# GKE nodepool module This module allows simplified creation and management of individual GKE nodepools, setting sensible defaults (eg a service account is created for nodes if none is set) and allowing for less verbose usage in most use cases. ## Example usage ### Module defaults If no specific node configuration is set via variables, the module uses the provider's defaults only setting OAuth scopes to a minimal working set (devstorage read-only, logging and monitoring write) and the node machine type to `n1-standard-1`. The service account set by the provider in this case is the GCE default service account. ```hcl module "cluster-1-nodepool-1" { source = "./modules/gke-nodepool" project_id = "myproject" cluster_name = "cluster-1" location = "europe-west1-b" name = "nodepool-1" } ``` ### Internally managed service account To have the module auto-create a service account for the nodes, set the `node_service_account_create` variable to `true`. When a service account is created by the module, OAuth scopes are set to `cloud-platform` by default. The service account resource and email (in both plain and IAM formats) are then available in outputs to assign IAM roles from your own code. ```hcl module "cluster-1-nodepool-1" { source = "./modules/gke-nodepool" project_id = "myproject" cluster_name = "cluster-1" location = "europe-west1-b" name = "nodepool-1" node_service_account_create = true } # tftest:modules=1:resources=2 ``` ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | cluster_name | Cluster name. | string | ✓ | | | location | Cluster location. | string | ✓ | | | project_id | Cluster project id. | string | ✓ | | | autoscaling_config | Optional autoscaling configuration. | object({…}) | | null | | gke_version | Kubernetes nodes version. Ignored if auto_upgrade is set in management_config. | string | | null | | initial_node_count | Initial number of nodes for the pool. | number | | 1 | | kubelet_config | Kubelet configuration. | object({…}) | | null | | linux_node_config_sysctls | Linux node configuration. | map(string) | | null | | management_config | Optional node management configuration. | object({…}) | | null | | max_pods_per_node | Maximum number of pods per node. | number | | null | | name | Optional nodepool name. | string | | null | | node_boot_disk_kms_key | Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node | string | | null | | node_count | Number of nodes per instance group, can be updated after creation. Ignored when autoscaling is set. | number | | null | | node_disk_size | Node disk size, defaults to 100GB. | number | | 100 | | node_disk_type | Node disk type, defaults to pd-standard. | string | | "pd-standard" | | node_guest_accelerator | Map of type and count of attached accelerator cards. | map(number) | | {} | | node_image_type | Nodes image type. | string | | null | | node_labels | Kubernetes labels attached to nodes. | map(string) | | {} | | node_local_ssd_count | Number of local SSDs attached to nodes. | number | | 0 | | node_locations | Optional list of zones in which nodes should be located. Uses cluster locations if unset. | list(string) | | null | | node_machine_type | Nodes machine type. | string | | "n1-standard-1" | | node_metadata | Metadata key/value pairs assigned to nodes. Set disable-legacy-endpoints to true when using this variable. | map(string) | | null | | node_min_cpu_platform | Minimum CPU platform for nodes. | string | | null | | node_preemptible | Use preemptible VMs for nodes. | bool | | null | | node_sandbox_config | GKE Sandbox configuration. Needs image_type set to COS_CONTAINERD and node_version set to 1.12.7-gke.17 when using this variable. | string | | null | | node_service_account | Service account email. Unused if service account is auto-created. | string | | null | | node_service_account_create | Auto-create service account. | bool | | false | | node_service_account_scopes | Scopes applied to service account. Default to: 'cloud-platform' when creating a service account; 'devstorage.read_only', 'logging.write', 'monitoring.write' otherwise. | list(string) | | [] | | node_shielded_instance_config | Shielded instance options. | object({…}) | | null | | node_tags | Network tags applied to nodes. | list(string) | | null | | node_taints | Kubernetes taints applied to nodes. E.g. type=blue:NoSchedule | list(string) | | [] | | upgrade_config | Optional node upgrade configuration. | object({…}) | | null | | workload_metadata_config | Metadata configuration to expose to workloads on the node pool. | string | | "GKE_METADATA" | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | name | Nodepool name. | | | service_account | Service account resource. | | | service_account_email | Service account email. | | | service_account_iam_email | Service account email. | |