/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ # tfdoc:file:description URL map resources. locals { backend_ids = { for k, v in google_compute_region_backend_service.default : k => v.id } } resource "google_compute_region_url_map" "default" { provider = google-beta project = var.project_id region = var.region name = var.name description = var.description default_service = ( var.urlmap_config.default_service == null ? null : lookup( local.backend_ids, var.urlmap_config.default_service, var.urlmap_config.default_service ) ) dynamic "default_url_redirect" { for_each = ( var.urlmap_config.default_url_redirect == null ? [] : [var.urlmap_config.default_url_redirect] ) iterator = r content { host_redirect = r.value.host https_redirect = r.value.https path_redirect = r.value.path prefix_redirect = r.value.prefix redirect_response_code = r.value.response_code strip_query = r.value.strip_query } } dynamic "host_rule" { for_each = coalesce(var.urlmap_config.host_rules, []) iterator = r content { hosts = r.value.hosts path_matcher = r.value.path_matcher description = r.value.description } } dynamic "path_matcher" { for_each = coalesce(var.urlmap_config.path_matchers, {}) iterator = m content { default_service = m.value.default_service == null ? null : lookup( local.backend_ids, m.value.default_service, m.value.default_service ) description = m.value.description name = m.key dynamic "default_url_redirect" { for_each = ( m.value.default_url_redirect == null ? [] : [m.value.default_url_redirect] ) content { host_redirect = default_url_redirect.value.host https_redirect = default_url_redirect.value.https path_redirect = default_url_redirect.value.path prefix_redirect = default_url_redirect.value.prefix redirect_response_code = default_url_redirect.value.response_code strip_query = default_url_redirect.value.strip_query } } dynamic "path_rule" { for_each = toset(coalesce(m.value.path_rules, [])) content { paths = path_rule.value.paths service = path_rule.value.service == null ? null : lookup( local.backend_ids, path_rule.value.service, path_rule.value.service ) dynamic "route_action" { for_each = ( path_rule.value.route_action == null ? [] : [path_rule.value.route_action] ) content { dynamic "cors_policy" { for_each = ( route_action.value.cors_policy == null ? [] : [route_action.value.cors_policy] ) content { allow_credentials = cors_policy.value.allow_credentials allow_headers = cors_policy.value.allow_headers allow_methods = cors_policy.value.allow_methods allow_origin_regexes = cors_policy.value.allow_origin_regexes allow_origins = cors_policy.value.allow_origins disabled = cors_policy.value.disabled expose_headers = cors_policy.value.expose_headers max_age = cors_policy.value.max_age } } dynamic "fault_injection_policy" { for_each = ( route_action.value.fault_injection_policy == null ? [] : [route_action.value.fault_injection_policy] ) content { dynamic "abort" { for_each = ( fault_injection_policy.value.abort == null ? [] : [fault_injection_policy.value.abort] ) content { http_status = abort.value.status percentage = abort.value.percentage } } dynamic "delay" { for_each = ( fault_injection_policy.value.delay == null ? [] : [fault_injection_policy.value.delay] ) content { percentage = delay.value.percentage fixed_delay { nanos = delay.value.fixed.nanos seconds = delay.value.fixed.seconds } } } } } dynamic "request_mirror_policy" { for_each = ( route_action.value.request_mirror_backend == null ? [] : [""] ) content { backend_service = lookup( local.backend_ids, route_action.value.request_mirror_backend, route_action.value.request_mirror_backend ) } } dynamic "retry_policy" { for_each = ( route_action.value.retry_policy == null ? [] : [route_action.value.retry_policy] ) content { num_retries = retry_policy.value.num_retries retry_conditions = retry_policy.value.retry_conditions dynamic "per_try_timeout" { for_each = ( retry_policy.value.per_try_timeout == null ? [] : [retry_policy.value.per_try_timeout] ) content { nanos = per_try_timeout.value.nanos seconds = per_try_timeout.value.seconds } } } } dynamic "timeout" { for_each = ( route_action.value.timeout == null ? [] : [route_action.value.timeout] ) content { nanos = timeout.value.nanos seconds = timeout.value.seconds } } dynamic "url_rewrite" { for_each = ( route_action.value.url_rewrite == null ? [] : [route_action.value.url_rewrite] ) content { host_rewrite = url_rewrite.value.host path_prefix_rewrite = url_rewrite.value.path_prefix } } dynamic "weighted_backend_services" { for_each = coalesce( route_action.value.weighted_backend_services, {} ) iterator = service content { backend_service = lookup( local.backend_ids, service.key, service.key ) weight = service.value.weight dynamic "header_action" { for_each = ( service.value.header_action == null ? [] : [service.value.header_action] ) iterator = h content { request_headers_to_remove = h.value.request_remove response_headers_to_remove = h.value.response_remove dynamic "request_headers_to_add" { for_each = coalesce(h.value.request_add, {}) content { header_name = request_headers_to_add.key header_value = request_headers_to_add.value.value replace = request_headers_to_add.value.replace } } dynamic "response_headers_to_add" { for_each = coalesce(h.value.response_add, {}) content { header_name = response_headers_to_add.key header_value = response_headers_to_add.value.value replace = response_headers_to_add.value.replace } } } } } } } } dynamic "url_redirect" { for_each = ( path_rule.value.url_redirect == null ? [] : [path_rule.value.url_redirect] ) content { host_redirect = url_redirect.value.host https_redirect = url_redirect.value.https path_redirect = url_redirect.value.path prefix_redirect = url_redirect.value.prefix redirect_response_code = url_redirect.value.response_code strip_query = url_redirect.value.strip_query } } } } dynamic "route_rules" { for_each = coalesce(m.value.route_rules, []) content { priority = route_rules.value.priority service = route_rules.value.service == null ? null : lookup( local.backend_ids, route_rules.value.service, route_rules.value.service ) dynamic "header_action" { for_each = ( route_rules.value.header_action == null ? [] : [route_rules.value.header_action] ) iterator = h content { request_headers_to_remove = h.value.request_remove response_headers_to_remove = h.value.response_remove dynamic "request_headers_to_add" { for_each = coalesce(h.value.request_add, {}) content { header_name = request_headers_to_add.key header_value = request_headers_to_add.value.value replace = request_headers_to_add.value.replace } } dynamic "response_headers_to_add" { for_each = coalesce(h.value.response_add, {}) content { header_name = response_headers_to_add.key header_value = response_headers_to_add.value.value replace = response_headers_to_add.value.replace } } } } dynamic "match_rules" { for_each = toset(coalesce(route_rules.value.match_rules, [])) content { ignore_case = match_rules.value.ignore_case full_path_match = ( try(match_rules.value.path.type, null) == "full" ? match_rules.value.path.value : null ) prefix_match = ( try(match_rules.value.path.type, null) == "prefix" ? match_rules.value.path.value : null ) regex_match = ( try(match_rules.value.path.type, null) == "regex" ? match_rules.value.path.value : null ) dynamic "header_matches" { for_each = toset(coalesce(match_rules.value.headers, [])) iterator = h content { header_name = h.value.name exact_match = h.value.type == "exact" ? h.value.value : null invert_match = h.value.invert_match prefix_match = h.value.type == "prefix" ? h.value.value : null present_match = h.value.type == "present" ? h.value.value : null regex_match = h.value.type == "regex" ? h.value.value : null suffix_match = h.value.type == "suffix" ? h.value.value : null dynamic "range_match" { for_each = ( h.value.type != "range" || h.value.range_value == null ? [] : [""] ) content { range_end = h.value.range_value.end range_start = h.value.range_value.start } } } } dynamic "metadata_filters" { for_each = toset(coalesce(match_rules.value.metadata_filters, [])) iterator = m content { filter_match_criteria = ( m.value.match_all ? "MATCH_ALL" : "MATCH_ANY" ) dynamic "filter_labels" { for_each = m.value.labels content { name = filter_labels.key value = filter_labels.value } } } } dynamic "query_parameter_matches" { for_each = toset(coalesce(match_rules.value.query_params, [])) iterator = q