/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ locals { discovery_roles = ["roles/compute.viewer", "roles/cloudasset.viewer"] } resource "random_string" "default" { count = var.cloud_function_config.bucket_name == null ? 1 : 0 length = 8 special = false upper = false } module "project" { source = "../../../../modules/project" name = var.project_id billing_account = try(var.project_create_config.billing_account_id, null) labels = var.project_create_config != null ? var.labels : null parent = try(var.project_create_config.parent_id, null) project_create = var.project_create_config != null services = [ "cloudasset.googleapis.com", "cloudbuild.googleapis.com", "cloudfunctions.googleapis.com", "cloudscheduler.googleapis.com", "compute.googleapis.com", "monitoring.googleapis.com" ] } module "pubsub" { source = "../../../../modules/pubsub" project_id = module.project.project_id name = var.name regions = [var.region] subscriptions = { "${var.name}-default" = null } } module "cloud-function" { source = "../../../../modules/cloud-function" project_id = module.project.project_id name = var.name bucket_name = coalesce( var.cloud_function_config.bucket_name, "${var.name}-${random_string.default.0.id}" ) bucket_config = { location = var.region } build_worker_pool = var.cloud_function_config.build_worker_pool_id bundle_config = { source_dir = var.cloud_function_config.source_dir output_path = var.cloud_function_config.bundle_path } environment_variables = ( var.cloud_function_config.debug != true ? {} : { DEBUG = "1" } ) function_config = { entry_point = "main_cf_pubsub" memory_mb = var.cloud_function_config.memory_mb timeout_seconds = var.cloud_function_config.timeout_seconds } service_account_create = true trigger_config = { v1 = { event = "google.pubsub.topic.publish" resource = module.pubsub.topic.id } } } resource "google_cloud_scheduler_job" "default" { project = var.project_id region = var.region name = var.name schedule = var.schedule_config time_zone = "UTC" pubsub_target { attributes = {} topic_name = module.pubsub.topic.id data = base64encode(jsonencode({ discovery_root = var.discovery_config.discovery_root folders = var.discovery_config.monitored_folders projects = var.discovery_config.monitored_projects monitoring_project = module.project.project_id custom_quota = ( var.discovery_config.custom_quota_file == null ? { networks = {}, projects = {} } : yamldecode(file(var.discovery_config.custom_quota_file)) ) })) } } resource "google_organization_iam_member" "discovery" { for_each = toset( var.grant_discovery_iam_roles && startswith(var.discovery_config.discovery_root, "organizations/") ? local.discovery_roles : [] ) org_id = split("/", var.discovery_config.discovery_root)[1] role = each.key member = module.cloud-function.service_account_iam_email } resource "google_folder_iam_member" "discovery" { for_each = toset( var.grant_discovery_iam_roles && startswith(var.discovery_config.discovery_root, "folders/") ? local.discovery_roles : [] ) folder = var.discovery_config.discovery_root role = each.key member = module.cloud-function.service_account_iam_email } resource "google_project_iam_member" "monitoring" { project = module.project.project_id role = "roles/monitoring.metricWriter" member = module.cloud-function.service_account_iam_email } resource "google_monitoring_dashboard" "dashboard" { count = var.dashboard_json_path == null ? 0 : 1 project = var.project_id dashboard_json = file(var.dashboard_json_path) }