# Cloud Function Module Cloud Function management, with support for IAM roles and optional bucket creation. The GCS object used for deployment uses a hash of the bundle zip contents in its name, which ensures change tracking and avoids recreating the function if the GCS object is deleted and needs recreating. ## TODO - [ ] add support for `source_repository` ## Examples ### HTTP trigger This deploys a Cloud Function with an HTTP endpoint, using a pre-existing GCS bucket for deployment, setting the service account to the Cloud Function default one, and delegating access control to the containing project. ```hcl module "cf-http" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function" project_id = "my-project" name = "test-cf-http" bucket_name = "test-cf-bundles" bundle_config = { source_dir = "fabric/assets/" output_path = "bundle.zip" } } # tftest modules=1 resources=2 ``` Analogous example using 2nd generation Cloud Functions ```hcl module "cf-http" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function" v2 = true project_id = "my-project" name = "test-cf-http" bucket_name = "test-cf-bundles" bundle_config = { source_dir = "fabric/assets/" output_path = "bundle.zip" } } # tftest modules=1 resources=2 ``` ### PubSub and non-HTTP triggers Other trigger types other than HTTP are configured via the `trigger_config` variable. This example shows a PubSub trigger. ```hcl module "cf-http" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function" project_id = "my-project" name = "test-cf-http" bucket_name = "test-cf-bundles" bundle_config = { source_dir = "fabric/assets/" output_path = "bundle.zip" } trigger_config = { v1 = { event = "google.pubsub.topic.publish" resource = "local.my-topic" } } } # tftest modules=1 resources=2 ``` Cloud Functions 2nd gen support only [Eventarc](https://cloud.google.com/eventarc/docs) and uses separate structure to configure: ```hcl module "trigger-service-account" { source = "./fabric/modules/iam-service-account" project_id = "my-project" name = "sa-cloudfunction" iam_project_roles = { "my-project" = [ "roles/run.invoker" ] } } module "cf-http" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function" project_id = "my-project" v2 = true name = "test-cf-http" bucket_name = "test-cf-bundles" bundle_config = { source_dir = "fabric/assets/" output_path = "bundle.zip" } trigger_config = { v2 = { event_type = "google.cloud.pubsub.topic.v1.messagePublished" pubsub_topic = "local.my-topic" service_account_email = module.trigger-service-account.email } } } # tftest modules=2 resources=4 ``` Ensure that pubsub robo-account `service-%s@gcp-sa-pubsub.iam.gserviceaccount.com` has `roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreatator` as documented [here](https://cloud.google.com/eventarc/docs/roles-permissions#pubsub-topic) ### Controlling HTTP access To allow anonymous access to the function, grant the `roles/cloudfunctions.invoker` role to the special `allUsers` identifier. Use specific identities (service accounts, groups, etc.) instead of `allUsers` to only allow selective access. ```hcl module "cf-http" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function" project_id = "my-project" name = "test-cf-http" bucket_name = "test-cf-bundles" bundle_config = { source_dir = "fabric/assets/" output_path = "bundle.zip" } iam = { "roles/cloudfunctions.invoker" = ["allUsers"] } } # tftest modules=1 resources=3 ``` ### GCS bucket creation You can have the module auto-create the GCS bucket used for deployment via the `bucket_config` variable. Setting `bucket_config.location` to `null` will also use the function region for GCS. ```hcl module "cf-http" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function" project_id = "my-project" name = "test-cf-http" bucket_name = "test-cf-bundles" bucket_config = { lifecycle_delete_age_days = 1 } bundle_config = { source_dir = "fabric/assets/" } } # tftest modules=1 resources=3 ``` ### Service account management To use a custom service account managed by the module, set `service_account_create` to `true` and leave `service_account` set to `null` value (default). ```hcl module "cf-http" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function" project_id = "my-project" name = "test-cf-http" bucket_name = "test-cf-bundles" bundle_config = { source_dir = "fabric/assets/" output_path = "bundle.zip" } service_account_create = true } # tftest modules=1 resources=3 ``` To use an externally managed service account, pass its email in `service_account` and leave `service_account_create` to `false` (the default). ```hcl module "cf-http" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function" project_id = "my-project" name = "test-cf-http" bucket_name = "test-cf-bundles" bundle_config = { source_dir = "fabric/assets/" output_path = "bundle.zip" } service_account = "non-existent@serice.account.email" } # tftest modules=1 resources=2 ``` ### Custom bundle config In order to help prevent `archive_zip.output_md5` from changing cross platform (e.g. Cloud Build vs your local development environment), you'll have to make sure that the files included in the zip are always the same. ```hcl module "cf-http" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function" project_id = "my-project" name = "test-cf-http" bucket_name = "test-cf-bundles" bundle_config = { source_dir = "fabric/assets" output_path = "bundle.zip" excludes = ["__pycache__"] } } # tftest modules=1 resources=2 ``` ### Private Cloud Build Pool This deploys a Cloud Function with an HTTP endpoint, using a pre-existing GCS bucket for deployment using a pre existing private Cloud Build worker pool. ```hcl module "cf-http" { source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function" project_id = "my-project" name = "test-cf-http" bucket_name = "test-cf-bundles" build_worker_pool = "projects/my-project/locations/europe-west1/workerPools/my_build_worker_pool" bundle_config = { source_dir = "fabric/assets" output_path = "bundle.zip" } } # tftest modules=1 resources=2 ``` ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | [bucket_name](variables.tf#L26) | Name of the bucket that will be used for the function code. It will be created with prefix prepended if bucket_config is not null. | string | ✓ | | | [bundle_config](variables.tf#L37) | Cloud function source folder and generated zip bundle paths. Output path defaults to '/tmp/bundle.zip' if null. | object({…}) | ✓ | | | [name](variables.tf#L94) | Name used for cloud function and associated resources. | string | ✓ | | | [project_id](variables.tf#L109) | Project id used for all resources. | string | ✓ | | | [bucket_config](variables.tf#L17) | Enable and configure auto-created bucket. Set fields to null to use defaults. | object({…}) | | null | | [build_worker_pool](variables.tf#L31) | Build worker pool, in projects//locations//workerPools/ format | string | | null | | [description](variables.tf#L46) | Optional description. | string | | "Terraform managed." | | [environment_variables](variables.tf#L52) | Cloud function environment variables. | map(string) | | {} | | [function_config](variables.tf#L58) | Cloud function configuration. Defaults to using main as entrypoint, 1 instance with 256MiB of memory, and 180 second timeout | object({…}) | | {…} | | [iam](variables.tf#L76) | IAM bindings for topic in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. | map(list(string)) | | {} | | [ingress_settings](variables.tf#L82) | Control traffic that reaches the cloud function. Allowed values are ALLOW_ALL, ALLOW_INTERNAL_AND_GCLB and ALLOW_INTERNAL_ONLY . | string | | null | | [labels](variables.tf#L88) | Resource labels. | map(string) | | {} | | [prefix](variables.tf#L99) | Optional prefix used for resource names. | string | | null | | [region](variables.tf#L114) | Region used for all resources. | string | | "europe-west1" | | [secrets](variables.tf#L120) | Secret Manager secrets. Key is the variable name or mountpoint, volume versions are in version:path format. | map(object({…})) | | {} | | [service_account](variables.tf#L132) | Service account email. Unused if service account is auto-created. | string | | null | | [service_account_create](variables.tf#L138) | Auto-create service account. | bool | | false | | [trigger_config](variables.tf#L144) | Function trigger configuration. Leave null for HTTP trigger. | object({…}) | | { v1 = null, v2 = null } | | [v2](variables.tf#L192) | Whether to use Cloud Function version 2nd Gen or 1st Gen. | bool | | false | | [vpc_connector](variables.tf#L173) | VPC connector configuration. Set create to 'true' if a new connector needs to be created. | object({…}) | | null | | [vpc_connector_config](variables.tf#L183) | VPC connector network configuration. Must be provided if new VPC connector is being created. | object({…}) | | null | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | [bucket](outputs.tf#L17) | Bucket resource (only if auto-created). | | | [bucket_name](outputs.tf#L24) | Bucket name. | | | [function](outputs.tf#L29) | Cloud function resources. | | | [function_name](outputs.tf#L34) | Cloud function name. | | | [service_account](outputs.tf#L42) | Service account resource. | | | [service_account_email](outputs.tf#L47) | Service account email. | | | [service_account_iam_email](outputs.tf#L52) | Service account email. | | | [trigger_service_account](outputs.tf#L60) | Service account resource. | | | [trigger_service_account_email](outputs.tf#L65) | Service account email. | | | [trigger_service_account_iam_email](outputs.tf#L70) | Service account email. | | | [uri](outputs.tf#L38) | Cloud function service uri. | | | [vpc_connector](outputs.tf#L78) | VPC connector resource if created. | |