/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ locals { _group_iam = { for r in local._group_iam_bindings : r => [ for k, v in var.group_iam : "group:${k}" if try(index(v, r), null) != null ] } _group_iam_bindings = distinct(flatten(values(var.group_iam))) _project_id = ( var.prefix == null || var.prefix == "" ? var.project_id : "${var.prefix}-${var.project_id}" ) _service_accounts_iam = { for r in local._service_accounts_iam_bindings : r => [ for k, v in var.service_accounts : module.service-accounts[k].iam_email if try(index(v, r), null) != null ] } _service_accounts_iam_bindings = distinct(flatten( values(var.service_accounts) )) _services = concat([ "billingbudgets.googleapis.com", "essentialcontacts.googleapis.com" ], length(var.dns_zones) > 0 ? ["dns.googleapis.com"] : [], try(var.vpc.gke_setup, null) != null ? ["container.googleapis.com"] : [], var.vpc != null ? ["compute.googleapis.com"] : [], ) _service_identities_roles = distinct(flatten(values(var.service_identities_iam))) _service_identities_iam = { for role in local._service_identities_roles : role => [ for service, roles in var.service_identities_iam : "serviceAccount:${module.project.service_accounts.robots[service]}" if contains(roles, role) ] } _vpc_subnet_bindings = ( local.vpc.subnets_iam == null || local.vpc.host_project == null ? [] : flatten([ for subnet, members in local.vpc.subnets_iam : [ for member in members : { region = split("/", subnet)[0] subnet = split("/", subnet)[1] member = member } ] ]) ) billing_account_id = coalesce( var.billing_account_id, try(var.defaults.billing_account_id, "") ) billing_alert = ( var.billing_alert == null ? try(var.defaults.billing_alert, null) : var.billing_alert ) essential_contacts = concat( try(var.defaults.essential_contacts, []), var.essential_contacts ) iam = { for role in distinct(concat( keys(var.iam), keys(local._group_iam), keys(local._service_accounts_iam), keys(local._service_identities_iam), )) : role => concat( try(var.iam[role], []), try(local._group_iam[role], []), try(local._service_accounts_iam[role], []), try(local._service_identities_iam[role], []), ) } labels = merge( coalesce(var.labels, {}), coalesce(try(var.defaults.labels, {}), {}) ) services = distinct(concat(var.services, local._services)) vpc = coalesce(var.vpc, { host_project = null, gke_setup = null, subnets_iam = null }) vpc_cloudservices = ( local.vpc_gke_service_agent || contains(var.services, "compute.googleapis.com") ) vpc_gke_security_admin = coalesce( try(local.vpc.gke_setup.enable_security_admin, null), false ) vpc_gke_service_agent = coalesce( try(local.vpc.gke_setup.enable_host_service_agent, null), false ) vpc_subnet_bindings = { for binding in local._vpc_subnet_bindings : "${binding.subnet}:${binding.member}" => binding } } module "billing-alert" { for_each = local.billing_alert == null ? {} : { 1 = 1 } source = "../../../modules/billing-budget" billing_account = local.billing_account_id name = "${module.project.project_id} budget" amount = local.billing_alert.amount thresholds = local.billing_alert.thresholds credit_treatment = local.billing_alert.credit_treatment notification_channels = var.defaults.notification_channels projects = ["projects/${module.project.number}"] email_recipients = { project_id = module.project.project_id emails = local.essential_contacts } } module "dns" { source = "../../../modules/dns" for_each = toset(var.dns_zones) project_id = coalesce(local.vpc.host_project, module.project.project_id) type = "private" name = each.value domain = "${each.value}.${var.defaults.environment_dns_zone}" client_networks = [var.defaults.shared_vpc_self_link] } module "project" { source = "../../../modules/project" billing_account = local.billing_account_id name = var.project_id prefix = var.prefix contacts = { for c in local.essential_contacts : c => ["ALL"] } iam = local.iam labels = local.labels org_policies = try(var.org_policies, {}) parent = var.folder_id service_encryption_key_ids = var.kms_service_agents services = local.services shared_vpc_service_config = var.vpc == null ? null : { host_project = local.vpc.host_project # these are non-authoritative service_identity_iam = { "roles/compute.networkUser" = compact([ local.vpc_gke_service_agent ? "container-engine" : null, local.vpc_cloudservices ? "cloudservices" : null ]) "roles/compute.securityAdmin" = compact([ local.vpc_gke_security_admin ? "container-engine" : null, ]) "roles/container.hostServiceAgentUser" = compact([ local.vpc_gke_service_agent ? "container-engine" : null ]) } } } module "service-accounts" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" for_each = var.service_accounts name = each.key project_id = module.project.project_id iam = lookup(var.service_accounts_iam, each.key, null) } resource "google_compute_subnetwork_iam_member" "default" { for_each = local.vpc_subnet_bindings project = local.vpc.host_project subnetwork = "projects/${local.vpc.host_project}/regions/${each.value.region}/subnetworks/${each.value.subnet}" region = each.value.region role = "roles/compute.networkUser" member = ( lookup(var.service_accounts, each.value.member, null) != null ? module.service-accounts[each.value.member].iam_email : each.value.member ) }