# Minimal Project Factory This module implements a minimal, opinionated project factory (see [Factories](../README.md) for rationale) that allows for the creation of projects. While the module can be invoked by manually populating the required variables, its interface is meant for the massive creation of resources leveraging a set of well-defined YaML documents, as shown in the examples below. The Project Factory is meant to be executed by a Service Account (or a regular user) having this minimal set of permissions over your resources: * **Org level** - a custom role for networking operations including the following permissions * `"compute.organizations.enableXpnResource"`, * `"compute.organizations.disableXpnResource"`, * `"compute.subnetworks.setIamPolicy"`, * `"dns.networks.bindPrivateDNSZone"` * and role `"roles/orgpolicy.policyAdmin"` * **on each folder** where projects will be created * `"roles/logging.admin"` * `"roles/owner"` * `"roles/resourcemanager.folderAdmin"` * `"roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator"` * **on the host project** for the Shared VPC/s * `"roles/browser"` * `"roles/compute.viewer"` * `"roles/dns.admin"` ## Example ### Directory structure ``` . ├── data │ ├── defaults.yaml │ └── projects │ ├── project-example-one.yaml │ ├── project-example-two.yaml │ └── project-example-three.yaml ├── main.tf └── terraform.tfvars ``` ### Terraform code ```hcl locals { defaults = yamldecode(file(local._defaults_file)) projects = { for f in fileset("${local._data_dir}", "**/*.yaml") : trimsuffix(f, ".yaml") => yamldecode(file("${local._data_dir}/${f}")) } # these are usually set via variables _base_dir = "./fabric/blueprints/factories/project-factory" _data_dir = "${local._base_dir}/sample-data/projects/" _defaults_file = "${local._base_dir}/sample-data/defaults.yaml" } module "projects" { source = "./fabric/blueprints/factories/project-factory" for_each = local.projects defaults = local.defaults project_id = each.key descriptive_name = try(each.value.descriptive_name, null) billing_account_id = try(each.value.billing_account_id, null) billing_alert = try(each.value.billing_alert, null) dns_zones = try(each.value.dns_zones, []) essential_contacts = try(each.value.essential_contacts, []) folder_id = each.value.folder_id group_iam = try(each.value.group_iam, {}) iam = try(each.value.iam, {}) kms_service_agents = try(each.value.kms_service_agents, {}) labels = try(each.value.labels, {}) org_policies = try(each.value.org_policies, {}) prefix = each.value.prefix service_accounts = try(each.value.service_accounts, {}) services = try(each.value.services, []) service_identities_iam = try(each.value.service_identities_iam, {}) vpc = try(each.value.vpc, null) } # tftest modules=7 resources=34 inventory=example.yaml ``` ### Projects configuration ```yaml # ./data/defaults.yaml # The following applies as overridable defaults for all projects # All attributes are required billing_account_id: 012345-67890A-BCDEF0 billing_alert: amount: 1000 thresholds: current: [0.5, 0.8] forecasted: [0.5, 0.8] credit_treatment: INCLUDE_ALL_CREDITS environment_dns_zone: prod.gcp.example.com essential_contacts: [] labels: environment: production department: legal application: my-legal-bot notification_channels: [] shared_vpc_self_link: https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project-example-host-project/global/networks/vpc-one vpc_host_project: project-example-host-project ``` ```yaml # ./data/projects/project-example-one.yaml # One file per project - projects will be named after the filename # [opt] Billing account id - overrides default if set billing_account_id: 012345-67890A-BCDEF0 # [opt] Billing alerts config - overrides default if set billing_alert: amount: 10 thresholds: current: - 0.5 - 0.8 forecasted: [] # [opt] DNS zones to be created as children of the environment_dns_zone defined in defaults dns_zones: - lorem - ipsum # [opt] Contacts for billing alerts and important notifications essential_contacts: - team-a-contacts@example.com # Folder the project will be created as children of folder_id: folders/012345678901 # [opt] Authoritative IAM bindings in group => [roles] format group_iam: test-team-foobar@fast-lab-0.gcp-pso-italy.net: - roles/compute.admin # [opt] Authoritative IAM bindings in role => [principals] format # Generally used to grant roles to service accounts external to the project iam: roles/compute.admin: - serviceAccount:service-account # [opt] Service robots and keys they will be assigned as cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter # in service => [keys] format kms_service_agents: compute: [key1, key2] storage: [key1, key2] # [opt] Labels for the project - merged with the ones defined in defaults labels: environment: prod # [opt] Org policy overrides defined