# CMEK on Cloud Storage and Compute Engine via centralized Cloud KMS This sample creates a sample [Cloud KMS](https://cloud.google.com/kms?hl=it) configuration to be used with [Cloud Storage](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/encryption/using-customer-managed-keys) and [Copute Engine](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption). Cloud KMS is deployed in a separate project to highlight the IAM binding needed and to mock a more real scenario where you usually have a project to manage keys across all your projects in one single place. The sample has been purposefully kept simple so that it can be used as a basis for different and more complex configuration. This is the high level diagram: ![High-level diagram](diagram.png "High-level diagram") ## Managed resources and services This sample creates several distinct groups of resources: - projects - Cloud KMS project - Service Project configured for GCE instances and GCS buckets - networking - VPC network - One subnet - Firewall rules for [SSH access via IAP](https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/using-tcp-forwarding) and open communication within the VPC - IAM - One service account for the GGE instance - KMS - One key ring - One crypto key (Procection level: softwere) for Cloud Engine - One crypto key (Protection level: softwere) for Cloud Storage - GCE - One instance encrypted with a CMEK Cryptokey hosted in Cloud KMS - GCS - One bucket encrypted with a CMEK Cryptokey hosted in Cloud KMS ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---: |:---:|:---:| | billing_account | Billing account id used as default for new projects. | string | ✓ | | | projects_parent | The resource name of the parent Folder or Organization. Must be of the form folders/folder_id or organizations/org_id. | string | ✓ | | | *project_kms_name* | Name for the new KMS Project. | string | | my-project-kms-001 | | *project_service_name* | Name for the new Service Project. | string | | my-project-service-001 | | *resource_location* | The location where resources will be deployed. | string | | europe | | *resource_region* | The region where resources will be deployed. | string | | europe-west1 | | *resource_zone* | The zone where resources will be deployed. | string | | europe-west1-b | | *vpc_ip_cidr_range* | Ip range used in the subnet deployef in the Service Project. | string | | | | *vpc_name* | Name of the VPC created in the Service Project. | string | | local | | *vpc_subnet_name* | Name of the subnet created in the Service Project. | string | | subnet | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | buckets_keys | GCS Buckets Cloud KMS crypto keys. | | | projects | Project ids. | | | vms_keys | GCE VMs Cloud KMS crypto keys. | |