/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ # tfdoc:file:description Automation project and resources. module "automation-project" { source = "../../../modules/project" billing_account = var.billing_account.id name = "iac-core-0" parent = coalesce( var.project_parent_ids.automation, "organizations/${var.organization.id}" ) prefix = local.prefix # human (groups) IAM bindings group_iam = { (local.groups.gcp-devops) = [ "roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin", "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator", ] (local.groups.gcp-organization-admins) = [ "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator", "roles/iam.workloadIdentityPoolAdmin" ] } # machine (service accounts) IAM bindings iam = { "roles/owner" = [ module.automation-tf-bootstrap-sa.iam_email ] "roles/cloudbuild.builds.editor" = [ module.automation-tf-resman-sa.iam_email ] "roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin" = [ module.automation-tf-resman-sa.iam_email ] "roles/iam.workloadIdentityPoolAdmin" = [ module.automation-tf-resman-sa.iam_email ] "roles/source.admin" = [ module.automation-tf-resman-sa.iam_email ] "roles/storage.admin" = [ module.automation-tf-resman-sa.iam_email ] } services = [ "accesscontextmanager.googleapis.com", "bigquery.googleapis.com", "bigqueryreservation.googleapis.com", "bigquerystorage.googleapis.com", "billingbudgets.googleapis.com", "cloudbilling.googleapis.com", "cloudbuild.googleapis.com", "cloudkms.googleapis.com", "cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com", "container.googleapis.com", "compute.googleapis.com", "container.googleapis.com", "essentialcontacts.googleapis.com", "iam.googleapis.com", "iamcredentials.googleapis.com", "orgpolicy.googleapis.com", "pubsub.googleapis.com", "servicenetworking.googleapis.com", "serviceusage.googleapis.com", "sourcerepo.googleapis.com", "stackdriver.googleapis.com", "storage-component.googleapis.com", "storage.googleapis.com", "sts.googleapis.com" ] } # output files bucket module "automation-tf-output-gcs" { source = "../../../modules/gcs" project_id = module.automation-project.project_id name = "iac-core-outputs-0" prefix = local.prefix location = var.locations.gcs storage_class = local.gcs_storage_class versioning = true depends_on = [module.organization] } # this stage's bucket and service account module "automation-tf-bootstrap-gcs" { source = "../../../modules/gcs" project_id = module.automation-project.project_id name = "iac-core-bootstrap-0" prefix = local.prefix location = var.locations.gcs storage_class = local.gcs_storage_class versioning = true depends_on = [module.organization] } module "automation-tf-bootstrap-sa" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" project_id = module.automation-project.project_id name = "bootstrap-0" display_name = "Terraform organization bootstrap service account." prefix = local.prefix # allow SA used by CI/CD workflow to impersonate this SA iam = { "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" = compact([ try(module.automation-tf-cicd-sa["bootstrap"].iam_email, null) ]) } iam_storage_roles = { (module.automation-tf-output-gcs.name) = ["roles/storage.admin"] } } # cicd stage's bucket and service account module "automation-tf-cicd-gcs" { source = "../../../modules/gcs" project_id = module.automation-project.project_id name = "iac-core-cicd-0" prefix = local.prefix location = var.locations.gcs storage_class = local.gcs_storage_class versioning = true iam = { "roles/storage.objectAdmin" = [module.automation-tf-cicd-provisioning-sa.iam_email] } depends_on = [module.organization] } module "automation-tf-cicd-provisioning-sa" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" project_id = module.automation-project.project_id name = "cicd-0" display_name = "Terraform stage 1 CICD service account." prefix = local.prefix # allow SA used by CI/CD workflow to impersonate this SA iam = { "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" = compact([ try(module.automation-tf-cicd-sa["cicd"].iam_email, null) ]) } iam_storage_roles = { (module.automation-tf-output-gcs.name) = ["roles/storage.admin"] } } # resource hierarchy stage's bucket and service account module "automation-tf-resman-gcs" { source = "../../../modules/gcs" project_id = module.automation-project.project_id name = "iac-core-resman-0" prefix = local.prefix location = var.locations.gcs storage_class = local.gcs_storage_class versioning = true iam = { "roles/storage.objectAdmin" = [module.automation-tf-resman-sa.iam_email] } depends_on = [module.organization] } module "automation-tf-resman-sa" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" project_id = module.automation-project.project_id name = "resman-0" display_name = "Terraform stage 1 resman service account." prefix = local.prefix # allow SA used by CI/CD workflow to impersonate this SA iam = { "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" = compact([ try(module.automation-tf-cicd-sa["resman"].iam_email, null) ]) } iam_storage_roles = { (module.automation-tf-output-gcs.name) = ["roles/storage.admin"] } }