/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ locals { prefix = (var.prefix == null || var.prefix == "") ? "" : "${var.prefix}-" k8s_ns = "apis" k8s_sa = "storage-api-sa" image = ( "${var.region}-docker.pkg.dev/${module.project.project_id}/${module.docker_artifact_registry.name}/storage-api" ) } module "project" { source = "../../../modules/project" billing_account = (var.project_create != null ? var.project_create.billing_account_id : null ) parent = (var.project_create != null ? var.project_create.parent : null ) prefix = var.project_create == null ? null : var.prefix name = var.project_id services = [ "artifactregistry.googleapis.com", "binaryauthorization.googleapis.com", "cloudbuild.googleapis.com", "cloudkms.googleapis.com", "cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com", "container.googleapis.com", "containeranalysis.googleapis.com", "sourcerepo.googleapis.com" ] iam = { "roles/storage.admin" = [module.sa.iam_email] "roles/logging.logWriter" = [ module.image_cb_sa.iam_email, module.app_cb_sa.iam_email ] "roles/container.viewer" = [module.app_cb_sa.iam_email] "roles/containeranalysis.occurrences.editor" = [module.image_cb_sa.iam_email] "roles/containeranalysis.notes.attacher" = [module.image_cb_sa.iam_email] } } module "vpc" { source = "../../../modules/net-vpc" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "${local.prefix}vpc" subnets = [ { ip_cidr_range = var.subnet_cidr_block name = "subnet" region = var.region secondary_ip_range = { pods = var.pods_cidr_block services = var.services_cidr_block } } ] } module "nat" { source = "../../../modules/net-cloudnat" project_id = module.project.project_id region = var.region name = "${local.prefix}nat" router_network = module.vpc.name } module "cluster" { source = "../../../modules/gke-cluster" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "${local.prefix}cluster" location = var.zone vpc_config = { network = module.vpc.self_link subnetwork = module.vpc.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/subnet"] } private_cluster_config = { enable_private_endpoint = false master_ipv4_cidr_block = var.master_cidr_block master_global_access = false } } module "cluster_nodepool" { source = "../../../modules/gke-nodepool" project_id = module.project.project_id cluster_name = module.cluster.name location = var.zone name = "nodepool" node_service_account_create = true initial_node_count = 3 } module "kms" { source = "../../../modules/kms" project_id = module.project.project_id keyring = { location = var.region, name = "test-keyring" } keyring_create = true keys = { test-key = null } key_purpose = { test-key = { purpose = "ASYMMETRIC_SIGN" version_template = { algorithm = "RSA_SIGN_PKCS1_4096_SHA512" protection_level = null } } } key_iam = { test-key = { "roles/cloudkms.publicKeyViewer" = [module.image_cb_sa.iam_email] "roles/cloudkms.signer" = [module.image_cb_sa.iam_email] } } } data "google_kms_crypto_key_version" "version" { crypto_key = module.kms.key_ids["test-key"] } module "binauthz" { source = "../../../modules/binauthz" project_id = module.project.project_id default_admission_rule = { evaluation_mode = "ALWAYS_DENY" enforcement_mode = "ENFORCED_BLOCK_AND_AUDIT_LOG" attestors = null } cluster_admission_rules = { "${var.zone}.${module.cluster.name}" = { evaluation_mode = "REQUIRE_ATTESTATION" enforcement_mode = "ENFORCED_BLOCK_AND_AUDIT_LOG" attestors = ["test-attestor"] } } attestors_config = { "test-attestor" : { note_reference = null pgp_public_keys = null pkix_public_keys = [{ id = data.google_kms_crypto_key_version.version.id public_key_pem = data.google_kms_crypto_key_version.version.public_key[0].pem signature_algorithm = data.google_kms_crypto_key_version.version.public_key[0].algorithm }] iam = { "roles/binaryauthorization.attestorsViewer" = [module.image_cb_sa.iam_email] } } } } module "docker_artifact_registry" { source = "../../../modules/artifact-registry" project_id = module.project.project_id location = var.region format = "DOCKER" id = "${local.prefix}registry" iam = { "roles/artifactregistry.writer" = [module.image_cb_sa.iam_email] "roles/artifactregistry.reader" = [module.cluster_nodepool.service_account_iam_email] } } module "image_cb_sa" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "sa-cb-image" } module "image_repo" { source = "../../../modules/source-repository" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "${local.prefix}image" triggers = { image-trigger = { filename = "cloudbuild.yaml" included_files = null service_account = module.image_cb_sa.id template = { branch_name = "main" project_id = module.project.project_id tag_name = null } substitutions = { _IMAGE = local.image _ATTESTOR = module.binauthz.attestors["test-attestor"].id _KEY_VERSION = data.google_kms_crypto_key_version.version.name } } } iam = { "roles/source.reader" = [module.image_cb_sa.iam_email] } } module "app_cb_sa" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "sa-cb-app" } module "app_repo" { source = "../../../modules/source-repository" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "${local.prefix}app" triggers = { app-trigger = { filename = "cloudbuild.yaml" included_files = null service_account = module.app_cb_sa.id template = { branch_name = "main" project_id = module.project.project_id tag_name = null } substitutions = { _ZONE = var.zone _CLUSTER = module.cluster.name } } } iam = { "roles/source.reader" = [module.app_cb_sa.iam_email] } } module "sa" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "sa-storage-api" iam = { "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" : ["serviceAccount:${module.cluster.cluster.project}.svc.id.goog[${local.k8s_ns}/${local.k8s_sa}]"] } } resource "local_file" "app_file" { content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/app.yaml.tpl", { k8s_ns = local.k8s_ns k8s_sa = local.k8s_sa google_sa = module.sa.email image = local.image }) filename = "${path.module}/app/app.yaml" file_permission = "0666" } resource "local_file" "rbac_file" { content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/tenant-setup.yaml.tpl", { k8s_ns = local.k8s_ns google_sa = module.app_cb_sa.email }) filename = "${path.module}/tenant-setup.yaml" file_permission = "0666" }