tf#L203) | Optional network endpoint groups to create. Can be referenced in backends via key or outputs. | map(object({…})) | | {} | | [port](variables.tf#L250) | Port. | number | | 80 | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | [backend_service](outputs.tf#L17) | Backend resource. | | | [backend_service_id](outputs.tf#L22) | Backend id. | | | [backend_service_self_link](outputs.tf#L27) | Backend self link. | | | [forwarding_rule](outputs.tf#L32) | Forwarding rule resource. | | | [group_self_links](outputs.tf#L37) | Optional unmanaged instance group self links. | | | [groups](outputs.tf#L44) | Optional unmanaged instance group resources. | | | [health_check](outputs.tf#L49) | Auto-created health-check resource. | | | [health_check_self_id](outputs.tf#L54) | Auto-created health-check self id. | | | [health_check_self_link](outputs.tf#L59) | Auto-created health-check self link. | | | [id](outputs.tf#L64) | Fully qualified forwarding rule id. | | | [neg_ids](outputs.tf#L69) | Autogenerated network endpoint group ids. | |