# Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # tfdoc:file:description Orchestration Cloud Composer definition. module "orch-sa-cmp-0" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" project_id = module.orch-project.project_id prefix = var.prefix name = "orc-cmp-0" display_name = "Data platform Composer service account" iam = { "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" = [local.groups_iam.data-engineers] "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" = [module.orch-sa-cmp-0.iam_email] } } resource "google_composer_environment" "orch-cmp-0" { provider = google-beta project = module.orch-project.project_id name = "${var.prefix}-orc-cmp-0" region = var.region config { node_count = var.composer_config.node_count node_config { zone = "${var.region}-b" service_account = module.orch-sa-cmp-0.email network = local.orch_vpc subnetwork = local.orch_subnet tags = ["composer-worker", "http-server", "https-server"] enable_ip_masq_agent = true ip_allocation_policy { use_ip_aliases = "true" cluster_secondary_range_name = try( var.network_config.composer_secondary_ranges.pods, "pods" ) services_secondary_range_name = try( var.network_config.composer_secondary_ranges.services, "services" ) } } private_environment_config { enable_private_endpoint = "true" cloud_sql_ipv4_cidr_block = try( var.network_config.composer_ip_ranges.cloudsql, "" ) master_ipv4_cidr_block = try( var.network_config.composer_ip_ranges.gke_master, "" ) web_server_ipv4_cidr_block = try( var.network_config.composer_ip_ranges.web_server, "" ) } software_config { image_version = var.composer_config.airflow_version env_variables = merge( var.composer_config.env_variables, { BQ_LOCATION = var.location DF_KMS_KEY = try(var.service_encryption_keys.dataflow, "") DTL_L0_PRJ = module.lake-0-project.project_id DTL_L0_BQ_DATASET = module.lake-0-bq-0.dataset_id DTL_L0_GCS = module.lake-0-cs-0.url DTL_L1_PRJ = module.lake-1-project.project_id DTL_L1_BQ_DATASET = module.lake-1-bq-0.dataset_id DTL_L1_GCS = module.lake-1-cs-0.url DTL_L2_PRJ = module.lake-2-project.project_id DTL_L2_BQ_DATASET = module.lake-2-bq-0.dataset_id DTL_L2_GCS = module.lake-2-cs-0.url DTL_PLG_PRJ = module.lake-plg-project.project_id DTL_PLG_BQ_DATASET = module.lake-plg-bq-0.dataset_id DTL_PLG_GCS = module.lake-plg-cs-0.url GCP_REGION = var.region LND_PRJ = module.land-project.project_id LND_BQ = module.land-bq-0.dataset_id LND_GCS = module.land-cs-0.url LND_PS = module.land-ps-0.id LOD_PRJ = module.load-project.project_id LOD_GCS_STAGING = module.load-cs-df-0.url LOD_NET_VPC = local.load_vpc LOD_NET_SUBNET = local.load_subnet LOD_SA_DF = module.load-sa-df-0.email ORC_PRJ = module.orch-project.project_id ORC_GCS = module.orch-cs-0.url TRF_PRJ = module.transf-project.project_id TRF_GCS_STAGING = module.transf-cs-df-0.url TRF_NET_VPC = local.transf_vpc TRF_NET_SUBNET = local.transf_subnet TRF_SA_DF = module.transf-sa-df-0.email TRF_SA_BQ = module.transf-sa-bq-0.email } ) } dynamic "encryption_config" { for_each = ( try(local.service_encryption_keys.composer != null, false) ? { 1 = 1 } : {} ) content { kms_key_name = try(local.service_encryption_keys.composer, null) } } # dynamic "web_server_network_access_control" { # for_each = toset( # var.network_config.web_server_network_access_control == null # ? [] # : [var.network_config.web_server_network_access_control] # ) # content { # dynamic "allowed_ip_range" { # for_each = toset(web_server_network_access_control.key) # content { # value = allowed_ip_range.key # } # } # } # } } depends_on = [ google_project_iam_member.shared_vpc, ] }