/** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ # tfdoc:file:description Production spoke VPC and related resources. module "prod-spoke-project" { source = "../../../modules/project" billing_account = var.billing_account.id name = "prod-net-spoke-0" parent = var.folder_ids.networking-prod prefix = var.prefix services = [ "compute.googleapis.com", "dns.googleapis.com", "iap.googleapis.com", "networkmanagement.googleapis.com", "servicenetworking.googleapis.com", "stackdriver.googleapis.com", "vpcaccess.googleapis.com" ] shared_vpc_host_config = { enabled = true } metric_scopes = [module.landing-project.project_id] iam = { "roles/dns.admin" = compact([ try(local.service_accounts.gke-prod, null), try(local.service_accounts.project-factory-prod, null), ]) } } module "prod-spoke-vpc" { source = "../../../modules/net-vpc" project_id = module.prod-spoke-project.project_id name = "prod-spoke-0" mtu = 1500 factories_config = { subnets_folder = "${var.factories_config.data_dir}/subnets/prod" } delete_default_routes_on_create = true psa_config = try(var.psa_ranges.prod, null) # Set explicit routes for googleapis; send everything else to NVAs create_googleapis_routes = { private = true restricted = true } routes = { nva-primary-to-primary = { dest_range = "" priority = 1000 tags = ["primary"] next_hop_type = "ilb" next_hop = module.ilb-nva-trusted["primary"].forwarding_rule_addresses[""] } nva-secondary-to-secondary = { dest_range = "" priority = 1000 tags = ["secondary"] next_hop_type = "ilb" next_hop = module.ilb-nva-trusted["secondary"].forwarding_rule_addresses[""] } nva-primary-to-secondary = { dest_range = "" priority = 1001 tags = ["primary"] next_hop_type = "ilb" next_hop = module.ilb-nva-trusted["secondary"].forwarding_rule_addresses[""] } nva-secondary-to-primary = { dest_range = "" priority = 1001 tags = ["secondary"] next_hop_type = "ilb" next_hop = module.ilb-nva-trusted["primary"].forwarding_rule_addresses[""] } } } module "prod-spoke-firewall" { source = "../../../modules/net-vpc-firewall" project_id = module.prod-spoke-project.project_id network = module.prod-spoke-vpc.name default_rules_config = { disabled = true } factories_config = { cidr_tpl_file = "${var.factories_config.data_dir}/cidrs.yaml" rules_folder = "${var.factories_config.data_dir}/firewall-rules/prod" } } module "peering-prod" { source = "../../../modules/net-vpc-peering" prefix = "prod-peering-0" local_network = module.prod-spoke-vpc.self_link peer_network = module.landing-trusted-vpc.self_link } # Create delegated grants for stage3 service accounts resource "google_project_iam_binding" "prod_spoke_project_iam_delegated" { project = module.prod-spoke-project.project_id role = "roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin" members = compact([ try(local.service_accounts.data-platform-prod, null), try(local.service_accounts.project-factory-prod, null), try(local.service_accounts.gke-prod, null), ]) condition { title = "prod_stage3_sa_delegated_grants" description = "Production host project delegated grants." expression = format( "api.getAttribute('iam.googleapis.com/modifiedGrantsByRole', []).hasOnly([%s])", join(",", formatlist("'%s'", local.stage3_sas_delegated_grants)) ) } }