/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ locals { service_account_email = ( var.node_service_account_create ? ( length(google_service_account.service_account) > 0 ? google_service_account.service_account[0].email : null ) : var.node_service_account ) service_account_scopes = ( length(var.node_service_account_scopes) > 0 ? var.node_service_account_scopes : ( var.node_service_account_create ? ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"] : [ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring.write" ] ) ) node_taint_effect = { "NoExecute" = "NO_EXECUTE", "NoSchedule" = "NO_SCHEDULE" "PreferNoSchedule" = "PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE" } temp_node_pools_taints = [ for taint in var.node_taints : { "key" = element(split("=", taint), 0), "value" = element(split(":", element(split("=", taint), 1)), 0), "effect" = lookup(local.node_taint_effect, element(split(":", taint), 1)), } ] # The taint is added to match the one that # GKE implicitly adds when Windows node pools are created. win_node_pools_taint = ( var.node_image_type == null ? [] : length(regexall("WINDOWS", var.node_image_type)) > 0 ? [ { "key" = "node.kubernetes.io/os" "value" = "windows" "effect" = local.node_taint_effect.NoSchedule } ] : [] ) node_taints = concat(local.temp_node_pools_taints, local.win_node_pools_taint) } resource "google_service_account" "service_account" { count = var.node_service_account_create ? 1 : 0 project = var.project_id account_id = "tf-gke-${var.name}" display_name = "Terraform GKE ${var.cluster_name} ${var.name}." } resource "google_container_node_pool" "nodepool" { provider = google-beta project = var.project_id cluster = var.cluster_name location = var.location name = var.name initial_node_count = var.node_count == null ? var.initial_node_count : null // (dmarzi) TOFIX max_pods_per_node = var.max_pods_per_node node_count = var.autoscaling_config == null ? var.node_count : null node_locations = var.node_locations version = var.gke_version node_config { disk_size_gb = var.node_disk_size disk_type = var.node_disk_type image_type = var.node_image_type labels = var.node_labels taint = local.node_taints local_ssd_count = var.node_local_ssd_count machine_type = var.node_machine_type metadata = var.node_metadata min_cpu_platform = var.node_min_cpu_platform oauth_scopes = local.service_account_scopes preemptible = var.node_preemptible service_account = local.service_account_email tags = var.node_tags boot_disk_kms_key = var.node_boot_disk_kms_key spot = var.node_spot dynamic "guest_accelerator" { for_each = var.node_guest_accelerator iterator = config content { type = config.key count = config.value } } dynamic "sandbox_config" { for_each = ( var.node_sandbox_config != null ? [var.node_sandbox_config] : [] ) iterator = config content { sandbox_type = config.value } } dynamic "shielded_instance_config" { for_each = ( var.node_shielded_instance_config != null ? [var.node_shielded_instance_config] : [] ) iterator = config content { enable_secure_boot = config.value.enable_secure_boot enable_integrity_monitoring = config.value.enable_integrity_monitoring } } workload_metadata_config { mode = var.workload_metadata_config } dynamic "kubelet_config" { for_each = var.kubelet_config != null ? [var.kubelet_config] : [] iterator = config content { cpu_manager_policy = config.value.cpu_manager_policy cpu_cfs_quota = config.value.cpu_cfs_quota cpu_cfs_quota_period = config.value.cpu_cfs_quota_period } } dynamic "linux_node_config" { for_each = var.linux_node_config_sysctls != null ? [var.linux_node_config_sysctls] : [] iterator = config content { sysctls = config.value } } } dynamic "autoscaling" { for_each = var.autoscaling_config != null ? [var.autoscaling_config] : [] iterator = config content { min_node_count = config.value.min_node_count max_node_count = config.value.max_node_count } } dynamic "management" { for_each = var.management_config != null ? [var.management_config] : [] iterator = config content { auto_repair = config.value.auto_repair auto_upgrade = config.value.auto_upgrade } } dynamic "upgrade_settings" { for_each = var.upgrade_config != null ? [var.upgrade_config] : [] iterator = config content { max_surge = config.value.max_surge max_unavailable = config.value.max_unavailable } } }