/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ # tfdoc:file:description Health check variable. variable "health_check_configs" { description = "Optional auto-created health check configurations, use the output self-link to set it in the auto healing policy. Refer to examples for usage." type = map(object({ check_interval_sec = optional(number) description = optional(string, "Terraform managed.") enable_logging = optional(bool, false) healthy_threshold = optional(number) project_id = optional(string) timeout_sec = optional(number) unhealthy_threshold = optional(number) grpc = optional(object({ port = optional(number) port_name = optional(string) port_specification = optional(string) # USE_FIXED_PORT USE_NAMED_PORT USE_SERVING_PORT service_name = optional(string) })) http = optional(object({ host = optional(string) port = optional(number) port_name = optional(string) port_specification = optional(string) # USE_FIXED_PORT USE_NAMED_PORT USE_SERVING_PORT proxy_header = optional(string) request_path = optional(string) response = optional(string) })) http2 = optional(object({ host = optional(string) port = optional(number) port_name = optional(string) port_specification = optional(string) # USE_FIXED_PORT USE_NAMED_PORT USE_SERVING_PORT proxy_header = optional(string) request_path = optional(string) response = optional(string) })) https = optional(object({ host = optional(string) port = optional(number) port_name = optional(string) port_specification = optional(string) # USE_FIXED_PORT USE_NAMED_PORT USE_SERVING_PORT proxy_header = optional(string) request_path = optional(string) response = optional(string) })) tcp = optional(object({ port = optional(number) port_name = optional(string) port_specification = optional(string) # USE_FIXED_PORT USE_NAMED_PORT USE_SERVING_PORT proxy_header = optional(string) request = optional(string) response = optional(string) })) ssl = optional(object({ port = optional(number) port_name = optional(string) port_specification = optional(string) # USE_FIXED_PORT USE_NAMED_PORT USE_SERVING_PORT proxy_header = optional(string) request = optional(string) response = optional(string) })) })) default = { default = { http = { port_specification = "USE_SERVING_PORT" } } } validation { condition = alltrue([ for k, v in var.health_check_configs : ( (try(v.grpc, null) == null ? 0 : 1) + (try(v.http, null) == null ? 0 : 1) + (try(v.tcp, null) == null ? 0 : 1) <= 1 ) ]) error_message = "Only one health check type can be configured at a time." } validation { condition = alltrue(flatten([ for k, v in var.health_check_configs : [ for kk, vv in v : contains([ "-", "USE_FIXED_PORT", "USE_NAMED_PORT", "USE_SERVING_PORT" ], coalesce(try(vv.port_specification, null), "-")) ] ])) error_message = "Invalid 'port_specification' value. Supported values are 'USE_FIXED_PORT', 'USE_NAMED_PORT', 'USE_SERVING_PORT'." } }