# Scheduled Cloud Asset Inventory Export to Bigquery This example shows how to leverage [Cloud Asset Inventory Exporting to Bigquery](https://cloud.google.com/asset-inventory/docs/exporting-to-bigquery) feature to keep track of your project wide assets over time storing information in Bigquery. The data stored in Bigquery can then be used for different purposes: - dashboarding - analysis The example uses export resources at the project level for ease of testing, in actual use a few changes are needed to operate at the resource hierarchy level: - the export should be set at the folder or organization level - the `roles/cloudasset.viewer` on the service account should be set at the folder or organization level The resources created in this example are shown in the high level diagram below: ## Prerequisites Ensure that you grant your account one of the following roles on your project, folder, or organization: - Cloud Asset Viewer role (`roles/cloudasset.viewer`) - Owner primitive role (`roles/owner`) ## Running the example Clone this repository, specify your variables in a `terraform.tvars` and then go through the following steps to create resources: - `terraform init` - `terraform apply` Once done testing, you can clean up resources by running `terraform destroy`. To persist state, check out the `backend.tf.sample` file. ## Testing the example Once resources are created, you can run queries on the data you exported on Bigquery. [Here](https://cloud.google.com/asset-inventory/docs/exporting-to-bigquery#querying_an_asset_snapshot) you can find some example of queries you can run. You can also create a dashboard connecting [Datalab](https://datastudio.google.com/) or any other BI tools of your choice to your Bigquery datase. ## File exporter for JSON, CSV. Regular file-based exports of Cloud Asset Inventory may be useful for scale-out network dependency discovery like [Planet Exporter](https://github.com/williamchanrico/planet-exporter) or to update asset tracking or configuration management workflows. Bigquery supports multiple [export formats](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/exporting-data#export_formats_and_compression_types) and one may upload objects to Storage Bucket using provided Cloud Function. Specify `job.DestinationFormat` as defined in [documentation](https://googleapis.dev/python/bigquery/latest/generated/google.cloud.bigquery.job.DestinationFormat.html), e.g. `NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON`. It helps to create custom [scheduled query](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/scheduling-queries#console) for to comply with downstream systems' fields, and to time it with CAI export into BQ for freshness. See [sample queries](https://cloud.google.com/asset-inventory/docs/exporting-to-bigquery-sample-queries). Note: Cloud Function's Service Account needs write-capable IAM role on `bucket`. ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---: |:---:|:---:| | cai_config | Cloud Asset Inventory export config. | object({...}) | ✓ | | | project_id | Project id that references existing project. | string | ✓ | | | *billing_account* | Billing account id used as default for new projects. | string | | null | | *bundle_path* | Path used to write the intermediate Cloud Function code bundle. | string | | ./bundle.zip | | *bundle_path_cffile* | Path used to write the intermediate Cloud Function code bundle. | string | | ./bundle_cffile.zip | | *file_config* | Optional BQ table as a file export function config. | object({...}) | | ... | | *location* | Appe Engine location used in the example. | string | | europe-west | | *name* | Arbitrary string used to name created resources. | string | | asset-inventory | | *name_cffile* | Arbitrary string used to name created resources. | string | | cffile-exporter | | *project_create* | Create project instead ofusing an existing one. | bool | | true | | *region* | Compute region used in the example. | string | | europe-west1 | | *root_node* | The resource name of the parent folder or organization for project creation, in 'folders/folder_id' or 'organizations/org_id' format. | string | | null | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | bq-dataset | Bigquery instance details. | | | cloud-function | Cloud Function instance details. | |