# Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # tfdoc:file:description Orchestration project and VPC. locals { iam_orch = { "roles/artifactregistry.admin" = [local.groups_iam.data-engineers] "roles/artifactregistry.reader" = [module.load-sa-df-0.iam_email] "roles/bigquery.dataEditor" = [ module.load-sa-df-0.iam_email, module.transf-sa-df-0.iam_email, local.groups_iam.data-engineers ] "roles/bigquery.jobUser" = [ module.orch-sa-cmp-0.iam_email, local.groups_iam.data-engineers ] "roles/cloudbuild.builds.editor" = [local.groups_iam.data-engineers] "roles/cloudbuild.serviceAgent" = [module.orch-sa-df-build.iam_email] "roles/composer.admin" = [local.groups_iam.data-engineers] "roles/composer.user" = [local.groups_iam.data-engineers] "roles/composer.environmentAndStorageObjectAdmin" = [local.groups_iam.data-engineers] "roles/composer.ServiceAgentV2Ext" = [ "serviceAccount:${module.orch-project.service_accounts.robots.composer}" ] "roles/composer.worker" = [ module.orch-sa-cmp-0.iam_email ] "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" = [ module.orch-sa-cmp-0.iam_email, local.groups_iam.data-engineers ] "roles/iap.httpsResourceAccessor" = [local.groups_iam.data-engineers] "roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageConsumer" = [local.groups_iam.data-engineers] "roles/storage.objectAdmin" = [ module.orch-sa-cmp-0.iam_email, module.orch-sa-df-build.iam_email, "serviceAccount:${module.orch-project.service_accounts.robots.composer}", "serviceAccount:${module.orch-project.service_accounts.robots.cloudbuild}", local.groups_iam.data-engineers ] "roles/storage.objectViewer" = [module.load-sa-df-0.iam_email] } orch_subnet = ( local.use_shared_vpc ? var.network_config.subnet_self_links.orchestration : values(module.orch-vpc.0.subnet_self_links)[0] ) orch_vpc = ( local.use_shared_vpc ? var.network_config.network_self_link : module.orch-vpc.0.self_link ) # Note: This formatting is needed for output purposes since the fabric artifact registry # module doesn't yet expose the docker usage path of a registry folder in the needed format. orch_docker_path = format("%s-docker.pkg.dev/%s/%s", var.region, module.orch-project.project_id, module.orch-artifact-reg.name) } module "orch-project" { source = "../../../modules/project" parent = var.project_config.parent billing_account = var.project_config.billing_account_id project_create = var.project_config.billing_account_id != null prefix = var.project_config.billing_account_id == null ? null : var.prefix name = ( var.project_config.billing_account_id == null ? var.project_config.project_ids.orc : "${var.project_config.project_ids.orc}${local.project_suffix}" ) iam = var.project_config.billing_account_id != null ? local.iam_orch : null iam_additive = var.project_config.billing_account_id == null ? local.iam_orch : null oslogin = false services = concat(var.project_services, [ "artifactregistry.googleapis.com", "bigquery.googleapis.com", "bigqueryreservation.googleapis.com", "bigquerystorage.googleapis.com", "cloudbuild.googleapis.com", "cloudkms.googleapis.com", "composer.googleapis.com", "compute.googleapis.com", "container.googleapis.com", "containerregistry.googleapis.com", "artifactregistry.googleapis.com", "dataflow.googleapis.com", "orgpolicy.googleapis.com", "pubsub.googleapis.com", "servicenetworking.googleapis.com", "storage.googleapis.com", "storage-component.googleapis.com" ]) service_encryption_key_ids = { composer = [try(local.service_encryption_keys.composer, null)] storage = [try(local.service_encryption_keys.storage, null)] } shared_vpc_service_config = local.shared_vpc_project == null ? null : { attach = true host_project = local.shared_vpc_project } } # Cloud Storage module "orch-cs-0" { source = "../../../modules/gcs" project_id = module.orch-project.project_id prefix = var.prefix name = "orc-cs-0" location = var.location storage_class = "MULTI_REGIONAL" encryption_key = try(local.service_encryption_keys.storage, null) } # internal VPC resources module "orch-vpc" { source = "../../../modules/net-vpc" count = local.use_shared_vpc ? 0 : 1 project_id = module.orch-project.project_id name = "${var.prefix}-orch" subnets = [ { ip_cidr_range = "" name = "${var.prefix}-orch" region = var.region secondary_ip_ranges = { pods = "" services = "" } } ] } module "orch-vpc-firewall" { source = "../../../modules/net-vpc-firewall" count = local.use_shared_vpc ? 0 : 1 project_id = module.orch-project.project_id network = module.orch-vpc.0.name default_rules_config = { admin_ranges = [""] } } module "orch-nat" { count = local.use_shared_vpc ? 0 : 1 source = "../../../modules/net-cloudnat" project_id = module.orch-project.project_id name = "${var.prefix}-orch" region = var.region router_network = module.orch-vpc.0.name } module "orch-artifact-reg" { source = "../../../modules/artifact-registry" project_id = module.orch-project.project_id id = "${var.prefix}-app-images" location = var.region format = "DOCKER" description = "Docker repository storing application images e.g. Dataflow, Cloud Run etc..." } module "orch-cs-df-template" { source = "../../../modules/gcs" project_id = module.orch-project.project_id prefix = var.prefix name = "orc-cs-df-template" location = var.region storage_class = "REGIONAL" encryption_key = try(local.service_encryption_keys.storage, null) } module "orch-cs-build-staging" { source = "../../../modules/gcs" project_id = module.orch-project.project_id prefix = var.prefix name = "orc-cs-build-staging" location = var.region storage_class = "REGIONAL" encryption_key = try(local.service_encryption_keys.storage, null) } module "orch-sa-df-build" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" project_id = module.orch-project.project_id prefix = var.prefix name = "orc-sa-df-build" display_name = "Data platform Dataflow build service account" # Note values below should pertain to the system / group / users who are able to # invoke the build via this service account iam = { "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" = [local.groups_iam.data-engineers] "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" = [local.groups_iam.data-engineers] } }