# Cloud Dataplex instance with lake, zone & assests This module manages the creation of Cloud Dataplex instance along with lake, zone & assets in single regions. ## Simple example This example shows how to setup a Cloud Dataplex instance, lake, zone & asset creation in GCP project. ```hcl module "dataplex" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-dataplex" name = "terraform-lake" prefix = "test" project_id = "myproject" region = "europe-west2" zones = { zone_1 = { type = "RAW" discovery = true assets = { asset_1 = { bucket_name = "asset_1" cron_schedule = "15 15 * * *" discovery_spec_enabled = true resource_spec_type = "STORAGE_BUCKET" } } }, zone_2 = { type = "CURATED" discovery = true assets = { asset_2 = { bucket_name = "asset_2" cron_schedule = "15 15 * * *" discovery_spec_enabled = true resource_spec_type = "STORAGE_BUCKET" } } } } } # tftest modules=1 resources=5 ``` ## TODO - [ ] Add IAM support - [ ] support different type of assets - [ ] support multi-regions ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | [name](variables.tf#L23) | Name of Dataplex Lake. | string | ✓ | | | [prefix](variables.tf#L28) | Optional prefix used to generate Dataplex Lake. | string | ✓ | | | [project_id](variables.tf#L33) | The ID of the project where this Dataplex Lake will be created. | string | ✓ | | | [region](variables.tf#L38) | Region of the Dataplax Lake. | string | ✓ | | | [zones](variables.tf#L43) | Dataplex lake zones, such as `RAW` and `CURATED`. | map(object({…})) | ✓ | | | [location_type](variables.tf#L17) | The location type of the Dataplax Lake. | string | | "SINGLE_REGION" | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | [assets](outputs.tf#L17) | Assets attached to the lake of Dataplex Lake. | | | [id](outputs.tf#L22) | Fully qualified Dataplex Lake id. | | | [lake](outputs.tf#L27) | The lake name of Dataplex Lake. | | | [zones](outputs.tf#L32) | The zone name of Dataplex Lake. | |