# M4CE(v5) - Single Project This blueprint creates a simple M4CE (v5) environment deployed on a single [host project](https://cloud.google.com/migrate/compute-engine/docs/5.0/how-to/enable-services#identifying_your_host_project). The blueprint is designed for quick tests or product demos where it is required to setup a simple and minimal M4CE (v5) environment. It also includes the IAM wiring needed to make such scenarios work. This is the high level diagram: ![High-level diagram](diagram.png "High-level diagram") ## Managed resources and services This sample creates several distinct groups of resources: - projects - M4CE host project with [required services](https://cloud.google.com/migrate/compute-engine/docs/5.0/how-to/enable-services#enabling_required_services_on_the_host_project) deployed on a new or existing project. - networking - Default VPC network - IAM - One [service account](https://cloud.google.com/migrate/virtual-machines/docs/5.0/how-to/migrate-connector#step-3) used at runtime by the M4CE connector for data replication - Grant [migration admin roles](https://cloud.google.com/migrate/virtual-machines/docs/5.0/how-to/enable-services#using_predefined_roles) to admin user accounts - Grant [migration viewer role](https://cloud.google.com/migrate/virtual-machines/docs/5.0/how-to/enable-services#using_predefined_roles) to viewer user accounts ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | [migration_admin_users](variables.tf#L15) | List of users authorized to create a new M4CE sources and perform all other migration operations, in IAM format. | list(string) | ✓ | | | [migration_viewer_users](variables.tf#L20) | List of users authorized to retrieve information about M4CE in the Google Cloud Console, in IAM format. | list(string) | | [] | | [project_create](variables.tf#L26) | Parameters for the creation of the new project to host the M4CE backend. | object({…}) | | null | | [project_name](variables.tf#L35) | Name of an existing project or of the new project assigned as M4CE host an target project. | string | | "m4ce-host-project-000" | | [vpc_config](variables.tf#L41) | Parameters to create a simple VPC on the M4CE project. | object({…}) | | {…} | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | [m4ce_gmanaged_service_account](outputs.tf#L15) | Google managed service account created automatically during the migrate connector registration. It is used by M4CE to perform activities on target projects. | | ## Test ```hcl module "test" { source = "./fabric/blueprints/cloud-operations/vm-migration/single-project" project_create = { billing_account_id = "1234-ABCD-1234" parent = "folders/1234563" } migration_admin_users = ["user:admin@example.com"] migration_viewer_users = ["user:viewer@example.com"] } # tftest modules=5 resources=20 ```