# GCE Managed Instance Group module This module allows creating a managed instance group supporting one or more application versions via instance templates. Optionally, a health check and an autoscaler can be created, and the managed instance group can be configured to be stateful. This module can be coupled with the [`compute-vm`](../compute-vm) module which can manage instance templates, and the [`net-lb-int`](../net-lb-int) module to assign the MIG to a backend wired to an Internal Load Balancer. The first use case is shown in the examples below. Stateful disks can be created directly, as shown in the last example below. ## Examples This example shows how to manage a simple MIG that leverages the `compute-vm` module to manage the underlying instance template. The following sub-examples will only show how to enable specific features of this module, and won't replicate the combined setup. ```hcl module "cos-nginx" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-config-container/nginx" } module "nginx-template" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-vm" project_id = var.project_id name = "nginx-template" zone = "europe-west1-b" tags = ["http-server", "ssh"] network_interfaces = [{ network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link nat = false addresses = null }] boot_disk = { initialize_params = { image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable" } } create_template = true metadata = { user-data = module.cos-nginx.cloud_config } } module "nginx-mig" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-mig" project_id = "my-project" location = "europe-west1-b" name = "mig-test" target_size = 2 instance_template = module.nginx-template.template.self_link } # tftest modules=2 resources=2 inventory=simple.yaml ``` ### Multiple versions If multiple versions are desired, use more `compute-vm` instances for the additional templates used in each version (not shown here), and reference them like this: ```hcl module "cos-nginx" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-config-container/nginx" } module "nginx-template" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-vm" project_id = var.project_id name = "nginx-template" zone = "europe-west1-b" tags = ["http-server", "ssh"] network_interfaces = [{ network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link nat = false addresses = null }] boot_disk = { initialize_params = { image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable" } } create_template = true metadata = { user-data = module.cos-nginx.cloud_config } } module "nginx-mig" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-mig" project_id = "my-project" location = "europe-west1-b" name = "mig-test" target_size = 3 instance_template = module.nginx-template.template.self_link versions = { canary = { instance_template = module.nginx-template.template.self_link target_size = { fixed = 1 } } } } # tftest modules=2 resources=2 ``` ### Health check and autohealing policies Autohealing policies can use an externally defined health check, or have this module auto-create one: ```hcl module "cos-nginx" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-config-container/nginx" } module "nginx-template" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-vm" project_id = var.project_id name = "nginx-template" zone = "europe-west1-b" tags = ["http-server", "ssh"] network_interfaces = [{ network = var.vpc.self_link, subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link, nat = false, addresses = null }] boot_disk = { initialize_params = { image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable" } } create_template = true metadata = { user-data = module.cos-nginx.cloud_config } } module "nginx-mig" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-mig" project_id = "my-project" location = "europe-west1-b" name = "mig-test" target_size = 3 instance_template = module.nginx-template.template.self_link auto_healing_policies = { initial_delay_sec = 30 } health_check_config = { enable_logging = true http = { port = 80 } } } # tftest modules=2 resources=3 inventory=health-check.yaml ``` ### Autoscaling The module can create and manage an autoscaler associated with the MIG. When using autoscaling do not set the `target_size` variable or set it to `null`. Here we show a CPU utilization autoscaler, the other available modes are load balancing utilization and custom metric, like the underlying autoscaler resource. ```hcl module "cos-nginx" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-config-container/nginx" } module "nginx-template" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-vm" project_id = var.project_id name = "nginx-template" zone = "europe-west1-b" tags = ["http-server", "ssh"] network_interfaces = [{ network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link nat = false addresses = null }] boot_disk = { initialize_params = { image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable" } } create_template = true metadata = { user-data = module.cos-nginx.cloud_config } } module "nginx-mig" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-mig" project_id = "my-project" location = "europe-west1-b" name = "mig-test" target_size = 3 instance_template = module.nginx-template.template.self_link autoscaler_config = { max_replicas = 3 min_replicas = 1 cooldown_period = 30 scaling_signals = { cpu_utilization = { target = 0.65 } } } } # tftest modules=2 resources=3 inventory=autoscaling.yaml ``` ### Update policy ```hcl module "cos-nginx" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-config-container/nginx" } module "nginx-template" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-vm" project_id = var.project_id name = "nginx-template" zone = "europe-west1-b" tags = ["http-server", "ssh"] network_interfaces = [{ network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link nat = false addresses = null }] boot_disk = { initialize_params = { image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable" } } create_template = true metadata = { user-data = module.cos-nginx.cloud_config } } module "nginx-mig" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-mig" project_id = "my-project" location = "europe-west1-b" name = "mig-test" target_size = 3 instance_template = module.nginx-template.template.self_link update_policy = { minimal_action = "REPLACE" type = "PROACTIVE" min_ready_sec = 30 max_surge = { fixed = 1 } } } # tftest modules=2 resources=2 ``` ### Stateful MIGs - MIG Config Stateful MIGs have some limitations documented [here](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instance-groups/configuring-stateful-migs#limitations). Enforcement of these requirements is the responsibility of users of this module. You can configure a disk defined in the instance template to be stateful for all instances in the MIG by configuring in the MIG's stateful policy, using the `stateful_disk_mig` variable. Alternatively, you can also configure stateful persistent disks individually per instance of the MIG by setting the `stateful_disk_instance` variable. A discussion on these scenarios can be found in the [docs](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instance-groups/configuring-stateful-disks-in-migs). An example using only the configuration at the MIG level can be seen below. Note that when referencing the stateful disk, you use `device_name` and not `disk_name`. ```hcl module "cos-nginx" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-config-container/nginx" } module "nginx-template" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-vm" project_id = var.project_id name = "nginx-template" zone = "europe-west1-b" tags = ["http-server", "ssh"] network_interfaces = [{ network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link nat = false addresses = null }] boot_disk = { initialize_params = { image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable" } } attached_disks = [{ name = "repd-1" size = null source_type = "attach" source = "regions/${var.region}/disks/repd-test-1" options = { mode = "READ_ONLY" replica_zone = "${var.region}-c" type = "PERSISTENT" } }] create_template = true metadata = { user-data = module.cos-nginx.cloud_config } } module "nginx-mig" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-mig" project_id = "my-project" location = "europe-west1-b" name = "mig-test" target_size = 3 instance_template = module.nginx-template.template.self_link autoscaler_config = { max_replicas = 3 min_replicas = 1 cooldown_period = 30 scaling_signals = { cpu_utilization = { target = 0.65 } } } stateful_disks = { repd-1 = false } } # tftest modules=2 resources=3 ``` ### Stateful MIGs - Instance Config Here is an example defining the stateful config at the instance level. Note that you will need to know the instance name in order to use this configuration. ```hcl module "cos-nginx" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-config-container/nginx" } module "nginx-template" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-vm" project_id = var.project_id name = "nginx-template" zone = "europe-west1-b" tags = ["http-server", "ssh"] network_interfaces = [{ network = var.vpc.self_link subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link nat = false addresses = null }] boot_disk = { initialize_params = { image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable" } } attached_disks = [{ name = "repd-1" size = null source_type = "attach" source = "regions/${var.region}/disks/repd-test-1" options = { mode = "READ_ONLY" replica_zone = "${var.region}-c" type = "PERSISTENT" } }] create_template = true metadata = { user-data = module.cos-nginx.cloud_config } } module "nginx-mig" { source = "./fabric/modules/compute-mig" project_id = "my-project" location = "europe-west1-b" name = "mig-test" target_size = 3 instance_template = module.nginx-template.template.self_link autoscaler_config = { max_replicas = 3 min_replicas = 1 cooldown_period = 30 scaling_signals = { cpu_utilization = { target = 0.65 } } } stateful_config = { # name needs to match a MIG instance name instance-1 = { minimal_action = "NONE", most_disruptive_allowed_action = "REPLACE" preserved_state = { disks = { persistent-disk-1 = { source = "test-disk", } } metadata = { foo = "bar" } } } } } # tftest modules=2 resources=4 inventory=stateful.yaml ``` ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | [instance_template](variables.tf#L177) | Instance template for the default version. | string | ✓ | | | [location](variables.tf#L182) | Compute zone or region. | string | ✓ | | | [name](variables.tf#L187) | Managed group name. | string | ✓ | | | [project_id](variables.tf#L198) | Project id. | string | ✓ | | | [all_instances_config](variables.tf#L17) | Metadata and labels set to all instances in the group. | object({…}) | | null | | [auto_healing_policies](variables.tf#L26) | Auto-healing policies for this group. | object({…}) | | null | | [autoscaler_config](variables.tf#L35) | Optional autoscaler configuration. | object({…}) | | null | | [default_version_name](variables.tf#L83) | Name used for the default version. | string | | "default" | | [description](variables.tf#L89) | Optional description used for all resources managed by this module. | string | | "Terraform managed." | | [distribution_policy](variables.tf#L95) | DIstribution policy for regional MIG. | object({…}) | | null | | [health_check_config](variables.tf#L104) | Optional auto-created health check configuration, use the output self-link to set it in the auto healing policy. Refer to examples for usage. | object({…}) | | null | | [named_ports](variables.tf#L192) | Named ports. | map(number) | | null | | [stateful_config](variables.tf#L203) | Stateful configuration for individual instances. | map(object({…})) | | {} | | [stateful_disks](variables.tf#L222) | Stateful disk configuration applied at the MIG level to all instances, in device name => on permanent instance delete rule as boolean. | map(bool) | | {} | | [target_pools](variables.tf#L229) | Optional list of URLs for target pools to which new instances in the group are added. | list(string) | | [] | | [target_size](variables.tf#L235) | Group target size, leave null when using an autoscaler. | number | | null | | [update_policy](variables.tf#L241) | Update policy. Minimal action and type are required. | object({…}) | | null | | [versions](variables.tf#L262) | Additional application versions, target_size is optional. | map(object({…})) | | {} | | [wait_for_instances](variables.tf#L275) | Wait for all instances to be created/updated before returning. | object({…}) | | null | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | [autoscaler](outputs.tf#L17) | Auto-created autoscaler resource. | | | [group_manager](outputs.tf#L26) | Instance group resource. | | | [health_check](outputs.tf#L35) | Auto-created health-check resource. | | | [id](outputs.tf#L44) | Fully qualified group manager id. | |