/** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ # tfdoc:file:description Subnet resources. locals { _factory_data = { for f in try(fileset(local._factory_path, "**/*.yaml"), []) : trimsuffix(basename(f), ".yaml") => yamldecode(file("${local._factory_path}/${f}")) } _factory_path = try(pathexpand(var.factories_config.subnets_folder), null) _factory_subnets = { for k, v in local._factory_data : "${v.region}/${try(v.name, k)}" => { active = try(v.active, true) description = try(v.description, null) enable_private_access = try(v.enable_private_access, true) flow_logs_config = can(v.flow_logs_config) ? { aggregation_interval = try(v.flow_logs_config.aggregation_interval, null) filter_expression = try(v.flow_logs_config.filter_expression, null) flow_sampling = try(v.flow_logs_config.flow_sampling, null) metadata = try(v.flow_logs_config.metadata, null) metadata_fields = try(v.flow_logs_config.metadata_fields, null) } : null global = try(v.global, false) ip_cidr_range = v.ip_cidr_range ipv6 = !can(v.ipv6) ? null : { access_type = try(v.ipv6.access_type, "INTERNAL") } name = try(v.name, k) region = v.region secondary_ip_ranges = try(v.secondary_ip_ranges, null) iam = try(v.iam, {}) iam_bindings = !can(v.iam_bindings) ? {} : { for k2, v2 in v.iam_bindings : k2 => { role = v2.role members = v2.members condition = !can(v2.condition) ? null : { expression = v2.condition.expression title = v2.condition.title description = try(v2.condition.description, null) } } } iam_bindings_additive = !can(v.iam_bindings_additive) ? {} : { for k2, v2 in v.iam_bindings_additive : k2 => { member = v2.member role = v2.role condition = !can(v2.condition) ? null : { expression = v2.condition.expression title = v2.condition.title description = try(v2.condition.description, null) } } } _is_regular = !try(v.psc == true, false) && !try(v.proxy_only == true, false) _is_psc = try(v.psc == true, false) _is_proxy_only = try(v.proxy_only == true, false) } } all_subnets = merge( { for k, v in google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork : k => v }, { for k, v in google_compute_subnetwork.proxy_only : k => v }, { for k, v in google_compute_subnetwork.psc : k => v } ) subnet_iam = flatten(concat( [ for s in concat(var.subnets, var.subnets_psc, var.subnets_proxy_only, values(local._factory_subnets)) : [ for role, members in s.iam : { role = role members = members subnet = "${s.region}/${s.name}" } ] ], )) subnet_iam_bindings = merge([ for s in concat(var.subnets, var.subnets_psc, var.subnets_proxy_only, values(local._factory_subnets)) : { for key, data in s.iam_bindings : key => { role = data.role subnet = "${s.region}/${s.name}" members = data.members condition = data.condition } } ]...) # note: all additive bindings share a single namespace for the key. # In other words, if you have multiple additive bindings with the # same name, only one will be used subnet_iam_bindings_additive = merge([ for s in concat(var.subnets, var.subnets_psc, var.subnets_proxy_only, values(local._factory_subnets)) : { for key, data in s.iam_bindings_additive : key => { role = data.role subnet = "${s.region}/${s.name}" member = data.member condition = data.condition } } ]...) subnets = merge( { for s in var.subnets : "${s.region}/${s.name}" => s }, { for k, v in local._factory_subnets : k => v if v._is_regular } ) subnets_proxy_only = merge( { for s in var.subnets_proxy_only : "${s.region}/${s.name}" => s }, { for k, v in local._factory_subnets : k => v if v._is_proxy_only }, ) subnets_psc = merge( { for s in var.subnets_psc : "${s.region}/${s.name}" => s }, { for k, v in local._factory_subnets : k => v if v._is_psc } ) } resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnetwork" { for_each = local.subnets project = var.project_id network = local.network.name name = each.value.name region = each.value.region ip_cidr_range = each.value.ip_cidr_range description = ( each.value.description == null ? "Terraform-managed." : each.value.description ) private_ip_google_access = each.value.enable_private_access secondary_ip_range = each.value.secondary_ip_ranges == null ? [] : [ for name, range in each.value.secondary_ip_ranges : { range_name = name, ip_cidr_range = range } ] stack_type = ( try(each.value.ipv6, null) != null ? "IPV4_IPV6" : null ) ipv6_access_type = ( try(each.value.ipv6, null) != null ? each.value.ipv6.access_type : null ) # private_ipv6_google_access = try(each.value.ipv6.enable_private_access, null) dynamic "log_config" { for_each = each.value.flow_logs_config != null ? [""] : [] content { aggregation_interval = each.value.flow_logs_config.aggregation_interval filter_expr = each.value.flow_logs_config.filter_expression flow_sampling = each.value.flow_logs_config.flow_sampling metadata = each.value.flow_logs_config.metadata metadata_fields = ( each.value.flow_logs_config.metadata == "CUSTOM_METADATA" ? each.value.flow_logs_config.metadata_fields : null ) } } } resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "proxy_only" { for_each = local.subnets_proxy_only project = var.project_id network = local.network.name name = each.value.name region = each.value.region ip_cidr_range = each.value.ip_cidr_range description = coalesce( each.value.description, "Terraform-managed proxy-only subnet for Regional HTTPS, Internal HTTPS or Cross-Regional HTTPS Internal LB." ) purpose = each.value.global ? "GLOBAL_MANAGED_PROXY" : "REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY" role = each.value.active ? "ACTIVE" : "BACKUP" } resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "psc" { for_each = local.subnets_psc project = var.project_id network = local.network.name name = each.value.name region = each.value.region ip_cidr_range = each.value.ip_cidr_range description = coalesce( each.value.description, "Terraform-managed subnet for Private Service Connect (PSC NAT)." ) purpose = "PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT" } resource "google_compute_subnetwork_iam_binding" "authoritative" { for_each = { for binding in local.subnet_iam : "${binding.subnet}.${binding.role}" => binding } project = var.project_id subnetwork = local.all_subnets[each.value.subnet].name region = local.all_subnets[each.value.subnet].region role = each.value.role members = each.value.members } resource "google_compute_subnetwork_iam_binding" "bindings" { for_each = local.subnet_iam_bindings project = var.project_id subnetwork = local.all_subnets[each.value.subnet].name region = local.all_subnets[each.value.subnet].region role = each.value.role members = each.value.members dynamic "condition" { for_each = each.value.condition == null ? [] : [""] content { expression = each.value.condition.expression title = each.value.condition.title description = each.value.condition.description } } } resource "google_compute_subnetwork_iam_member" "bindings" { for_each = local.subnet_iam_bindings_additive project = var.project_id subnetwork = local.all_subnets[each.value.subnet].name region = local.all_subnets[each.value.subnet].region role = each.value.role member = each.value.member dynamic "condition" { for_each = each.value.condition == null ? [] : [""] content { expression = each.value.condition.expression title = each.value.condition.title description = each.value.condition.description } } } resource "google_compute_network_attachment" "default" { provider = google-beta for_each = var.network_attachments project = var.project_id region = google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork[each.value.subnet].region name = each.key description = each.value.description connection_preference = ( each.value.automatic_connection ? "ACCEPT_AUTOMATIC" : "ACCEPT_MANUAL" ) subnetworks = [ google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork[each.value.subnet].self_link ] producer_accept_lists = each.value.producer_accept_lists producer_reject_lists = each.value.producer_reject_lists }