#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2023 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import glob import ipaddress import json import sys import click import yaml import yamale from fnmatch import fnmatch from types import SimpleNamespace from yamale.validators import DefaultValidators, Validator class Netmask(Validator): """ Custom netmask validator """ tag = 'netmask' settings = {} mode = None _type = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._type = kwargs.pop('type', 'source-or-dest') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def fail(self, value): dir_str = 'source or destination' mode_str = 'allowed' if self._type == 'source': dir_str = 'source' elif self._type == 'destination': dir_str = 'destination' if self.mode == 'approve': mode_str = 'automatically approved' return '\'%s\' is not an %s %s network.' % (value, mode_str, dir_str) def _is_valid(self, value): is_ok = False network = ipaddress.ip_network(value) if self._type == 'source' or self._type == 'source-or-dest': for ip_range in self.settings['allowedSourceRanges']: allowed_network = ipaddress.ip_network(ip_range['cidr']) if network.subnet_of(allowed_network): if self.mode != 'approve' or ip_range['approved']: is_ok = True break if self._type == 'destination' or self._type == 'source-or-dest': for ip_range in self.settings['allowedDestinationRanges']: allowed_network = ipaddress.ip_network(ip_range['cidr']) if network.subnet_of(allowed_network): if self.mode != 'approve' or ip_range['approved']: is_ok = True break return is_ok class NetworkTag(Validator): """ Custom network tag validator """ tag = 'networktag' settings = {} mode = None _type = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def fail(self, value): mode_str = 'allowed' if self.mode == 'approve': mode_str = 'automatically approved' return '\'%s\' is not an %s network tag.' % (value, mode_str) def _is_valid(self, value): is_ok = False for tag in self.settings['allowedNetworkTags']: if fnmatch(value, tag['tag']): if self.mode != 'approve' or tag['approved']: is_ok = True break return is_ok class ServiceAccount(Validator): """ Custom service account validator """ tag = 'serviceaccount' settings = {} mode = None _type = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def fail(self, value): mode_str = 'allowed' if self.mode == 'approve': mode_str = 'automatically approved' return '\'%s\' is not an %s service account.' % (value, mode_str) def _is_valid(self, value): is_ok = False for sa in self.settings['allowedServiceAccounts']: if fnmatch(value, sa['serviceAccount']): if self.mode != 'approve' or sa['approved']: is_ok = True break return is_ok class NetworkPorts(Validator): """ Custom ports validator """ tag = 'networkports' settings = {} mode = None _type = None allowed_port_map = [] approved_port_map = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) for port in self.settings['allowedPorts']: ports = self._process_port_definition(port['ports']) self.allowed_port_map.extend(ports) if port['approved']: self.approved_port_map.extend(ports) def _process_port_definition(self, port_definition): ports = [] if not isinstance(port_definition, int) and '-' in port_definition: start, end = port_definition.split('-', 2) for port in range(int(start), int(end) + 1): ports.append(int(port)) else: ports.append(int(port_definition)) return ports def fail(self, value): mode_str = 'allowed' if self.mode == 'approve': mode_str = 'automatically approved' return '\'%s\' is not an %s IP port.' % (value, mode_str) def _is_valid(self, value): ports = self._process_port_definition(value) is_ok = True for port in ports: if self.mode == 'approve' and port not in self.approved_port_map: is_ok = False break elif port not in self.allowed_port_map: is_ok = False break return is_ok class FirewallValidator: schema = None settings = None validators = None def __init__(self, settings, mode): self.settings = settings self.validators = DefaultValidators.copy() Netmask.settings = self.settings Netmask.mode = mode self.validators[Netmask.tag] = Netmask NetworkTag.settings = self.settings NetworkTag.mode = mode self.validators[NetworkTag.tag] = NetworkTag ServiceAccount.settings = self.settings ServiceAccount.mode = mode self.validators[ServiceAccount.tag] = ServiceAccount NetworkPorts.settings = self.settings NetworkPorts.mode = mode self.validators[NetworkPorts.tag] = NetworkPorts def set_schema_from_file(self, schema): self.schema = yamale.make_schema(path=schema, validators=self.validators) def set_schema_from_string(self, schema): self.schema = yamale.make_schema( content=schema, validators=self.validators) def validate_file(self, file): print('Validating %s...' % (file), file=sys.stderr) data = yamale.make_data(file) yamale.validate(self.schema, data) @click.command() @click.argument('files') @click.option('--schema', default='/schemas/firewallSchema.yaml', help='YAML schema file') @click.option('--settings', default='/schemas/firewallSchemaSettings.yaml', help='schema configuration file') @click.option('--mode', default='validate', help='select mode (validate or approve)') @click.option('--github', is_flag=True, default=False, help='output GitHub action compatible variables') def main(**kwargs): args = SimpleNamespace(**kwargs) files = [args.files] if '*' in args.files: files = glob.glob(args.files, recursive=True) print('Arguments: %s' % (str(sys.argv)), file=sys.stderr) f = open(args.settings) settings = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) firewall_validator = FirewallValidator(settings, args.mode) firewall_validator.set_schema_from_file(args.schema) output = {'ok': True, 'errors': {}} for file in files: try: firewall_validator.validate_file(file) except yamale.yamale_error.YamaleError as e: if file not in output['errors']: output['errors'][file] = [] output['ok'] = False for result in e.results: for err in result.errors: output['errors'][file].append(err) if args.github: print('::set-output name=ok::%s' % ('true' if output['ok'] else 'false')) print('::set-output name=errors::%s' % (json.dumps(output['errors']))) print(json.dumps(output), file=sys.stderr) else: print(json.dumps(output)) if not output['ok'] and not args.github: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()