content { name = q.value.name exact_match = ( q.value.type == "exact" ? q.value.value : null ) present_match = ( q.value.type == "present" ? q.value.value : null ) regex_match = ( q.value.type == "regex" ? q.value.value : null ) } } } } dynamic "route_action" { for_each = ( route_rules.value.route_action == null ? [] : [route_rules.value.route_action] ) content { dynamic "cors_policy" { for_each = ( route_action.value.cors_policy == null ? [] : [route_action.value.cors_policy] ) content { allow_credentials = cors_policy.value.allow_credentials allow_headers = cors_policy.value.allow_headers allow_methods = cors_policy.value.allow_methods allow_origin_regexes = cors_policy.value.allow_origin_regexes allow_origins = cors_policy.value.allow_origins disabled = cors_policy.value.disabled expose_headers = cors_policy.value.expose_headers max_age = cors_policy.value.max_age } } dynamic "fault_injection_policy" { for_each = ( route_action.value.fault_injection_policy == null ? [] : [route_action.value.fault_injection_policy] ) content { dynamic "abort" { for_each = ( fault_injection_policy.value.abort == null ? [] : [fault_injection_policy.value.abort] ) content { http_status = abort.value.status percentage = abort.value.percentage } } dynamic "delay" { for_each = ( fault_injection_policy.value.delay == null ? [] : [fault_injection_policy.value.delay] ) content { percentage = delay.value.percentage fixed_delay { nanos = delay.value.fixed.nanos seconds = delay.value.fixed.seconds } } } } } dynamic "request_mirror_policy" { for_each = ( route_action.value.request_mirror_backend == null ? [] : [""] ) content { backend_service = lookup( local.backend_ids, route_action.value.request_mirror_backend, route_action.value.request_mirror_backend ) } } dynamic "retry_policy" { for_each = ( route_action.value.retry_policy == null ? [] : [route_action.value.retry_policy] ) content { num_retries = retry_policy.value.num_retries retry_conditions = retry_policy.value.retry_conditions dynamic "per_try_timeout" { for_each = ( retry_policy.value.per_try_timeout == null ? [] : [retry_policy.value.per_try_timeout] ) content { nanos = per_try_timeout.value.nanos seconds = per_try_timeout.value.seconds } } } } dynamic "timeout" { for_each = ( route_action.value.timeout == null ? [] : [route_action.value.timeout] ) content { nanos = timeout.value.nanos seconds = timeout.value.seconds } } dynamic "url_rewrite" { for_each = ( route_action.value.url_rewrite == null ? [] : [route_action.value.url_rewrite] ) content { host_rewrite = url_rewrite.value.host path_prefix_rewrite = url_rewrite.value.path_prefix } } dynamic "weighted_backend_services" { for_each = coalesce( route_action.value.weighted_backend_services, {} ) iterator = service content { backend_service = lookup( local.backend_ids, service.key, service.key ) weight = service.value.weight dynamic "header_action" { for_each = ( service.value.header_action == null ? [] : [service.value.header_action] ) iterator = h content { request_headers_to_remove = h.value.request_remove response_headers_to_remove = h.value.response_remove dynamic "request_headers_to_add" { for_each = coalesce(h.value.request_add, {}) content { header_name = request_headers_to_add.key header_value = request_headers_to_add.value.value replace = request_headers_to_add.value.replace } } dynamic "response_headers_to_add" { for_each = coalesce(h.value.response_add, {}) content { header_name = response_headers_to_add.key header_value = response_headers_to_add.value.value replace = response_headers_to_add.value.replace } } } } } } } } dynamic "url_redirect" { for_each = ( route_rules.value.url_redirect == null ? [] : [route_rules.value.url_redirect] ) content { host_redirect = url_redirect.value.host https_redirect = url_redirect.value.https path_redirect = url_redirect.value.path prefix_redirect = url_redirect.value.prefix redirect_response_code = url_redirect.value.response_code strip_query = url_redirect.value.strip_query } } } } } } dynamic "test" { for_each = toset(coalesce(var.urlmap_config.test, [])) content { host = test.value.host path = test.value.path service = test.value.service description = test.value.description } } }