# Containerized Squid on Container Optimized OS This module manages a `cloud-config` configuration that starts a containerized [Squid](http://www.squid-cache.org/) proxy on Container Optimized OS. The default configuration creates a filtering proxy that only allows connection to a whitelisted set of domains. The resulting `cloud-config` can be customized in a number of ways: - a custom squid.conf configuration can be set using the `squid_config` variable - additional files (e.g. additional acls) can be passed in via the `files` variable - a completely custom `cloud-config` can be passed in via the `cloud_config` variable, and additional template variables can be passed in via `config_variables` The default instance configuration inserts iptables rules to allow traffic on TCP port 3128. With the default `squid.conf`, deny rules take precedence over allow rules. Logging and monitoring are enabled via the [Google Cloud Logging driver](https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/logging/gcplogs/) configured for the Squid container, and the [Node Problem Detector](https://cloud.google.com/container-optimized-os/docs/how-to/monitoring) service started by default on boot. The module renders the generated cloud config in the `cloud_config` output, to be used in instances or instance templates via the `user-data` metadata. For convenience during development or for simple use cases, the module can optionally manage a single instance via the `test_instance` variable. If the instance is not needed the `instance*tf` files can be safely removed. Refer to the [top-level README](../README.md) for more details on the included instance. ## Examples ### Default Squid configuration This example will create a `cloud-config` that allows any client in the CIDR to use the proxy to connect github.com or any subdomain of github.com. ```hcl module "cos-squid" { source = "./modules/cloud-config-container/squid" whitelist = [".github.com"] clients = [""] } # use it as metadata in a compute instance or template resource "google_compute_instance" "default" { metadata = { user-data = module.cos-squid.cloud_config } ``` ### Test Squid instance This example shows how to create the single instance optionally managed by the module, providing all required attributes in the `test_instance` variable. The instance is purposefully kept simple and should only be used in development, or when designing infrastructures. ```hcl module "cos-squid" { source = "./modules/cloud-config-container/squid" whitelist = ["github.com"] clients = [""] test_instance = { project_id = "my-project" zone = "europe-west1-b" name = "cos-squid" type = "f1-micro" network = "default" subnetwork = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/regions/europe-west1/subnetworks/my-subnet" } } ``` ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | [allow](variables.tf#L57) | List of domains Squid will allow connections to. | list(string) | | [] | | [clients](variables.tf#L69) | List of CIDR ranges from which Squid will allow connections. | list(string) | | [] | | [cloud_config](variables.tf#L17) | Cloud config template path. If null default will be used. | string | | null | | [config_variables](variables.tf#L23) | Additional variables used to render the cloud-config and Squid templates. | map(any) | | {} | | [default_action](variables.tf#L75) | Default action for domains not matching neither the allow or deny lists. | string | | "deny" | | [deny](variables.tf#L63) | List of domains Squid will deny connections to. | list(string) | | [] | | [file_defaults](variables.tf#L35) | Default owner and permissions for files. | object({…}) | | {…} | | [files](variables.tf#L47) | Map of extra files to create on the instance, path as key. Owner and permissions will use defaults if null. | map(object({…})) | | {} | | [squid_config](variables.tf#L29) | Squid configuration path, if null default will be used. | string | | null | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | [cloud_config](outputs.tf#L17) | Rendered cloud-config file to be passed as user-data instance metadata. | |