/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ # tfdoc:file:description CI/CD resources for the data platform branch. # source repositories module "branch-gke-dev-cicd-repo" { source = "../../../modules/source-repository" for_each = ( try(local.cicd_repositories.gke_dev.type, null) == "sourcerepo" ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.gke_dev } : {} ) project_id = var.automation.project_id name = each.value.name iam = { "roles/source.admin" = compact([ try(module.branch-gke-dev-sa.0.iam_email, "") ]) "roles/source.reader" = compact([ try(module.branch-gke-dev-sa-cicd.0.iam_email, "") ]) } triggers = { fast-03-gke-dev = { filename = ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml" included_files = [ "**/*json", "**/*tf", "**/*yaml", ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml" ] service_account = module.branch-gke-dev-sa-cicd.0.id substitutions = {} template = { project_id = null branch_name = each.value.branch repo_name = each.value.name tag_name = null } } } depends_on = [module.branch-gke-dev-sa-cicd] } module "branch-gke-prod-cicd-repo" { source = "../../../modules/source-repository" for_each = ( try(local.cicd_repositories.gke_prod.type, null) == "sourcerepo" ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.gke_prod } : {} ) project_id = var.automation.project_id name = each.value.name iam = { "roles/source.admin" = [module.branch-gke-prod-sa.0.iam_email] "roles/source.reader" = [module.branch-gke-prod-sa-cicd.0.iam_email] } triggers = { fast-03-gke-prod = { filename = ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml" included_files = [ "**/*json", "**/*tf", "**/*yaml", ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml" ] service_account = module.branch-gke-prod-sa-cicd.0.id substitutions = {} template = { project_id = null branch_name = each.value.branch repo_name = each.value.name tag_name = null } } } depends_on = [module.branch-gke-prod-sa-cicd] } # SAs used by CI/CD workflows to impersonate automation SAs module "branch-gke-dev-sa-cicd" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" for_each = ( try(local.cicd_repositories.gke_dev.name, null) != null ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.gke_dev } : {} ) project_id = var.automation.project_id name = "dev-resman-gke-1" display_name = "Terraform CI/CD GKE development service account." prefix = var.prefix iam = ( each.value.type == "sourcerepo" # used directly from the cloud build trigger for source repos ? { "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" = local.automation_resman_sa_iam } # impersonated via workload identity federation for external repos : { "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [ each.value.branch == null ? format( local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl, var.automation.federated_identity_pool, each.value.name ) : format( local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl, var.automation.federated_identity_pool, each.value.name, each.value.branch ) ] } ) iam_project_roles = { (var.automation.project_id) = ["roles/logging.logWriter"] } iam_storage_roles = { (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"] } } module "branch-gke-prod-sa-cicd" { source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account" for_each = ( try(local.cicd_repositories.gke_prod.name, null) != null ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.gke_prod } : {} ) project_id = var.automation.project_id name = "prod-resman-gke-1" display_name = "Terraform CI/CD GKE production service account." prefix = var.prefix iam = ( each.value.type == "sourcerepo" # used directly from the cloud build trigger for source repos ? { "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" = local.automation_resman_sa_iam } # impersonated via workload identity federation for external repos : { "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [ each.value.branch == null ? format( local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl, var.automation.federated_identity_pool, each.value.name ) : format( local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl, var.automation.federated_identity_pool, each.value.name, each.value.branch ) ] } ) iam_project_roles = { (var.automation.project_id) = ["roles/logging.logWriter"] } iam_storage_roles = { (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"] } }