at project level org_policies: compute.disableGuestAttributesAccess: rules: - enforce: true compute.trustedImageProjects: rules: - allow: values: - projects/fast-dev-iac-core-0 compute.vmExternalIpAccess: rules: - deny: all: true # [opt] Service account to create for the project and their roles on the project # in name => [roles] format service_accounts: another-service-account: - roles/compute.admin my-service-account: - roles/compute.admin # [opt] IAM bindings on the service account resources. # in name => {role => [members]} format service_accounts_iam: another-service-account: - roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator: - group: app-team-1@example.com # [opt] APIs to enable on the project. services: - storage.googleapis.com - stackdriver.googleapis.com - compute.googleapis.com # [opt] Roles to assign to the robots service accounts in robot => [roles] format services_iam: compute: - roles/storage.objectViewer # [opt] VPC setup. # If set enables the `compute.googleapis.com` service and configures # service project attachment vpc: # [opt] If set, enables the container API gke_setup: # Grants "roles/container.hostServiceAgentUser" to the container robot if set enable_host_service_agent: false # Grants "roles/compute.securityAdmin" to the container robot if set enable_security_admin: true # Host project the project will be service project of host_project: fast-prod-net-spoke-0 # [opt] Subnets in the host project where principals will be granted networkUser # in region/subnet-name => [principals] subnets_iam: europe-west1/prod-default-ew1: - user:foobar@example.com - serviceAccount:service-account1@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com ``` ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | [billing_account_id](variables.tf#L17) | Billing account id. | string | ✓ | | | [prefix](variables.tf#L144) | Prefix used for resource names. | string | ✓ | | | [project_id](variables.tf#L153) | Project id. | string | ✓ | | | [billing_alert](variables.tf#L22) | Billing alert configuration. | object({…}) | | null | | [defaults](variables.tf#L35) | Project factory default values. | object({…}) | | null | | [descriptive_name](variables.tf#L57) | Name of the project name. Used for project name instead of `name` variable. | string | | null | | [dns_zones](variables.tf#L63) | DNS private zones to create as child of var.defaults.environment_dns_zone. | list(string) | | [] | | [essential_contacts](variables.tf#L69) | Email contacts to be used for billing and GCP notifications. | list(string) | | [] | | [folder_id](variables.tf#L75) | Folder ID for the folder where the project will be created. | string | | null | | [group_iam](variables.tf#L81) | Custom IAM settings in group => [role] format. | map(list(string)) | | {} | | [group_iam_additive](variables.tf#L87) | Custom additive IAM settings in group => [role] format. | map(list(string)) | | {} | | [iam](variables.tf#L93) | Custom IAM settings in role => [principal] format. | map(list(string)) | | {} | | [iam_additive](variables.tf#L99) | Custom additive IAM settings in role => [principal] format. | map(list(string)) | | {} | | [kms_service_agents](variables.tf#L105) | KMS IAM configuration in as service => [key]. | map(list(string)) | | {} | | [labels](variables.tf#L111) | Labels to be assigned at project level. | map(string) | | {} | | [org_policies](variables.tf#L117) | Org-policy overrides at project level. | map(object({…})) | | {} | | [service_accounts](variables.tf#L158) | Service accounts to be created, and roles assigned them on the project. | map(list(string)) | | {} | | [service_accounts_additive](variables.tf#L164) | Service accounts to be created, and roles assigned them on the project additively. | map(list(string)) | | {} | | [service_accounts_iam](variables.tf#L170) | IAM bindings on service account resources. Format is KEY => {ROLE => [MEMBERS]}. | map(map(list(string))) | | {} | | [service_accounts_iam_additive](variables.tf#L177) | IAM additive bindings on service account resources. Format is KEY => {ROLE => [MEMBERS]}. | map(map(list(string))) | | {} | | [service_identities_iam](variables.tf#L184) | Custom IAM settings for service identities in service => [role] format. | map(list(string)) | | {} | | [service_identities_iam_additive](variables.tf#L191) | Custom additive IAM settings for service identities in service => [role] format. | map(list(string)) | | {} | | [services](variables.tf#L198) | Services to be enabled for the project. | list(string) | | [] | | [vpc](variables.tf#L205) | VPC configuration for the project. | object({…}) | | null | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | [project](outputs.tf#L19) | The project resource as return by the `project` module. | | | [project_id](outputs.tf#L29) | Project ID. | |