#! /usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import enum import glob import os import re import string import click MARK_BEGIN = '' MARK_END = '' RE_OUTPUTS = re.compile(r'''(?smx) (?:^\s*output\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\{$) | (?:^\s*description\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\s*$) | (?:^\s*sensitive\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$) ''') RE_TYPE = re.compile(r'([\(\{\}\)])') RE_VARIABLES = re.compile(r'''(?smx) # empty lines (^\s*$) | # block comment (^\s*/\*.*?\*/$) | # line comment (^\s*\#.*?$) | # variable declaration start (?:^\s*variable\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\{$) | # variable description start (?:^\s*description\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\s*$) | # variable type start (?:^\s*type\s*=\s*(.*?)$) | # variable default start (?:^\s*default\s*=\s*"?(.*?)"?\s*$) | # variable body (?:^\s*(\S.*?)$) ''') REPL_VALID = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + ' .,;:_-' OutputData = collections.namedtuple('Output', 'name description sensitive') OutputToken = enum.Enum('OutputToken', 'NAME DESCRIPTION SENSITIVE') VariableData = collections.namedtuple( 'Variable', 'name description type default required') VariableToken = enum.Enum( 'VariableToken', 'EMPTY BLOCK_COMMENT LINE_COMMENT NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE DEFAULT REST') class ItemParsed(Exception): pass class Output(object): "Output parsing helper class." def __init__(self): self.in_progress = False self.name = self.description = self.sensitive = None def parse_token(self, token_type, token_data): if token_type == 'NAME': if self.in_progress: raise ItemParsed(self.close()) self.in_progress = True self.name = token_data else: setattr(self, token_type.lower(), token_data) def close(self): return OutputData(self.name, self.description, self.sensitive) class Variable(object): "Variable parsing helper class." def __init__(self): self.in_progress = False self.name = self.description = self.type = self.default = None self._data = [] self._data_context = None def parse_token(self, token_type, token_data): if token_type == 'NAME': if self.in_progress: raise ItemParsed(self.close()) self.in_progress = True self.name = token_data elif token_type == 'DESCRIPTION': setattr(self, token_type.lower(), token_data) elif token_type in ('DEFAULT', 'TYPE'): self._start(token_type.lower(), token_data) elif token_type == 'REST': self._data.append(token_data) def _close(self, strip=False): if self._data_context: data = self._data if strip and '}' in data[-1]: data = data[:-1] setattr(self, self._data_context, ('\n'.join(data)).strip()) def _start(self, context, data): if context == self._data_context or getattr(self, context): self._data.append("%s = %s" % (context, data)) return self._close() self._data = [data] self._data_context = context def close(self): self._close(strip=True) return VariableData(self.name, self.description, self.type, self.default, self.default is None) def _escape(s): "Basic, minimal HTML escaping" return ''.join(c if c in REPL_VALID else ('&#%s;' % ord(c)) for c in s) def format_outputs(outputs): "Format outputs." if not outputs: return outputs.sort(key=lambda v: v.name) yield '| name | description | sensitive |' yield '|---|---|:---:|' for o in outputs: yield '| {name} | {description} | {sensitive} |'.format( name=o.name, description=o.description, sensitive='✓' if o.sensitive else '') def format_type(type_spec): "Format variable type." if not type_spec: return '' buffer = [] stack = [] for t in RE_TYPE.split(type_spec.split("\n")[0]): if not t: continue if t in '({': stack.append(t) elif t in '})': stack.pop() buffer.append(t) for t in reversed(stack): buffer.append(')' if t == '(' else '}') return ''.join(buffer).replace('object({})', 'object({...})') def format_variables(variables, required_first=True): "Format variables." if not variables: return variables.sort(key=lambda v: v.name) variables.sort(key=lambda v: v.required, reverse=True) yield '| name | description | type | required | default |' yield '|---|---|:---: |:---:|:---:|' row = ( '| {name} | {description} | {type} ' '| {required} | {default} |' ) for v in variables: default = default_spec = type_spec = '' if not v.required: default = '{default}' if '\n' in v.default: default = default.format(title=_escape(v.default), default='...') else: default = default.format(title='', default=v.default or '') if v.type and '(' in v.type: type_spec = _escape(v.type) yield row.format( name=v.name if v.required else '*%s*' % v.name, description=v.description, required='✓' if v.required else '', type=format_type(v.type), type_spec=type_spec, default=default ) def get_doc(variables, outputs): "Return formatted documentation." buffer = ['## Variables\n'] for line in format_variables(variables): buffer.append(line) buffer.append('\n## Outputs\n') for line in format_outputs(outputs): buffer.append(line) return '\n'.join(buffer) def parse_items(content, item_re, item_enum, item_class, item_data_class): "Parse variable or output items in data." item = item_class() for m in item_re.finditer(content): try: item.parse_token(item_enum(m.lastindex).name, m.group(m.lastindex)) except ItemParsed as e: item = item_class() item.parse_token(item_enum(m.lastindex).name, m.group(m.lastindex)) yield e.args[0] if item.in_progress: yield item.close() def replace_doc(module, doc): "Replace document in module's README.md file." try: readme = open(os.path.join(module, 'README.md')).read() m = re.search('(?sm)%s.*%s' % (MARK_BEGIN, MARK_END), readme) if not m: raise SystemExit('Pattern not found in README file.') replacement = "{pre}{begin}\n{doc}\n{end}{post}".format( pre=readme[:m.start()], begin=MARK_BEGIN, doc=doc, end=MARK_END, post=readme[m.end():]) open(os.path.join(module, 'README.md'), 'w').write(replacement) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise SystemExit('Error replacing in README: %s' % e) @click.command() @click.argument('module', type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.option('--replace/--no-replace', default=True) def main(module=None, replace=True): "Program entry point." try: variables = [] for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(module, 'variables*tf')): with open(path) as file: variables += [v for v in parse_items( file.read(), RE_VARIABLES, VariableToken, Variable, VariableData)] outputs = [] for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(module, 'outputs*tf')): with open(path) as file: outputs += [o for o in parse_items( file.read(), RE_OUTPUTS, OutputToken, Output, OutputData)] except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise SystemExit(e) doc = get_doc(variables, outputs) if replace: replace_doc(module, doc) else: print(doc) if __name__ == '__main__': main()