/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ locals { squid_address = ( var.mig ? module.squid-ilb.0.forwarding_rule_address : module.squid-vm.internal_ip ) } ############################################################################### # Folder with network-related resources # ############################################################################### module "folder-netops" { source = "../../../modules/folder" parent = var.root_node name = "netops" } ############################################################################### # Host project and shared VPC resources # ############################################################################### module "project-host" { source = "../../../modules/project" billing_account = var.billing_account name = "host" parent = module.folder-netops.id prefix = var.prefix services = [ "compute.googleapis.com", "dns.googleapis.com", "logging.googleapis.com" ] shared_vpc_host_config = { enabled = true } } module "vpc" { source = "../../../modules/net-vpc" project_id = module.project-host.project_id name = "vpc" subnets = [ { name = "apps" ip_cidr_range = var.cidrs.apps region = var.region secondary_ip_range = null }, { name = "proxy" ip_cidr_range = var.cidrs.proxy region = var.region secondary_ip_range = null } ] } module "firewall" { source = "../../../modules/net-vpc-firewall" project_id = module.project-host.project_id network = module.vpc.name custom_rules = { allow-ingress-squid = { description = "Allow squid ingress traffic" direction = "INGRESS" action = "allow" sources = [] ranges = [var.cidrs.apps, "", ""] targets = [module.service-account-squid.email] use_service_accounts = true rules = [{ protocol = "tcp", ports = [3128] }] extra_attributes = {} } } } module "nat" { source = "../../../modules/net-cloudnat" project_id = module.project-host.project_id region = var.region name = "default" router_network = module.vpc.name config_source_subnets = "LIST_OF_SUBNETWORKS" # 64512/11 = 5864 . 11 is the number of usable IPs in the proxy subnet config_min_ports_per_vm = 5864 subnetworks = [ { self_link = module.vpc.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/proxy"] config_source_ranges = ["ALL_IP_RANGES"] secondary_ranges = null } ] logging_filter = var.nat_logging } module "private-dns" { source = "../../../modules/dns" project_id = module.project-host.project_id type = "private" name = "internal" domain = "internal." client_networks = [module.vpc.self_link] recordsets = { "A squid" = { ttl = 60, records = [local.squid_address] } "CNAME proxy" = { ttl = 3600, records = ["squid.internal."] } } } ############################################################################### # Squid resources # ############################################################################### module "service-account-squid" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" project_id = module.project-host.project_id name = "svc-squid" iam_project_roles = { (module.project-host.project_id) = [ "roles/logging.logWriter", "roles/monitoring.metricWriter", ] } } module "cos-squid" { source = "../../../modules/cloud-config-container/squid" allow = var.allowed_domains clients = [var.cidrs.apps] } module "squid-vm" { source = "../../../modules/compute-vm" project_id = module.project-host.project_id zone = "${var.region}-b" name = "squid-vm" instance_type = "e2-medium" create_template = var.mig network_interfaces = [{ network = module.vpc.self_link subnetwork = module.vpc.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/proxy"] nat = false addresses = null }] boot_disk = { image = "cos-cloud/cos-stable" type = "pd-standard" size = 10 } service_account = module.service-account-squid.email service_account_scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"] metadata = { user-data = module.cos-squid.cloud_config } } module "squid-mig" { count = var.mig ? 1 : 0 source = "../../../modules/compute-mig" project_id = module.project-host.project_id location = "${var.region}-b" name = "squid-mig" target_size = 1 autoscaler_config = { max_replicas = 10 min_replicas = 1 cooldown_period = 30 cpu_utilization_target = 0.65 load_balancing_utilization_target = null metric = null } default_version = { instance_template = module.squid-vm.template.self_link name = "default" } health_check_config = { type = "tcp" check = { port = 3128 } config = {} logging = true } auto_healing_policies = { health_check = module.squid-mig.0.health_check.self_link initial_delay_sec = 60 } } module "squid-ilb" { count = var.mig ? 1 : 0 source = "../../../modules/net-ilb" project_id = module.project-host.project_id region = var.region name = "squid-ilb" service_label = "squid-ilb" network = module.vpc.self_link subnetwork = module.vpc.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/proxy"] ports = [3128] backends = [{ failover = false group = module.squid-mig.0.group_manager.instance_group balancing_mode = "CONNECTION" }] health_check_config = { type = "tcp" check = { port = 3128 } config = {} logging = true } } ############################################################################### # Service project # ############################################################################### module "folder-apps" { source = "../../../modules/folder" parent = var.root_node name = "apps" policy_list = { # prevent VMs with public IPs in the apps folder "constraints/compute.vmExternalIpAccess" = { inherit_from_parent = false suggested_value = null status = false values = [] } } } module "project-app" { source = "../../../modules/project" billing_account = var.billing_account name = "app1" parent = module.folder-apps.id prefix = var.prefix services = ["compute.googleapis.com"] shared_vpc_service_config = { host_project = module.project-host.project_id service_identity_iam = { "roles/compute.networkUser" = ["cloudservices"] } } } module "test-vm" { source = "../../../modules/compute-vm" project_id = module.project-app.project_id zone = "${var.region}-b" name = "test-vm" instance_type = "e2-micro" tags = ["ssh"] network_interfaces = [{ network = module.vpc.self_link subnetwork = module.vpc.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/apps"] nat = false addresses = null }] boot_disk = { image = "debian-cloud/debian-10" type = "pd-standard" size = 10 } service_account_create = true }