# skip boilerplate check # [opt] Billing account id - overrides default if set billing_account_id: 012345-67890A-BCDEF0 # [opt] Billing alerts config - overrides default if set billing_alert: amount: 10 thresholds: current: - 0.5 - 0.8 forecasted: [] credit_treatment: INCLUDE_ALL_CREDITS # [opt] DNS zones to be created as children of the environment_dns_zone defined in defaults dns_zones: - lorem - ipsum # [opt] Contacts for billing alerts and important notifications essential_contacts: - team-a-contacts@example.com # Folder the project will be created as children of folder_id: folders/012345678901 # [opt] Authoritative IAM bindings in group => [roles] format group_iam: test-team-foobar@fast-lab-0.gcp-pso-italy.net: - roles/compute.admin # [opt] Authoritative IAM bindings in role => [principals] format # Generally used to grant roles to service accounts external to the project iam: roles/compute.admin: - serviceAccount:service-account # [opt] Service robots and keys they will be assigned as cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter # in service => [keys] format kms_service_agents: compute: [key1, key2] storage: [key1, key2] # [opt] Labels for the project - merged with the ones defined in defaults labels: environment: dev2 costcenter: apps # [opt] Org policy overrides defined at project level org_policies: compute.disableGuestAttributesAccess: rules: - enforce: true compute.trustedImageProjects: rules: - allow: values: - projects/fast-dev-iac-core-0 compute.vmExternalIpAccess: rules: - deny: all: true # [opt] Prefix - overrides default if set prefix: test1 # [opt] Service account to create for the project and their roles on the project # in name => [roles] format service_accounts: another-service-account: - roles/compute.admin my-service-account: - roles/compute.adminv1 # [opt] APIs to enable on the project. services: - storage.googleapis.com - stackdriver.googleapis.com - compute.googleapis.com # [opt] Roles to assign to the service identities in service => [roles] format service_identities_iam: compute: - roles/storage.objectViewer # [opt] VPC setup. # If set enables the `compute.googleapis.com` service and configures # service project attachment vpc: # [opt] If set, enables the container API gke_setup: # Grants "roles/container.hostServiceAgentUser" to the container robot if set enable_host_service_agent: false # Grants "roles/compute.securityAdmin" to the container robot if set enable_security_admin: true # Host project the project will be service project of host_project: fast-dev-net-spoke-0 # [opt] Subnets in the host project where principals will be granted networkUser # in region/subnet-name => [principals] subnets_iam: europe-west1/dev-default-ew1: - user:foobar@example.com - serviceAccount:my-service-account