/** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ variable "containers" { description = "Containers in name => attributes format." type = map(object({ image = string command = optional(list(string)) args = optional(list(string)) env = optional(map(string)) env_from_key = optional(map(object({ secret = string version = string }))) liveness_probe = optional(object({ grpc = optional(object({ port = optional(number) service = optional(string) })) http_get = optional(object({ http_headers = optional(map(string)) path = optional(string) })) failure_threshold = optional(number) initial_delay_seconds = optional(number) period_seconds = optional(number) timeout_seconds = optional(number) })) ports = optional(map(object({ container_port = optional(number) name = optional(string) }))) resources = optional(object({ limits = optional(object({ cpu = string memory = string })) cpu_idle = optional(bool) startup_cpu_boost = optional(bool) })) startup_probe = optional(object({ grpc = optional(object({ port = optional(number) service = optional(string) })) http_get = optional(object({ http_headers = optional(map(string)) path = optional(string) })) tcp_socket = optional(object({ port = optional(number) })) failure_threshold = optional(number) initial_delay_seconds = optional(number) period_seconds = optional(number) timeout_seconds = optional(number) })) volume_mounts = optional(map(string)) })) default = {} nullable = false } variable "create_job" { description = "Create Cloud Run Job instead of Service." type = bool default = false } variable "eventarc_triggers" { description = "Event arc triggers for different sources." type = object({ audit_log = optional(map(object({ method = string service = string }))) pubsub = optional(map(string)) service_account_email = optional(string) service_account_create = optional(bool, false) }) default = {} validation { condition = var.eventarc_triggers.audit_log == null || (var.eventarc_triggers.audit_log != null && (var.eventarc_triggers.service_account_email != null || var.eventarc_triggers.service_account_create)) error_message = "When setting var.eventarc_triggers.audit_log provide either service_account_email or set service_account_create to true" } } variable "iam" { description = "IAM bindings for Cloud Run service in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format." type = map(list(string)) default = {} } variable "ingress" { description = "Ingress settings." type = string default = null validation { condition = ( var.ingress == null ? true : contains( ["INGRESS_TRAFFIC_ALL", "INGRESS_TRAFFIC_INTERNAL_ONLY", "INGRESS_TRAFFIC_INTERNAL_LOAD_BALANCER"], var.ingress) ) error_message = <